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Everything posted by turtle777

  1. FWIW, I once waited (on Stalker) for an aurora for the mine with elevator in CH. Had to wait more than 30 days to get the aurora. Might be a bug, or just unlucky RNG.
  2. That might be the case for NOGOA, but the OP's code 8sHM-/z8P-Dy9K-DXim-HUIA does allow birch tea crafting. I'm just saying that in HIS challenge, birch bark is a renewable food source. Don't know if he just forgot to turn it off when generating the code. -t
  3. There is renewable food. Birch bark. Zak is doing a "birch bark" only IL run - you can survive for quite a long time just on that. Combined with rabbits and fish, food should not be a huge problem. Clothing and warmth is probably the bigger issue. Overall, this is a great challenge, I think I might try this myself. -t
  4. Oh, nice, I decided to do the same with my current Interloper run. I'm on day 420 or so, and will complete my 100 days in BR on day 465. Form there, I will go and do 100 days in FM, then MT and so on. Overall, I plan to do all regions, but 100% in BI and BlackRock might be a challenge on IL. Those I will do last. -t
  5. Oh, I did harvest it, from he inside, before I left the cave. So now I have 40kg of bear meat that I can't access. Not a big deal though, got plenty of other meat. So, just to be precise: the bear can absolutely get into the cave. I got mauled by it inside that cave. So, it surely is the combination of fire and the cave that makes the bear stop at the entrance. -t
  6. After 50 days, the bear re-spawned, and I was able to replicate the whole situation. Bear is outside of cave, I come from inside the cave, shoot it in the head. I run back into the cave, "hide" behind a lit campfire. Bear chases after me, but stops at the cave entrance and just growls. Another headshot, boom, down he goes. Only snag: he's blocking the entrance. I was able to squeeze by to get out of the cave, but can't get back in because the entrance is blocked. LOL. I have to wait for the body to de-spawn. -t
  7. Accepting that making everyone happy is impossible Accepting that some people will always be grumpy, offended or disappointed, no matter how carefully you try to avoid it -t
  8. You can't make everyone happy. It just is what it is. Canadians might have a harder time with this. 🙂 -t
  9. That's why it's important to evaluate the game as you buy it, and determine if it offers enough "value" for what it is. Sure, there are games where the "base" game (w/o future season passes or subscriptions) might be too bare bones. But that's not the case with LTD. This game has been in active development with multiple free feature releases for over 6 years. Heck, just the Story Mode alone will give you easily 50+ hours of enjoyment. This alone makes it worth, regardless of what happens with the sandbox (a.k.a. Survival Mode). -t
  10. Seems a random issue to me. On Interloper, in Broken Railroad, the wolves re-spawn like rabbits. Can’t get a break. Mr. Bear still seems to be on his 50 day cycle. -t
  11. TBH, I don’t get why there is so much confusion, too many gaming n00bs perhaps ? There’s a reason this was called “season pass”, and NOT subscription. With most season passes I’m aware of, you don’t lose what you paid for if you don’t get the “next” season pass. You just own the old seasons. Since TLD is not a multi-player game, there’s no concern about being on the “right” version. It’s not a subscription. I, for one, am glad that I can finally give Hinterland more money. I’m feeling bad for getting so much enjoyment out of a $10 purchase. I wish the Hinterland merch store was still up and running, but alas, shut up and take my money. Raph, wish you all the best in the new “role” - can’t wait for what you create next. -t
  12. I recently had a bear in Broken Railroad charge at me after I took a pot shot at it right outside one of the caves. After I landed the shot, I retreated I to the cave where I had a fire lit. The bear charged me, but stopped in front of the campfire, and I was able to head-shot it, and it dropped right there. My theory is that it wasn’t necessarily the fire itself, but that the bear AI couldn’t find a path around the fire due to the space restrictions of the cave. -t
  13. Great. I always notice the insane amount of coal from the two CH mines. Would not have guessed that it's 33% of all coal. Wow. -t
  14. I disagree. Quonset has the big disadvantage of no easy place to sleep off cabin fever. Most fishing huts lost their doors, so it's not a safe place anymore (let alone all the fire wood one needs). -t
  15. Generally, yes, but what's the point with requests that are like "I want it really hard, but also very convenient and forgiving" ? Not saying the OP said that. -t
  16. Just don’t shoot a bear and then escape into a building with a load screen. Bear will self-heal and not die. It’s a long standing bug. -t
  17. I thought I had seen batteries spawn on IL, not sure about custom settings though . -t
  18. Cool experiment. Confirms my preference of AC (upper level) as a great, trouble free vacation or retirement zone. Best fishing in all of Great Bear easily accessible. -t
  19. Naked (only boots) 250 days in Interloper is impossible IMO. After about 20-30 days, even the inside of buildings gets so cold that you get hypothermia when naked. There’s no ability to gather enough firewood to constantly keep a fire going. Plus, because you don’t have a gun, you need to craft bow and arrows to have enough calories to survive. Gathering supplies and doing a forge run naked past the first 30 days is unimaginable. -t
  20. Oh, I misunderstood. I thought you can not use found clothing, it allowed to craft. W/o crafting, it’s going to be very hard on levels above pilgrim, because the world gets colder over time. Plus, because wildlife (read: wolves) are aggressive, you won’t have any protection. The reason why I find pilgrim or voyager too easy is the sheer abundance of loot. It’s just way too much. I reckon you could live for hundreds of days in Pilgrim w/o ever having to eat any meat from animals. -t
  21. I did a "naked" Voyager challenge. Only shoes allowed in the beginning, and later, only crafted clothing. Spawned in CH, and never left. After 48 days, I maxed out crafted clothing. I never left CH. It's a big and plentiful region. Temperature wise, it never was a challenge. After playing Interloper for so long, this was a walk in the park. I'm drowning in matches, have three hatchets, two knives and a rifle. The only obstacle do surviving indefinitely solely in CH is limited rifle ammo, and no ability to forge. In my run, I could probably go for at least 300-400 days before things would get iffy. The only actual issue is getting wolf and bear hides for coats. That's what I would need ammo for. Everything else can be done w/o weapons. Chase deer into wolves to get meat, and trap for rabbits. It was a fun challenge. I might try the same on Stalker. This would ratchet things up significantly.
  22. Ok, perhaps it's random now, or a bug. According to various wiki articles, wolves didn't used to do that. Moose and bear would never initiate an attack. I never play Pilgrim or Voyager, so I have no personal experiences. -t
  23. I just googled the temperature drops for different modes. If I read this correctly, Voyager doesn't even reach Stalker or Interloper temperatures. One should be able to live indefinitely just on crafted clothing. -t