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Everything posted by odizzido

  1. You don't have to try to get the badge. Let is slip away like I did. It's much better that way.
  2. The cattails are OP and all the meat is underpowered. Especially rabbit meat. Rabbit meat IRL is about 1700 kcal/kg compared to the 500 or so in the game. The numbers in the game were chosen based off some gameplay objective and has little to do with reality.
  3. Yeah I agree. If they have time I think they should add them in. Otherwise I think they should probably focus on other things because it really doesn't change anything gameplay wise.
  4. odizzido

    Canada Day

    I think what might be cool is some old radio shows that are out of copyright. Like the shadow or something. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-scB7ndNUVQ edit--------- One thing I would like to say is I really hope oh canada doesn't play. It's a terrible song.
  5. Even on low and maximum wildlife decrease you may find there are too many wolves, but you can try it and see in a custom game.
  6. The decrease over time, from my understanding, drops the number of animals some but only to a certain point. I don't see it making too big of a difference so I don't really have much of an opinion on this. I don't know the numbers though. Something I would like to try out and see how it feels is drop the number of all animals significantly, increase the roaming area of them, and also make foot prints last a lot longer but decay with wind+snow. That way animals are less predictable as to where they are but if you're observant you can track them down in the right weather. Or you can get lucky. Now obviously you would get a lot less meat overall so the amount of calories on each animal would need to be bumped. I would probably bump the cal/kg to realistic amounts(1870 on deer at cooking 5, for example) and increase the number of kg of meat on each animal as well. Each kill can be harder to get, but more rewarding. Personally I think that sounds more fun than swarms of animals everywhere in their tight little areas. But I've never tried it so I can't say yet. I find once you start actually playing around with ideas you get a much better idea of what works and doesn't in the actual game. And anyways nobody knows how modable this game will be either so who knows what is even possible.
  7. I would likely go with the purse too. Moving faster means less time spent outside which is the same as having warmer clothing, in terms of distance you can travel. Plus the purse will still be good after you find better clothing.
  8. hahaha. Ahhhh good stuff. I really do like getting lost in a blizzard.
  9. odizzido

    Canada Day

    I was originally going to say programming in fireworks might be a lot of effort, at least relative to some chips, but then I thought it might be cool if you could use them to scare off those 500 wolves wandering around the train car you want to investigate. Useful and pretty. Sounds decent to me.
  10. I don't think there is a single answer for this. My question is what is your limiting factor? Are you being killed by wolves? The cloak is good for protection. If it's the cold that's killing you maybe the cloak could be good for a while if you have nothing better, but if you're always heavy and slow the satchel might be better as you can get from point A to point B more quickly. So, are you limited by carry weight? Wolf damage? Just the cold? If you figure that out you will have the answer for your particular situation.
  11. I really liked dying when I first started this, but I know I am in the minority for this.
  12. Yeah. I was hoping that the devs would have chose -10 because that was the temperature where something changed and it would offer a different style of play. I guess 10 was just a round number. Oh well, a lot of people seem to like it so that's good.
  13. Oh yeah. Actually I didn't think of that. I have played like one or two games like that but I think by staying away from mobile and AAA I've missed almost all of them.
  14. Yeah things can get funky when updates are hitting you and changing the game as you play it.
  15. I have never once gotten frost bite. Being stuck at 30% life is pretty brutal haha geez. Frost bite is really bad though, IRL, and honestly 10% perma condition loss seems like a slap on the wrist. I would say you will soon slip into the long dark.
  16. It's in game days, it almost has to be. To do 25 days of real time within the month this event is running for people would have to sleep four hours a day and then every other waking moment be playing TLD. No time for shopping or cooking, unless you don't want to sleep that day
  17. I find it likely they want to do it the way they did for the achievement stuff. Hinterland has already shown they don't want to have them in custom games because they're worried people could make really easy games and get them. If they put winter's embrace in a custom game they would disable achievements and then a lot of people would be unhappy.
  18. Did it change how you play at all? Or was it more of the same but it took longer to get to positive temps?
  19. Yeah, and I don't think it's a mistake to make the game accessible to everyone. I encourage it generally. Apart from modding, I do wish we had more control over custom games though so us hardcore people could get what we want. I guess when you've been playing games for 30 years that's what happens.
  20. I think I am remembering incorrectly, from what I am reading. I should find that episode and see what he actually said. Maybe I just misunderstood at the time.
  21. I think finding a bottle in hushed River would be difficult. While it is true all Canadians bring a litre bottle of maple syrup with them on hiking trips it's also true that it is the first item to be consumed, likely within the first 5-10mins of the trip.
  22. There are certainly enough animals though. I thought any snow that had a slightly pink color should be avoided for giardia? I mean yellow too, yes. And brown especially. I am not an expert or anything. I just seen to remember the pink thing from survivor man
  23. May be a coveted maple syrup cache. I hear Canadians are a strange people...
  24. Yeah. I wish I could cut the number of wolves by like 10-20X but make them much deadlier somehow.
  25. seems like a cake walk to me, but I have stopped playing after around six in-game days. I don't think I will go back.