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  1. Speaking of foxes... or any of the existing predators actually... I think a really great addition would be to have them steal any food items left out in the snow when the user is away from the area. It would really push the value of building the stone caches to prevent these wild 'looters' and also be a way to nerf the piles of meat that build up after a bear or moose kill. Force users to have a strategy for care of meat/food outdoors. Also create a feeling of the wildlife messing with you when you aren't around. It could be accomplished by just having a % of outdoor food items vanish over time with drag marks and/or paw prints left behind. Or even convert them into 'scavenger scraps' that are inedible by the player but maybe still usable as bait. Might also lead to a crafting item that lets you build a food storage up in a tree...
  2. Omg yes holiday stationary with scenes from the game would be lovely too! And it would be a good low-cost option.
  3. I'm really excited about the merch store. Top for me is the mug and the toque. My winter coat is red and the toque will match perfectly! Other cool items would be: Rechargeable replica of the lantern (not oil though). Posters or canvas prints The wool mittens. Climbing socks (who doesn't love some warm socks?) Insulated flask Fire striker Definitely an art book would be cool.
  4. But what if it cost you a rare and valuable resource to do so, like a hacksaw or a prybar or some other metal tool. That would prevent the problem I think. I've always thought it a little bizarre that I can't just sit on the floor and make arrows. lol
  5. Any connection to famous and beloved Canadian scientist and environmental activist David Suzuki? 🤔
  6. It would be cool if we could pick up the ones we find in the world. A teddy collection... 🤣
  7. That's so tough! I really think the game could have been Wintermute only with Survival as a DLC/Expansion. I feel we got 2 games for the price of one. But it would have been tough to do that from the start because it's my understanding that it was a surprise how popular Sandbox mode was! 😆 Hindsight is 20/20 and all that!
  8. OMG this is, frankly, a shocking amount of awesome news. I don't think I've ever read an update about any game I've ever played that was this packed with exciting things coming in the future!! Cougar Revamp: Sounds perfect. Exactly what I was hoping for. Episode 5: I can't believe how this sounds with the scope of what's going to be in there! We get to play as both Astrid and Will? *chef's kiss* Tales Part 6: Pardon my 'french' but that is a holy-sh*t level of goodies packed in there. I am super excited about these updates. I was really hoping the camera can result in framed prints to hang up - check! Safe house customization looks bananas good. I would have been happy with cleaning up garbage and dead bodies... but really we can craft new furniture?? GUYS! The RUGS are even changed in the before-after picture!! WHAT?? AMAZING. This looks really, really fantastic. The Trader also sounds cool. It's really really great that it's a toggle for those players who I know are not keen on another person being in the world. But for me, I'm really jazzed to 'meet' this mysterious person over the radio and see how this mechanic works. New IP & Games coming from HL? YES PLEASE!! *insert take-my-money gif*. Switch Struggles: Oh man I feel for the team dealing with this. It's really tough and I hope you all have good luck working on this. Hinterland, really, you have outdone yourselves with what's coming out of the pipe. Or should I say fire-hose of awesome coming to knock all our woollen socks off! This is incredibly exciting! Thanks for this detailed update!!
  9. Congratulations! This is an accomplishment to be proud of & we as players are richer for having experienced the game! Thanks for all the progress & updates in "The Long Haul" - it's been an awesome journey & I'm looking forward to the next few years too!
  10. I also have started feeling like "man it's been a while since any news" and started popping my head into the forums once a week. Nothin'.
  11. I've been mulling replaying Wintermute from the start when Episode 5 comes out. I originally started it on Pilgrim & was stuck on that difficulty despite it quickly becoming uncomfortably easy for me. Would like to wrap it up on at least Voyager.
  12. This is such an interesting topic! Congrats on the success of your channel. I don't think there's any one simple answer. I certainly have noticed my own attention span shrinking and have made concerted efforts to combat that. And certainly it's much more rare these days for a game to be brutally hard or to not hold your hand though a lot of tutorial type onboarding. TLD just tosses you into the snow and you're kind of left to mostly figure it out yourself. I think it's a much smaller audience (especially in the last decade or two) that is really into that type of game. I don't think there's anything wrong about that. Certainly there's enough difficulty in real life these days so wanting a more relaxed experience in your leisure time is totally normal. I've even enjoyed a nice walking-simulator style game myself from time to time. Not every game has to be heart-pounding. If TLD was launched today, I could see it really benefiting from an in-game tutorial. I personally find the mapping in the game to be too limited for my taste. I'd love a better way to at least indicate my location and orientation. Building out the map with charcoal + disorientating blizzards is enough of a navigation challenge for me. So I regularly use player created maps and don't bother much with the in-game map. But that's ok too. I think you might just have an audience that isn't really geared toward punishing games. And maybe people don't realize what they're getting into? I dunno - hard games are a niche, hard survival games are a niche inside that, and TLD is a niche inside even that. So the pool of players is very hyper targeted to a certain gamer type. Not all platforms that reach the broad public are going to have a great pool to draw from. If your channel is only going to be TLD content, you might saturate your pool of potential viewers pretty quickly, or like others have said, try other TLD content more geared to less patient gamers (as mentioned - speedruns, dramatic events, fails, story highlights etc).
  13. Very, very much. I just finished the massive SOA expansion and have considered myself done with it after 175 punishing hours both solo and with my husband. I really like how you evolve as you play - from an incompetent weakling getting hurt and poisoned left and right, limping through the jungle without a clue... to a confident master of the jungle well equipped and knowledgeable. And very little of that is via traditional levelling up in-game but because of the survival knowledge you gain via experience. Really effective sense of accomplishment.
  14. Oooh ok. Awesome! That makes a lot more sense now.