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Everything posted by odizzido

  1. Autohotkey gets pretty close to this. Not having to click 91 times to harvest a bear is nice. I consider autohotkey almost essential to enjoy this game for myself.
  2. odizzido

    Riken light

    The lighting in this game could use a complete overhaul. If it happens, I hope it's sometime before the story mode is finished as it would increase how much I enjoy the game.
  3. I would be interested in seeing more options for aurora benefits and disadvantages.
  4. Like what hills you can go up, what you can get inside of(rocks, hills, etc), falling through the ice, not being able to teleport, etc. Mostly movement rules I guess.
  5. I would love it if animals had the same rules as the player.....but yeah, I am not going to get my hopes up for that.
  6. They're never going to put stat differences between the two because they consider it a minefield that they don't want to deal with.
  7. I turn off the comments so it makes very little difference to me. I've played both and I am fine with whoever, but if you're looking to max out your game Astrid's hand is slightly smaller which gives you a little better vision when throwing rocks at rabbits. At least I find it a little better.
  8. Or some old radio shows. Listening to suspense or the jack benny show or drag net would be pretty nice
  9. Our character has irreparable brain damage from the plane crash. Crippling memory problems are the least of our concern though. We also suffer from that disease which builds bone throughout your entire body, explaining why we cannot look around in a car and why we cannot lift our legs more than 2cm. It's a terrible disease to have, really. Like really. I feel awful for people who have it. I know we have other diseases in the game too, but I don't recall what they are. It has been a while since I played.
  10. Possible yes, but if you look at the AI currently in the game and then imagine that being your pet.....well, I wouldn't want to use it. Getting that to a point where it's anything beyond frustrating would be a pretty big investment probably.
  11. sexbox lol. I like that and I think I will use it. I always called the new xbox one "the bone" to distinguish it from the original xbox one. My 2009 CPU is an i5 750.
  12. I turn off fishing so I would like to have an alternative way to make lantern oil. This would be cool.
  13. The xbox one is actually terrible. It was slow and outdated as a gaming machine the day it was released. The CPUs on them were netbook cores that were originally designed to be in low power systems and not focused on performance. I am sure they were cheap to manufacture, relative to other options at the time. The newer consoles, whatever they're called, are certainly much much better. Both MS and sony decided to put in some pretty decent hardware. They're comparable to a decent modern PC whereas the xbox one was slower than my CPU from 2009 despite the xbox releasing in 2013. I still use that 2009 CPU and load times in TLD aren't bad, even when loading off of a spinning hard drive.
  14. I haven't tried the story yet since I am waiting for it to be completed before going through it, but this bear part keeps coming up. Maybe they should just remove it or something?....hopefully I won't find it frustrating when I finally give it a go if it exists still.
  15. If you disable sleep Regen it essentially forces you to keep your hunger filled most of the time unless you take no damage. I still wish you could turn animal spawns way down though to like 10% of the current minimum or even less.
  16. I really dislike QuickTime events myself. I mashed buttons enough playing Megaman as a kid, I don't need to damage myself playing TLD. I have no ideas other than what I've said. I am just glad I can disable sprains.
  17. I still consider it early access, regardless of what hinterland says. Unfinished means early access to me. I looked up the definition of early access on Steam... What is Early Access?Steam Early Access enables you to sell your game on Steam while it is still being developed, and provide context to customers that a product should be considered "unfinished." Early Access is a place for games that are in a playable alpha or beta state, are worth the current value of the playable build, and that you plan to continue to develop for release. Sounds like TLD to me.
  18. @Karl Grylls They haven't finished making the game? What do you consider early access if not being able to buy the game before it's finished?
  19. For the crosshair my only suggestion would be to put a little sticky note piece on your screen. Some monitors have a crosshair you can enable as well. Other than that I don't think there is anything you can do unless the devs implement a crosshair selection like in UT2004, or allow you to spray paint the backs of your arrows.
  20. The game is currently in early access. Hopefully it will be better once they've finished working on it.
  21. That's fair enough. It might be terrible. I know when I've done some mods before with something that seemed good to me didn't work out and I had to scrap or change it. What I think I like, and still think could work, is that in TLD you can prepare for things which is something I enjoy. If you're going to be doing something dangerous you can prepare by having supplies at the nearest shelter so that if you do get hurt you will have enough stuff to get you through it. If you're unprepared yes you could die, but if you had a place ready just in case you got hurt then you should be fine. Whether it would work out I don't know. Perhaps I am trying too hard to make sprains interesting. I simply disable them currently which is a shame.
  22. Decay rates in this game are so high it's nuts. I think you can mitigate the bedroll decay some by picking it up but other than that you just need to accept that the atmosphere contains a high amount of acid. I remember walking in a blizzard once and all of my clothes got shredded....by snow. It was pretty surprising the first time it happened.
  23. Protons are only theorized to have a half life according to some people. Also if they do decay, 10^32 is probably the minimum but it is likely to be much longer.
  24. The difficulty curve in this game is the inverse of a typical game. The longer the game goes on the easier it is, at least until you run out of things like sticks for arrows/bows which is probably much longer than most people would want to play a game for. There are several reasons for this but yeah, that's the issue I have. Also I just want to say, the meat shouldn't be decaying at all. It's frozen. I don't mind if the wolf eats your outside meat though, that at least makes sense. As long as the wolves actually have to get it instead of it just vanishing for no reason. Then you could leave meat outside and watch the wolves swarm in as you shoot them in the face, increasing the meat pile which attracts more wolves which increases the meat pile further. The wolves could be heaped each upon the other until at last you're rid of them. anyways you could mitigate the wolf meat theft by camping the meat pile as described above, bringing the meat inside, or by storing it in an outside container. A trunk, rock cache(yay for a reason to make one?) or whatever is available.
  25. Everything you posted is pretty much what I would want. I play without sprains or cabin fever too. But I would like sprains to actually get much much worse, as in they could be potentially fatal. The effects could be more worse and last for a week, but I would also like them to be far more rare, as in like 1% or lower of the current system. Having a rare accident significantly changing what you can do would force you to change your plans which sounds enjoyable to me. Cabin fever for me has always been too gamey, but since I can just turn it off that's fine. It would be cool having it replaced with something I enjoy interacting with, but I am not sure what that would be. As to house heating, yes for sure that would be great. It would also be cool if we could work on insulating the house. Cat tail heads, animal furs, etc could all line the walls and windows to slow the rate at which a house loses heat. It would give players more to do and a reason to do it. Also I would love it if animals didn't have their little areas that they spawn and stay in. If animals roamed the entire map, were more rare, dropped more meat, and animal tracks stayed as long as the weather allowed them to you could have hunting/tracking trips. On a day that worked out you could get your gear ready and look for deer. Maybe you find a deer, but you could also find deer tracks if you're observant which you could follow to the deer. Since they roam the map finding tracks would be really beneficial since you wouldn't automatically know where they were. You could even have a tracking skill which could simply make the deer tracks easier to see with more noticeable textures or whatever. It seems more fun than going, oh I need food, I am going to go over that hill to that little spot where deer spawn and stay forever. Anyways yeah, lots of things that could be made more dynamic which they player would have to adapt to. I doubt we will see any of that but if they just made custom games have larger variables that would be cool. So like 0% item decay means they don't decay ever, 100% would be loper acid decay. You could set it to 3% if you wanted. Same with animals. 0% of an animal would be they don't spawn, 1% would be you see one like once every month or less, and 100% would be the current max spawn. You just pick any % you want, possibly even like 500%. That alone would be a huge improvement for me.