TFTFT3 Bugs and Feedback Thread (Merged)

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19 minutes ago, Stephen1892 said:

Thanks,  I've not filed a report yet but  I'm going to. Just seems to me the game is in a bit of a rough state currently. Hopefully they'll spend some time doing some quality of life work before releasing new content.

I suppose it is . I've  decided to just try to play as I did before the update and if I find anything then that's a bonus..  except the fishing,that seems to cause serious issues so I'm avoiding it completely..      I'm sure they'll get it sorted as soon as they can though..   the bigger issues tend to get fixed fairly quickly .at least in my opinion  and compared to other games..

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Thank you for the ongoing feedback in this thread. 

While we understand that sharing experiences and comparing notes can be helpful, the forums are not a substitute for the Support Portal as that helps us properly track the volume and severity of issues. We are currently reviewing feedback following the release of Part Three, and we have also updated the Known Issues list to highlight the top priorities:

Thank you for your patience, and we will share more information as soon as it is available. 

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On 6/26/2023 at 7:16 AM, hozz1235 said:

I'm going to try my best to summarize issues I've personally had as well as some general thoughts:

  • Non-renewable cooking ingredients - I'm hoping this will be addressed in the future
  • No radial slot for bear-skin, insulated bedroll or skillet - HL has partially acknowledged this
  • Tip-ups seem to break game - The one time I used a tip-up was on an existing game.  I entered a building, rested and was unable to exit.
  • Ptarmigans don’t seem to appear on older saves
  • Fishing not working (fished for 12 hours, in 1-hour increments at level 5 fishing with and without a lure and caught zero fish)
  • J key brings up a garbled menu


  • If possible, make regular backups of your saves
  • Avoid fishing of any kind


I have to be honest and say I'm somewhat disappointed in the volume of issues.  As others, I was extremely excited to play the update, and took the day off work to do so, but as I played, I became disillusioned.  I have learned to work around/avoid/ignore the issues as much as possible so that I may continue playing.  In fact, as much as I prefer to play my older saves, I am starting a new game while these issues are resolved.

Hinterland, I look forward to your resolution of these issues  so that we can, unimpeded, enjoy this marvelous game.

Thank you for your ongoing feedback. We are working to resolve issues as quickly as possible, and we hope to have more information to share in the very near future!


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  • Admin changed the title to TFTFT3 Bugs and Feedback Thread (Merged)
19 hours ago, bysinda said:

Damn, only now I realized that I got zero visors spawns. Did they spawn in the original regions before the 3rd update as well or only Forsaken Airfield ones? In order for me to get them would I have to start a new run again?...

As it currently stands, you do need to start a new save to get visor items.

I used a few Pilgrim runs to test and see if they were spawning and they were. I suspect that only games started within a certain span of time (right after Signal Void was introduced) have this issue. In my case I started a new Stalker run since I wasn't finding any radio repair items in my previous Stalker run.

The radio items spawned in the new Stalker but I was not getting any visor items. By the time I realized this and reported it testing revealed the visor items were spawning in new games. Sadly I was already a hundred or so days in and didn't want to start a new game. I hope that the visor items are spawned in retroactively to corrupt games as a few Caches and polaroids are totally inaccessible now.

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On 6/24/2023 at 5:56 AM, Tekuromoto said:

And while we're at it, why doesn't the game remember the last tool you used to harvest a carcass, or break down branches, or light a fire. Having to choose every. single. time. is a pain in the butt.

This is not new with the latest update. I remember suggesting this, I dunno, maybe 2 years ago. Now that HL is talking about mods, I can say that there is a mod for this. Its called "remember the last tool used" or something.

On 6/23/2023 at 10:33 PM, Leeanda said:

How odd.  I don't even remember seeing snow inside a hut before

Bitter Marsh in Ash Canyon. Glad I'm not the only one with this issue of not being able to step over the fishing cabin floor. Thought I was encumbered, dropped weight to be under limit, still couldn't get in. Move a bit and found a way in.


Other issue I found apart from the ones mentioned by others here...

1. Hit boxes for dead deer is off again. I get the message to harvest the animal somewhere below its legs. This doesn't happen all the time.

2. Sometimes when a wolf hunts a deer and I scare it away to steal the kill :), I dont see the option to harvest the deer. Not even "nothing to harvest" like you sometimes see with rabbits. Maybe related to 1 and didn't find the hit box.

3. Placing the cooking pot now sounds like I'm dragging a car upside down.

4. I was encumbered, but not running. So despite stamina bar being full, when the survivor entered the TWM mountaineer's hut, he was panting like he was recovering from a run. 

Finally, not a bug, but I think the start up messages are becoming too long now with the addition of the photosensitive warning. I'm the only one playing TLD in my house, I've read it once, so why see it each time I load the game. I dont have issues with flickering, I understand this is a game, so wildlife wont behave the same IRL, I've seen who supported the game. Can we have an option to disable this? Maybe show the messages once every 10 loads in case people forget. There is a mod to get to the menu screen directly, but surely HL can fix this, no?

I'll add the issues on the support pages, but thought I'd share them here as well.

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Another one I remembered (definitely not game breaking)...

Once I search a corpse, the option on the corpse still says "search frozen corpse". I have to move the mouse away and back on the corpse for it to show "empty" or "searched" under the option.


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12 minutes ago, StillNomad said:

Another one I remembered (definitely not game breaking)...

Once I search a corpse, the option on the corpse still says "search frozen corpse". I have to move the mouse away and back on the corpse for it to show "empty" or "searched" under the option.


I noticed that before part 3.


21 minutes ago, StillNomad said:

Now that HL is talking about mods, I can say that there is a mod for this. Its called "remember the last tool used" or something.

I don't think that mod has been updated but you can give it a try.

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On 6/24/2023 at 7:42 PM, Laika Ivanova said:



I managed to get a broken interior to be able to be loaded ONCE after a couple of dozen tries...

Ok, I looked at the console again and I noticed what threw a null pointer exception this time was a rock cache. Rock Cache and Ice Fishing Hole...two player placed structures...

Could that be what causes this bug? Some issue with the placing mechanic of player structures?

We've been suspecting rock caches to throw this bug (it has been around since the december update), and while it appears at times to be connected, it also occurs when no stone caches are built. Opening the box with the fish in it next to Angler's also appears to trigger it at that location, but it also happens elsewhere. Apparently it happens to masses of players now and some even get stuck inside, not only outside :/

@Admin, could you please, really please, explain why this months-long-existing game-breaking bug is not listed in the "known bugs" list? Acknowledging that HL is aware of it, and is working on it would really help a lot of folks.
Not seeing that it is known/(or cared about?) by HL is really sending a bad message.
I'm asking with the most positive and honest intentions.

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28 minutes ago, hozz1235 said:
41 minutes ago, StillNomad said:

Another one I remembered (definitely not game breaking)...

Once I search a corpse, the option on the corpse still says "search frozen corpse". I have to move the mouse away and back on the corpse for it to show "empty" or "searched" under the option.



I noticed that before part 3.

That began with the first TFTFT update in December.

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18 hours ago, Admin said:

Known Issues list to highlight the top priorities:

This is a really helpful page. :coffee:

I encounted the dead/not dead bug with a bear mere steps from the PV farmhouse porch and it was terrifying indeed to have the growling bear flickering between dead and charging at me. LOL. Almost filed a bug but saw it was on this list. Worth checking this from time to time. 

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On 6/21/2023 at 9:30 PM, ajb1978 said:
  • I have yet to encounter a single Burdock or whatever those new birds are called, and have fully explored Broken Railroad, Mountain Town, Mystery Lake, and Pleasant Valley. Could be bad RNG though.

I've seen quite a few of the Ptarmigan flocks, and a handful of the Burdock. I find the birds really strangely placed. Sometimes they are in elevated places like the patch notes state, then other times they are right outside your door, out in the open.

I've found at least one flock in each of those locations you've listed.

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15 hours ago, TwoFatCatz said:

@ajb1978 are you playing custom?

because they are addressing this issue. It’s on their main known issues web page.

Yep, sounds about right. Unless it's a throwaway run to test something specific (such as the spawn rates of Ptarmigans) I always do Custom. Might fire up a Pilgrim run and just see if I get different results.

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2 hours ago, TwoFatCatz said:

@ajb1978 I did the same as I have a voyager and a stalker run. Both have them 😁

I can at least confirm that Burdock is appearing in existing Custom games. I had absolute trash RNG after re-exploring about 60% of the game world (only 5 Burdock to show for it) and then suddenly whammo, in Timberwolf Mountain I found a cluster of 5, and 3 more single Burdock in remote locations. So that ought to be enough to at least play around with it. Still got all the coastal regions to hit yet, plus the far territory.

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On 6/22/2023 at 9:30 AM, ajb1978 said:

Just wondering if this is me or if this is systemic..

  • HItting J to bring up the Journal instead brings up a McClusterF&ck
  • The Condition bar seems smaller
  • While outside, wet clothes continue to freeze even while near a fire and protected from the wind
  • Completely unable to use the RMB via the Radial at all--this includes placing objects from the Radial, or erasing Spray Paint markers
  • Skillet does not appear in the Radial, so you either need to click on an active cook surface to place it, or drop it on the floor and RMB it
  • I have yet to encounter a single Burdock or whatever those new birds are called, and have fully explored Broken Railroad, Mountain Town, Mystery Lake, and Pleasant Valley. Could be bad RNG though.

Can attest to the first issue, at one point the fourth issue also reared its head but seems to have been fixed.

I have one - certain items (all non-standard bedrolls and the skillet so far) do not appear in the survival tab under any circumstances. Although not a problem 99% of the time, it does mean I can't use the better, more insulating rolls in a car which might (MIGHT) get me killed one day.

Burdocks I have found but are ridiculously rare.

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Fishing at pensive pond. I couldn't make an ice hole even though it turned up in the radial...  I still can't move the fish around by using right/left click ,except the new fish I caught,but even that was limited..



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5 hours ago, Lumi said:

I have one - certain items (all non-standard bedrolls and the skillet so far) do not appear in the survival tab under any circumstances. Although not a problem 99% of the time, it does mean I can't use the better, more insulating rolls in a car which might (MIGHT) get me killed one day.

In a car the bedroll is used automatically if in your inventory. You have to go out of your way to ditch it if you don't want to use it in a car, such as by temporarily shoving it in the glove box.

To use it out and about, open your inventory, select the bedroll, and click the "Use" button to place it in the world. I'm sure they will be added to the radial eventually, but you can still use them.

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Don't know if this was a bug before, but I just walked through a waterfall (the one in the cave in Ash Canyon) with a lit match, the match didn't go out and is now stuck in my hand at like the last second left. While the free permanent light source is lovely at the very beginning of this Loper run, it's also prohibiting me from holding items or left-clicking the campfire or pot of water. I was able to place both shortly before, while the match was lit, but I imagine it properly bugged everything once the match was supposed to run out.

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On 7/1/2023 at 12:44 AM, ajb1978 said:

I can at least confirm that Burdock is appearing in existing Custom games. I had absolute trash RNG after re-exploring about 60% of the game world (only 5 Burdock to show for it) and then suddenly whammo, in Timberwolf Mountain I found a cluster of 5, and 3 more single Burdock in remote locations. So that ought to be enough to at least play around with it. Still got all the coastal regions to hit yet, plus the far territory.

I had the same thing... A few pieces on  most of the map but instantly found six in ash canyon.. 

Still on the custom run.. 

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On 6/25/2023 at 8:57 AM, Blizzard Walker said:

I have had no success using the fishing holes within fishing huts since the update.

Making a fishing hole in the ice just beyond the fishing hut has led to traditional results - about 2 fish per hour on Fishing 5.  At CH that means trout and salmon.  I stay within the fishing hut and use a fishing hole in the ice just beyond the threshold of the hut.  Using a lure led to less fish per hour and those included only the new exotic species - rockfish being the common catch with the irish red lord being caught once.

To date I have crafted but not used the new unattended fishing pop up.  To date I have not used any bait.


Circling back on this, fishing has apparently been fixed. Tip-ups, bait, lures, etc. are all working well. I've caught some rare fish to, such as some kind of Irish Lord Thingymabober which I really wish I'd had the foresight to screencap, but apparently is a super rare saltwater fish. Doesn't actually do anything special, more like a "Hey, look what I caught" deal.

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