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  1. Since the updated ptarmigan behaviour, I'm loving those littel birdies more and more.
  2. I love the Great Bear rabbits. I try to keep some as pets wherever I can - Blackrock Maintenance Yard is my favourite spot! Since playing TLD I have definitely become more fond of bunnies IRL. I think it's because they are the closest thing to pets in the game. Shame about how often I need to murder, eat and skin them really! 😄
  3. Who told you that? /rh This behaviour sounds about right for Fish Spawn set to Low and Fishing Skill 1. Same in a Custom game. Makes perfect sense to me that Misery mode forces the player to use different strategies and gameplay to survive. No reason some parts of gameplay wouldn't become drastically inefficient and effectively off-limits, that's part of what's so hard about it. The point and joy of Misery for me is 'What would happen if all the settings are set to their hardest?' Fish spawn chance is set to Low (cf Medium in Interloper) and obviously it's much much colder. The upshot is that fishing becomes an implausible strategy (unless you get really warm clothing, or live long enough to read a lot of books). Seems about right to me! Plus it's quite 'realistic' IMO - in conditions this bad, a rookie ice-fisher is going to starve or freeze if they look at the weather and go 'Hey, you know what I fancy trying for the first time? Ice fishing!'
  4. It's a great compilation, @Zaknafein
  5. Same thing happened to me, I fell down a bit, so I goated down to the basin at the bottom, but there were rocks around the base and so I was soft-locked and couldn't get out.
  6. I am very much enjoying the floating deer carcass that spawns near Reluctant Shortcut in Sundered Pass. I always roast it whole over my fire, like a spit-roast without the spit. Yum.
  7. I don't like them either, but the explanation that Raph gave made a lot of sense. The cougar threat is so severe and sudden that the player needs to be inarguably aware of it, otherwise it would be super unfair. And so I assume they considered doing it a different way with only in-world signs, but it was too easy to miss or something. I don't think it's because they don't agree that in-world is better than HUD alerts for immersion.
  8. Fantastic! I've ony got to Archery 5 once (maybe twice?) in my time. A great achievement!
  9. I did a quick text search on the changelogs and I couldn't see it so maybe it was always there?
  10. xanna


    A shovel you can pick up and use? Or break down for scrap? I might have seen one as unimplemented set dressing, but not that I could interact with
  11. This is how it works at the moment, tho. OP is discussing adding a penalty.
  12. I always use the unload feature on the revolver because I don't want my survivor to have to pick up shells from the ground. I assume that's what it's for
  13. I only play custom for my main runs, and I have a text file for different codes I use for slightly different experiences. I can't remember all the decision I made, I just copy in my code and it feels right. Except that one time I accidentally did a run with timberwolves turned off and wandered around Blackrock thinking 'this is easy, what's going on? Where is everyone!' It's true there's not a huge culture of regular players sharing their settings - that's used much more for challenges - but I share them with myself, IYSWIM. I don't think of it as code-sharing, it's code-saving. So really my answer is No I don't value code-sharing, but yes the feature is very important to me. I think the current system is good. The UI could be improved, but only small tweaks as discussed (copy to clipboard, unambiguous font). I'm keen to keep the system the way it is.