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Everything posted by odizzido

  1. I've often wanted to stab deer or rabbits as they run by me. All we need is a simple melee attack like this
  2. The newest one is this? Just from listening to it for the first time right now it's nice. It has a bit of a different feel to it which I find fine. I think something that would be neat is the game knowing where you are in the story mode and as you progress through the title changes to match the part you are in the story. The menu options could also let you select between them or select random.
  3. Cool, sounds good. Easier development is always nice. Personally I've just been waiting for the story mode so it will be nice to finally play it. I am happy with how things went with my pre purchase of this game(not something I do a lot) so that's good. You guys at hinterland have done a very good job with the atmosphere of TLD which is extra good for story driven games so I look forward to playing the game and seeing what you guys do next.
  4. It's still being developed. They're planning on adding NPCs and other significant things so if you want to wait for the game to come out of early access you may have a better experience.
  5. I am pretty sure cooked meat is easier to digest than raw meat. Almost 100% sure. It's possible I am wrong but I don't say nearly 100% sure lightly. Personally I think it would be interesting if our character could get stronger or weaker. Calorie requirements could change based off strength. It wouldn't really work with how the game works though where you just starve to death in a day.
  6. Also pretty much any human could do this so yeah. That's all the reason I need.
  7. I only do very minor stuff so maybe the answer is obvious and I just don't know enough.....but if you're supporting linux(yay, I just switched to linux because windows just gets worse with every update) why would you even bother with directX? Why not just make vulcan/GL the default since it works with everything?
  8. The processor I've used for TLD came out in 2009. I will likely be getting something new soon but I am not sure if I want to wait for zen4 or just get a 5800X3D or what. I will decide at some point.
  9. This is one of those wishes you would need a genie for. It will never happen for this game because it would be a massive undertaking and you would likely be disappointed by the results. The game is made around low resolution textures and low poly models. It works because it's consistent and has a unique and appealing(to me) style to it. The one thing that would be better is the lighting, if they got that working like in the demo. However they could do a much better job within unity already. I really hope they do because the lighting needs some attention. The game has the exact issue that is shown at 37 seconds into the video. The fire is going and the floor is bright right infront of the fire but everything else is black as pitch. It's pretty terrible. If they had some extra light sources to simulate the light bouncing around the room that could give a pretty decent experience without being computationally heavy.
  10. Cool. Glad to hear it's working well on linux. I just switched to linux so once the game is finished I will be playing it on linux.
  11. I think the biggest struggle will be the controls. I have introduced games with FPS control styles to a few people and they always struggle hard to even move/look around. Does TLD have the option to turn left and right with the keyboard?
  12. Yup, people should enjoy the game however they enjoy it. edit------ I wish to elaborate a little. I don't feel the OP is shaming anyone. They're sharing how they could have enjoyed the game more when they first started.
  13. Personally in real life I wold just open the storm lantern and use the already existing flame to start an easy fire. Simple and effective and you still have your lantern after.
  14. Personally I think you should be able to make all items of clothing out of all skins. Making a rabbit skin coat would take a lot of time, a lot of gut, and a lot of pelts, obviously.
  15. I installed linux for gaming a couple weeks ago and it decreased my load times drastically. Stellaris for example loads probably 5-8 times faster on linux than it did on windows. I haven't tried out TLD yet but I imagine it's the same. I had no idea windows was so slow in that way.
  16. Hinterland can call it whatever they want, but here is the definition of early access on steam Since the game is being developed and isn't finished it is in early access.
  17. The game is in early access so there will be issues. If you want the best experience you need to wait until it's done and patched up to play. That's what I do really. I also have xenonauts early access. I played it a little to give some bug reports and feedback but I haven't spent a lot of time on it because I want the best experience which means waiting.
  18. I don't understand why some people like to put others down for playing a game how they want to. Hopefully people can see that all they're doing is being mean to people for no reason other than they're enjoying a game in a different way.
  19. I don't know, but I would be interested in finding out. It seems it would be just changing two numbers to try it. Once good mod support comes out I will maybe look at trying it.
  20. Human zombies would just freeze and be harmless, and besides, wolves/dogs are essentially zombies anyways. They have all the same mechanics. But that's what the event did to them so okay, that's fine. Personally I would like them to be less predictable but that would requite an overhaul. I personally would be more interested in playing survival if I could go on hunting trips instead of just popping around the corner where the animals always spawn in their tiny little area and just shooting another couple days of food. If animals dropped more meat but were rare enough that you still had the threat of starvation even on minimum hunger then I would be happy. It would make finding that deer meaningful instead of just "oh there's another one". I would also like freezing to be more of a threat too. Currently you find a couple items and all indoor areas are perfectly livable so it's almost impossible to get too cold. If you had to heat homes this would be another thing you would have to survive against. Long term injuries might be interesting, but this I am less sure about. If you sprain your hand it could take weeks to actually heal. I would like to try it but I don't know if I would like it. Anyways I've had a number of other things I've thought about while I played but I will stop here.
  21. I still have awake regen on at minimum levels so I can gain something like 8% life per day as long as I keep all my meters up. I also turned down hunger/thirst to minimum amounts so it's not just all hard. I just try to have the game be more realistic and I want the threat of death to be slower and more present instead of just being perfectly healthy or dead all the time. Anyways I can't have that yet so I am just waiting for good mod support. edit------ While I agree that I don't want hand holding, I also want the world to make sense. I would prefer the game be harder in ways other than your character drying from, for example, not drinking for 15 hours despite having has as much water as you could possibly drink for a week straight before. Or in the case of what the OP said.
  22. I always played with sleep condition restoration disabled so I never noticed.
  23. The worst part of this situation is if you want to be safe you need to sleep in one hour increments. There is no challenge with actual gameplay, the only challenge is in real life with how much time and clicking you're willing to spend on sleep.
  24. They really should. It's one of those things where you just shake your head in disappointment. You read for 59 mins and 59 seconds and 99ms and put your book down and it's as if you never read at all. It doesn't make sense and feels extremely artificial/gamey.
  25. There is also a mod that lets you read in smaller chunks so you can read for 30mins while cooking.