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Everything posted by odizzido

  1. I've tried both but I typically had it off I seem to recall. There were too many strange things, two examples I can think of being "I could sleep right here" or being complaining about being sleepy 5mins after a 12 hours sleep. Both of these things are just too far out there for me. In the game world no you can't sleep there, there is no option to do this, it's a lie that is exposed the moment the character says it. And yes in the game world you can sleep 23 hours a day as long as one of those hours is spent climbing a cliff, and this is too far off of reality for me to handle. I don't want to hear that you can barely keep your eyes open mere minutes after waking up from being as rested as you could possibly be.
  2. The devs of this game have an aversion to thinking too hard about what's actually happening in their game. Drinking blood would never be added.....but it kinda is already in the game. In Canada(and most of the world, AFAIK), animals are left hanging with open wounds until they bleed out so the meat we eat is pretty blood free. In this game that does not happen so the meat stays nice and bloody inside. You don't drink it though, you eat it. edit----- I think I would just like to add that not wanting to think about what you're doing in common in our society. It's not just the devs of this game, it's a culturally promoted ignorance of reality that the vast majority support and participate in. I don't want the devs to be singled out.
  3. The stalker and metro series does this pretty well. They're fun games.
  4. @Sgt SocksIf you're forced to play with knob heads then yes that would make the game worse. I typically play multiplayer games like TLD with just my brother.
  5. Interesting. If Northern Lights can manage to focus on things that TLD doesn't it could be interesting. I will try to remember to check it out in a few years to see how things are going.
  6. I can't stop looking at the picture of the dog you have @Leeanda It's so cute.
  7. has this been resolved? If not, have you tried binding the key to something else and then rebinding it to left click?
  8. Ah it looks like Among Trees was never finished from what I am reading and the devs have no plans to work on it. That's too bad, it looks kinda nifty.
  9. Or just wait for the game to come out of early access so it's all patched up and in a stable state. That's my personal preference. Of course this problem could have been cause by a bit flip in memory or some other freak hardware error that happens on occasion. There isn't a lot you can do about that.
  10. That's pretty fricky. Does TLD have a motion blur or AA setting you can try turning off? It looks like it's just happening around the edges of everything, I doubt it's your monitor or GPU, unless of course you have an arc GPU. I assume if you took a screenshot and moved it around in paint or a web browser it wouldn't have that issue but you could always test that to be sure.
  11. My suggestion is when you die to look at what killed you and then solve it. It sounds simple but it's very effective if you can determine what your limiting factors are.
  12. I would eat all of those things if it came down to it.
  13. I think PZ will be a great survival game when they're done, just like I think TLD will be a great immersive story game when it's done. I will enjoy playing both but for different reasons.
  14. What we should be encouraging is mod support. Have the game nice and easily modable and we will have everything like this.
  15. Splitting the game in two as you've done is great. It will allow wintermute to get patched up and in good condition and not break when you update other things. That sounds like a much better experience that I will likely have in 2023.
  16. Zomboid is interesting and I think I will enjoy it once they finish the game. It will likely be a few years.
  17. Multiplayer always makes games better, even when it's made like complete garbage like dead space 2(or 3?) it still improves the game. I say that as someone who would only play with someone I know IRL. Mods is the only way this will happen though. Hopefully once this game is finished some good ones can come out.
  18. I am a hardware enthusiast and have been for over 20 years so yes, I have a general idea. But FSR2 is pretty much the same and it works on more hardware and is an open standard. DLSS will be dead soon, replaced with better solutions.
  19. Hopefully intel sticks with it. Both AMD and Nvidia have been screwing us hard. DLSS is probably dead at this point, just like most of nvidia's other proprietary crap. FSR 2 will take over, as it should.
  20. RT is becoming more accessible but you do need a new video card which have been going to astronomical prices....however in order to fix the lighting in TLD you would need to probably have world illumination which would probably destroy performance on even a 3090. RT, IMO, is mostly a gimmick right now. Maybe in 10 years that will change but for now TLD could be fixed with traditional methods which would be accessible to everyone at a far smaller performance hit. Slightly off topic but I think it's going to be really interesting to see the next gen of video cards from AMD. AMD will probably charge too much for them but that's just the market right now unless intel can save us.
  21. It's not news? They've not finished making the game.
  22. Hopefully they're doing well. From what I can tell hinterland is a better place to work than somewhere like actibliz with a sub-human grotesquerie like kotik running things. It's one of the positives about hinterland.
  23. I am not sure I fully understand, but I think you're saying the weights don't match up. It's possible the game may have the fish weight as ((calories * 0.001) + waste weight) Or it could be bugged, the game is still in early access so expect things to not work properly.
  24. lvl 5 cooking is when the game makes more sense. How can frozen things rot so fast? I personally wouldn't mind if they made the game make a little more sense by reducing the time to break down a chair as mentioned but then also adding a couple things that would take time like house heating. Overall the balance of time could be the same but you wouldn't have magic warm houses and insanely tough chairs.
  25. Autohotkey is the best way to play games like this. I press and hold to pick up/drop 300 sticks.