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Everything posted by odizzido

  1. Perhaps it might take some effort, but it really would solve a lot of problems. I consistently get jammed up on small objects in TLD and removing that issue would be a pretty nice playability bonus for me. Maybe they wouldn't have to worry about every little thing on the maps then since people wouldn't be getting stuck nearly as often.
  2. I am neither for or against jumping. I think having jump would solve all of my issues though. What I really want is to be able to step over twigs. Getting jammed up on all these tiny things that I could just step over in real life is sucky. I never know which item is too high and what isn't which leaves me guessing and back tracking. Having to turn back to fight a bear because a little ankle high rock was in the way of the path you chose is frustrating. It's the same problem with hills. You never know which hill is that one degree over the maximum you can get up. Having a little bit of a darker texture so we can see which hills are doable would be really helpful I think. I think a lot of the problem is that I know I can personally get up much steeper hills so it becomes hard to judge what our amazingly competent yet incompetent character can do.
  3. odizzido

    Paint Can v2

    Yeah. A couple days ago I tried using paint for navigating indoors in the dark, but it was too dark and I couldn't see it. Really what we need is the inside to be lighter if it's light outside. Assuming there are windows of course. Currently there is a big disconnect between houses and the outside world. It's just weird.
  4. I forget stuff sometimes. Like a bedroll. Which is awful. A little bit ago I went on a climb to the TWM summit plane and about 80% of the way there, well past the point of return, I realised I had left it in pleasant valley. Since we can't actually sleep without one this is a major issue. Thankfully I had enough coffee on me to manage.
  5. Ah okay, it's the don't ask don't tell thing people do all the time at the grocery store because the reality of what happens when you buy meat is too unpalatable. I will try to remember that people don't like being reminded that almost every day they support much much worse than what I described.
  6. huh, okay. I still don't understand if it's the idea or the words used. It's correct terminology and what I described(mostly) happens every day and in the game. Is it just too uncomfortable to even mention for people? Was the A word too much? I am not sure. edit------- I should mention that what I am talking about here is normal every day work stuff for me. I guess I won't talk about it much but I have have heaps of animal body parts all around me. My question is a serious one. I don't know what is too much for you guys.
  7. Was it the language or the idea?
  8. he does? I mean I think it would be cool to have some differences, like Astrid consumes fewer calories, Will carries more, etc. I will have to check it out. If there is a difference there I wonder what other differences there are?
  9. I just dump everything on the floor if I don't have space. If I didn't have an autoclicker I would probably hate picking up 100 sticks though. When I look at building storage though I can't see any actual gameplay advantages to having buildable containers, it's all about how people want to organise their space. I see no reason why it shouldn't exist.
  10. Hot dogs should be easy to make in TLD. You first need to cut out the anus and poop tube, don't clean it or anything, then stuff the hooves and snout in that poop tube. Cook it over a fire for a little and you're good to go.
  11. The front post should be lined up right inbetween and level with the rear....two posts? The idea is to make a straight line from the back of the gun, to the front of the gun, all the way to the target.
  12. A lot of people don't like the new looping wolf music it seems. I don't play TLD enough for it to matter much to me but I suspect I would start hating it. One thing you could try, assuming it's something that is messed up, is redownloading or verifying the game. If you got it on steam(ing garbage) then you can use verify game integrity or whatever they call it.
  13. There is a thread on this forum titled something like "times you say screw it and just kill yourself".......shouldn't this be in there?
  14. odizzido


    Oh okay I didn't know that. Thanks for correcting me
  15. I wouldn't want to live anywhere in TLD I don't think. It's too remote and it would not be good for me for a few reasons. Not for a visit or summer pleasant Valley would be good if I could learn some farming stuff. Broken railroad would be good if people taught me mechanic stuff. If I were not able to study then I think either hushed River Valley or Timberwolf mountains would be good. For a visit.
  16. It should be separated out between PC and console simply because of keyboard and mouse vs controller. That's an unfair advantage already. Personally I am not interested in competition but it would likely need to be a game with Birch bark and health Regen disabled so people will actually die. Maybe have a third section for "the thing that gets you banned because control freak"
  17. The outcome of having heat exhaustion would be micromanaging clothing in a way that's completely formulaic. If temperature too high take clothes off, if too low put clothes on. There is no real decision to make or benefit to have by not following that simple if condition so it's just added tedium.
  18. So vitamins and minerals can mostly be gotten from animal sources if you eat the organs which I assume we do. I am not sure, but the birch bark tea we have may also be a good enough source of vitamin C. This leaves K and potassium as the bigger holes, both of which you can get from seaweed. I feel like malnutrition could be simplified into eating both animals and seaweed. Scurvy could be a thing though, and cured with birchbark tea. I feel like the idea of debuff stacking could work well with scurvy. lvl 1 you are more tired, lvl 2 you don't heal as fast, and lvl 3 you don't heal at all. When I look at adding and requiring seaweed, you would end up making coastal regions the place to be since they would have everything you need. I liked the idea of map specific resources, perhaps something that is inland that will encourage movement between the sea and more inland locations. Having resource gathering excursions sounds like it could help the late game tedium I end up getting. As to getting carbs, I know people who pretty much don't eat them and haven't for a few years. They're eating almost all fat and protein, heavier on the fat side. Now I don't know what the long term effects of doing this will be....I am not sure anyone does yet, but in the time scales of TLD this wouldn't be an issue IMO. I don't think requiring carbs as the largest part of your diet is something I am a fan of. I am also not a fan of the idea of eggs since it would really not be the season for finding those. I think that finding alternatives to these as map specific resources would better for me. Anyways if hinterland looked at adding all of this as a custom game setting(s) that we can play around with and work on I think that would be cool. Some people don't want this in the game so just leave it out of the standard settings so just leave it out of those so they don't complain.
  19. Thanks for not doing crunch Heh, saying thanks for treating employees with minimum respect...I realise how sad the game industry is when I said that. Poor game devs everywhere else.
  20. We will forever disagree, but that's fine because I can play with cabin fever disabled and you can keep using it. We're both happy that way.
  21. I agree it's not a bug, it's working exactly as designed. Unfortunately the design is garbage in the case here and should be redesigned.
  22. PV farm has wolves nearby but I don't recall ever being attacked outside the door unless I have brought them with me for a meat delivery.
  23. The building with the forge in broken railroad seemed to be packed with wolves when I checked it out. What they eat I have no idea but it is.
  24. If we get a double barrel shotgun and can reload it exactly like you can in doom2 that would be funny enough to add in.