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Everything posted by turtle777

  1. Yep, with Mr. Bear, you have to wait outside a building (or better in a cave) until he dies. Gosh, this has been broken for a long time, thinking about it. -t
  2. I’m currently in BR with my 1000+ day Stalker character, to learn the region. Got my first frostbite on the way through the transition region. The re-spawn rate of Timberwolves is insane - every 3 days you have a new 5 pack. I’m sure it’s less on Interloper, but w/o guns, these beasts are harder to beat. I’m not sure if I want to take my 300+ day Interloper character there… -t
  3. Purchased TLD in May 2016. I started a run, but I have no recollection in what region. Got totally disoriented and just stumbled along until I died. After that, I didn't touch the game for probably another 2.5 years. Not even sure what made me buy it, but I clearly didn't know what it was all about. On the flip side, it was the best $10.61 I ever spent on a game 🙂 -t
  4. Shoot a sleeping bear in the face -> steak fest. -t
  5. I wonder if the "unrepairability" of the ballistic vest is due to rushed roll-out ? Crampons started out as being not repairable, but now they are. If the ballistic vest can never be repaired, ii is basically even more worthless. -t
  6. I guess we would have to define "sustainable" - for how long, in what difficulty level etc... I prefer the Ravine. Deer and rabbits, but no wolves. Cave to stave off cabin fever, but close proximity to ML for more food or other items (work bench in Carter Dam). -t
  7. I agree that an early wolf attack can be fatal - but flares, fires and torches work really well until you have something like a pry bar or hammer. Past 25 days, it gets challenging even IF you have fire and weapons, because you are in a race against the weather clock. -t
  8. I don't think the first 20 days are hard, it's still very warm. The trickiest days are probably 25-50, when the weather turns very cold, and you have to be rushing to get fully equipped. Getting enough bears skins for two coats or one coat and one bear roll is not possible in just a few days. I guess the "hard part" about the first 20 days is NOT to waste them, and be very efficient in making progress towards a forge and plenty of deer and bear hides. -t
  9. That's odd. I would have expected the behavior to be the same as BI - once you open the workshop during the aurora, it remains open forever. What you experienced sounds more like a bug. -t
  10. First days on Interloper are not THAT challenging anyways, because it's so warm. I watched the whole video. While quite entertaining, this kind of play would not be advisable if one wanted to make it past 50 days on Interloper. Way too much time spent in BP. Getting from BP to the nearest forge (DP, FM) is quite a long treck. Can't lose that many warm days in one region. In a real interloper run, one would be advised to get the hell out of BP as fas as possible. -t
  11. Ep. 2 was produced quite a while ago. Back then, Mathis' character was not fully fleshed out, because it appeared only briefly. When they got to produce Ep. 4, they went into much more detail. -t
  12. Timberwolf swim trunks, perhaps ? 😝 -t
  13. Yes, I'd appreciate it. Because if they don't want to give a reason, fine. Just don't feed us BS. -t
  14. LOL, spoilers are typically FACTS that get disclosed. There are not facts here, just speculation. Also, who in their right mind sees that thread title, and expects anything different than the title ? It's not like someone would walk in, read it and then go away disappointed because it "spoiled" something for them. -t
  15. Sorry, but how is it UNSAFE to operate an eCommerce store ? Millions of people do it safely. It's BS. If they don't want to be bothered, or are too busy, just tell us. -t
  16. Don't know about torches, but flares work 100% for me, as long as they are thrown close to the wolf. -t
  17. turtle777


    Why ? Because TLD is not a FPS. That's why. I'm baffled that people still haven't figured it out. Is it that hard to grasp ? 😜 -t
  18. Nobody solved it in one hour. This dude spent DAYS to figure out how to do it in one hour. That's not the same. Show me someone that has never seen Ep. 4 before, and completes it in one hour. I dare to say: impossible. -t
  19. I don't understand why some still try to end a Wintermute Episode with a fully loaded character. It doesn't matter. You will start from scratch in Ep. 5. -t
  20. It's a glitch, I think related to auto-saves. Try to re-load from the last manual save, or second last save, if needed. -t
  21. Let's not forget that Will met Mathis first at the dam. Blackrock can't be too far off. In theory, Blackrock could be east of PV. The blocked road from Milton (with the prison bus in front) could lead through an unknown region east of MT and north of ML to PV, and then from PV to Blackrock. But this would create other issues (like how did Will / Mathis get passed Astrid, who was stranded in PV.) So, yeah, I always suspected Blackrock to be east of MT, north of ML, and west of PV. Makes most sense. -t
  22. Nah. It's a lose/lose situation. Hinterland could have removed all guns / rifles from Blackrock region, and relied solely on fire / flares to ward off wolves. But then, plenty of people would have complained that it breaks the survival / sandbox play style they are accustomed to. You can never make everyone happy. And in the context of a game, it's pointless to bring everything back to "realism". There has to be a certain element of "unrealism". It's a game. -t
  23. Nah. If you lost all your stuff, you'd be complaining nonetheless. -t
  24. I go in naked. Get 6 matches every time I leave 🙂