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Everything posted by odizzido

  1. That post was almost certainly made by a bot.
  2. I still really have a problem with food decaying when it's well below zero all the time everywhere. Food decay should just be disabled IMO. Or they should add heating houses as a thing and allow food to decay as it gets warmer inside. I am all for trying out not eating frozen stuff, including water. It could be interesting.
  3. I think that would be fine. I also think it would be neat if we could read some books too using the same system. Just have some out of copyright ones in there. I don't think I would really read but I am quite sure some people would and it would be a neat little touch.
  4. Bear is an unlimited resource. If you didn't need the other half then spending time harvesting it would have been a waste. Not harvesting what you don't need is the better choice. Of course if your objective in the game is something other than the most efficient means of survival then perhaps it was wasted.
  5. I often wish we could stab things outside of QTEs. It happens.
  6. I have always liked the idea of making jerky. I still think meat should just not decay even inside where it's always below freezing so I don't care about the preservation aspect. But cutting down on weight and reducing smell could give you ways to prepare for longer distance travel. I am generally in favor of having things you can do to prepare.
  7. Oh no. No no no. This is the long dark. The chemical hand warmers must be 5kg. Each. Minimum.
  8. Yeah, it's a thing. I don't think it's a bug, it's just not as well made as it could be. There are other issues as well, such as releasing an arrow but it doesn't count if the wolf is too close. Wolf timing could use work generally. Wolves generally could use work, really.
  9. Okay. But we can do the same with any of them. Why is deer/bear/moose meat less than half the calories of actual meat? If you cut the weight in half you would at least be close. @TiffTastic haha I didn't know about the lead socks. A six pack of socks is the same weight as like an axe. Like an actual axe, not a little hatchet.
  10. So I was replying to another thread and noticed the weights of items in TLD are just wacky. An average knife seems to be around 300g compared to 500g for the one in this game and I found weights on four hatchets ranging from 566g-930g with an average of 700g. The one in the game is more than double that at 1500. Why are the weights in this game so off? Why not have more realistic weights but then just cut our max carry weight? I personally tried carrying weights up a mountain and it's really frickin hard. Our character has like olympic endurance and strength with the speed at which we can haul 50kg up a hill. But are they really? With all the inflated weights I bet our actual carry weight is less than half of what it says. I bet if we cut down weights to real levels and then cut our carry capacity to match it would be a lot more reasonable and our character would be a lot more human. So why do we have all these inflated numbers? Why is real rabbit meat 446% of the calories of the rabbit meat in this game? We wouldn't need to be a body building sprinting champion if the weights in this game were closer to reality.
  11. From my experience multitools are really common in canada. I have one on me right now and I know many other people do as well. They're never as good as a dedicated tool but often times they are good enough and come with the massive benefit of being super portable. I find it highly likely you would have access to them. Thinking about how that would help gameplay wise though is another thing. In TLD all we really need is a knife so it might not be very useful. I was going to comment on the weight of the knife. My multitool is probably about 80-100 grams and the knife in TLD is 500g.....but that made me realise that the knife in this game is really on the high end of heavy. I am looking online right now to try to find a knife that heavy and I haven't seen any. 200-400g is pretty common and 400+ is quite rare. I found a specifically marketed as a large knife and it's only 430g. Seeing that I just took a look at some hatchets. I found the following ones, 630g, 930g, 566g, and 680g. The one in TLD is 1500g. Where on bear island are the residents finding these super heavy tools? Sorry I am getting off topic now.....going to start a new thread.
  12. As someone who has actually spent a fair amount of time playing with a controller(RE4 on PS2 mostly) you can get okay. You will never be good though, it's impossible. Still, it's pretty cool that we can play games like this on tiny devices these days. Hats off to all the clever scientists and engineers who have made it possible to build such ridiculously tiny things so that we can virtually freeze to death in a blizzard on a handheld device.
  13. I play a number of games, including ones much much harder than this one, without "save scumming". It depends on the type of game but I often find that much more fun and it totally changes how I play. But that's me and I know not everyone wants to play like that. Whatever is fun for you is the way you should play IMO.
  14. What might be cool is if the notebook were an actual book you could open up while still seeing the world around you. I know it's much higher effort, but it sounds neat.
  15. Twigs and pebbles are the most frightening thing in TLD. When you're trying to position yourself well to handle whatever happens those are the things that are likely to kill you as you get jammed up on them. At least for me.
  16. Alcohol doesn't make you warmer and compasses don't work in TLD world. I still think it might be cool for a compass to be in the game, if only just in the story mode where Will looks at it when he crashes and sees it spinning around uselessly.
  17. It's a single player game, you should be able to play how you want to. It's not harming anyone elses enjoyment.
  18. I think what would be cool for interloper people is simply to have all the clothing options available as rare loot and just drop the temperature by the same amount. The difficulty remains pretty close and it gives a reason to explore
  19. If you run limited ray tracing sure. Otherwise there is no hope. Also how far does the tracing go? 50m, 150m....1km? Is light bouncing off clouds and everything? How many bounces before it drops the ray? So let's be clear, full proper ray tracing is still quite some time off from being usable if it ever happens. The best we can do is apply it to a limited few effects and then limit those effects. Also I don't get the feeling that hinterland will ever play to the strengths of superior systems. It's the lowest common denominator all the way.
  20. Ray tracing has a massive performance hit and from what I recall TLD devs are struggling with performance already. Also until ray tracing becomes standardised and supported across the industry it's likely going to stay a pretty worthless nvidia feature just like physX and everything else proprietary they make. I am not against ray tracing or anything, I like the idea. It's just that is reality as I see it. I think with a little effort the lighting in TLD could be improved quite a lot with standard methods. There is certainly room for improvement. edit----------- Also just for some info, ray tracing only gets implemented in smaller ways generally so the lighting could still be terrible even with it. Unless they did like actual real ray tracing in which case the game would be a slide show.
  21. What you don't open your closet to get out your winter clothing every year and find they're all in useless tattered rags? Strange...
  22. AFAIK they're working as intended. Unfortunately for you and myself wolf behaviour is not very good and could use an overhaul IMO.
  23. odizzido


    Apparently the earth's magnetic field is all funky so a compass wouldn't work. I think it would be kinda neat to have one in the game though, and show it spinning around uselessly.
  24. odizzido

    Paint Can v2

    Yes, I've often thought that it can be too bright outside during the night....much too bright. I wouldn't mind them changing that I am pretty sure. What I don't like is the disconnect between the two areas. The other thing to mention is that in TLD we cannot feel our way through the dark like we can in real life. Maybe if there were a kinda ghostly illumination of objects very close to us to simulate touch that would help a lot. I might care more about it being so dark inside because I turn off fish so I cannot make lamp oil.