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Everything posted by odizzido

  1. As a canadian also I wouldn't even consider not shredding them
  2. It still may be the same, you could easily adjust the odds to keep it the same, or have an extra roll to add the spray cans. Without more information it is hard to know.
  3. Cool, always good to know how the game works. I like these sorts of tests.
  4. That sleep issue is something I've disliked since the beginning. As I played more it because less of an issue but just because I can work around it doesn't mean I think it's fine. I mean the very idea that you couldn't sleep on the floor is ridiculous. I really think that especially for new players this should be in the game. Dragging a carcass would be good too, especially wolf ones. In TLD even a full sized buck is what, 20kg at most? You should be able to just pick it up and carry it without much issue and barely slow down. *this was a half joke pointing out how little meat deer actually give compared to real life* I really do think dragging a carcass should be in the game though, it makes sense.
  5. You can get attacked through the wall, but if you can get them to stick their head in you can also kill them through the wall.
  6. I play custom with animals set to minimum and animal reduction set to maximum. I have however been playing with low food requirement because eating an entire deer in a couple days is just too much. I want it to last that extra day(still ridiculous). But I also can't use starvation on my custom games so I wouldn't be surprised if my food requirements are actually pretty close. Anyways I am just waiting for mods. Cut that animal population down by 90%. Maybe have intestinal parasites for lvl 1 cooking only. Yeah...
  7. Why meat decays at all in TLD is a mystery to me. I would just change it so it only decays if say it's in a warm house. That being said, I would totally be behind making meat harder to get in the first place. I want starvation to be a threat.
  8. Something I can do is wrap ice packs in a towel. Which I did last night. With like 5-6 layers it's pretty effective, though I am not sure how well it would hold up to wind......yet Plus I don't know how it compares to a jacket
  9. Yeah it adds a lot of inventory clutter. I think until the new system is added that they should all be at 100% condition to at least reduce clutter. It could be just like water is now.
  10. Next winter I will check how warm a towel is. I doubt it's very warm really compared to one of the hats I have laying around. But I've never tried it so.
  11. I've not noticed them decaying but I haven't tested them properly.
  12. The devs are terrified of people getting badges in custom modes easier than pilgrim so it won't happen.
  13. Tea and pop(it's pop in TLD despite what the devs say) are equivalent at cooking level 1. As soon as you get cooking 2 tea is better than pop. At cooking 3 for example, 250g of tea will give you 325 calories. At cooking 5 tea gives 375. Significantly more than pop. That being said, while I do like to carry tea when I am going long distances I also carry an empty can or two. Water you can make pretty much anywhere anytime so you never really have to carry it. The tea I carry is more for higher need situations which may or may not happen.
  14. Ah, yeah. I do agree with you there. It's something I noticed too.
  15. I like both this one and the new one. I think it would be cool to have all the opening menus available to chose from or to set to random so you get a variety.
  16. I would like there to be more variety in animal movement. They seem to have little circles that they hang out in or pretty strict paths.
  17. I don't feel any need to get to the top either. Maybe something smaller like guaranteed mountaineering socks would be good? If it's just more of the same then as you've said there isn't much reason to go up there, especially since it's not zero risk.
  18. I don't really have any strong feelings about the mapping system in TLD. I wish it were somehow, for me, worth using though. It's just a part of the game I never interact with because it never has a payoff for me. I don't know how this could be solved though. I think what might be interesting is if the whole map was just visible right from the start. Would I use it then? If the answer is yes then the current system could be saved....but if not then the map as it is is just useless for me, at least with how the game is currently. Perhaps if resources were more scarce maps might be more beneficial? I know they point out resources but if you have enough anyways then it doesn't matter if you miss that one deer carcass. Anyways I am not the one who is working on the game so I will stop there.
  19. haha no. Actually I didn't do any romance stuff, I simply don't find it interesting. What was strange for me is in the game I ended up having two of the girls ask me to chose between them when, from my view, I showed no romantic interest in either of them. Apparently the game thought differently, or perhaps no romance at all wasn't even an option. It was so out of the blue and I was like....what?
  20. TLD kinda hasn't been out for a while. It's not finished. From my perspective hinterland put this game out to buy in early access so people could buy it to help fund development. And that's exactly why I got it. I've messed around in the survival part of the game but I am mostly interested in playing through the story.
  21. With the original mass effect, one of my fav games ever, I played through as both male and female. I ended up liking the female voice actor better so that's who I ended up playing as. I think primarily I like good voice acting, the gender is less important to me. edit-------- You know what's interesting? I don't find I have a preference over male or female in this game but I did in mass effect, even though it's the same two people who do the voices. I wonder what exactly in mass effect made me like the female char better?
  22. I haven't done a serious comparison but I wonder if it's easier to stone rabbits with the female character than the male. I assume the male hands are larger and block more of your view. The difference must be pretty small though, since I've not noticed or thought about it before.
  23. To me starving to death in a blizzard sounds fun. I am looking forward to some mods which will shift the challenge more towards fighting the weather instead of endless wolves.
  24. There was a mod, back in the modding days, that added body fat as a long term energy store. I think you will have to wait for modding to open up to require more than 700 calories. Or, make a custom game where you don't regen life while sleeping. That's what I am doing for now.
  25. It's an interesting idea but I am not sure how it could be done without either it being obvious it's a dream or players having to repeat large amounts of gameplay.