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Everything posted by odizzido

  1. Just to mention, alcohol actually makes you colder. It may also not be the best for disinfecting but I am not sure yet. It does kill bacteria for sure, but if it's also killing all your cells where you pour it might make things worse. I don't know though, it's something I've wondered about for some time.
  2. As long as it's optional I am all for them adding it in and trying it out. And singing while a bear mauls you must be an optional setting too. I will enable it.
  3. I didn't think I cared about autowalk in TLD but turns out I use it pretty often and like it
  4. What do you currently have? I have an 11 year old cpu. It may be better for you to just get a new graphics card.
  5. Yeah I had a crash last time I was playing and remembered that was in the patch notes so I checked GoG too. Seems to be pretty infrequent, at least for me, so it's not horrid. Still, because of how saves work I feel a sense of having to perform actions to save the game without transitioning so that I don't lose the chunk of time I just did. Passing time for an hour is a bit of a waste just so the game can save.
  6. Got to the end, like always. Thanks for posting again, I enjoyed reading and seeing everything
  7. Yeah same. On my newest game I bumped up the lot seeing so I could see stuff. I found my very first bunker too, though it was fairly empty as I have reduce loot set high.
  8. Man hitting a squirrel with a bow is pretty amazing in my books
  9. Having it available as am option would be good with me. You could always collect water from the top of a waterfall to, to avoid getting wet that way
  10. As long as cured meats had less smell I would be up for them putting in the effort
  11. They could always add am option in the menu to load a random title screen with music, or let you pick a particular one. I think random would be cool. Add a little variety.
  12. Yeah I think they're too heavy too. I was thinking of bringing one to try it but with the weight I was just like yeah, no thanks.
  13. There is one place that might because you can get stuck without one. But maybe not because I could see death by a bush too. I have wondered since I found it. Maybe I should start a quick game there and see
  14. I do create a custom game every time with low item decay, thirst, and hunger. I still feel item decay is much too high. We could argue over the particular situation we are in about repairs and dehydration, but that's not what I want to do. Now arguing over eating an entire deer in two days....it's just not humanly possible in any realistic sense. Deer will give you something like 20-25kg of easy to get muscle meat, not including a ton of other calories from things like the heart and liver and the not as easy to get meat. You will probably get something like 100,000 kcal out of one just to put that in perspective. If you feel you can eat that in a few days then I challenge you to do so.
  15. Maybe they could change the wolf pursuit music to only play when a player is low health and/or can't run? If it only plays when you're in trouble I feel that could work well. While we are on the topic of music sometimes I wish the music wouldn't stop when you entered a building because I liked it and wanted to hear more. I am not sure I would actually like this change though, if it were implemented.
  16. I checked out the outcast setting and it's actually fairly close to the settings I use. The thing is is that I like being careful with what I do because I need to worry about wolves. It gets me to think about how I can best do things. My only real issue is that there are just too many.
  17. It does reduce, even if it's not a lot, so it does work and the wording is correct. I feel this could be solved by a sliding bar going from 0-100%. 0% means no reduction, and 100% means they will stop respawning forever. 99% would drop animal populations so low that seeing a rabbit would be a rare sight. I feel most things in the custom games could benefit from a sliding bar....or mods. or both.
  18. Yeah. There are a number of ways the UI could be improved. I kinda feel like they should have someone working for them with access to the UI and it's their job to play the game and edit the UI when they see stuff that could be better.
  19. From my understanding the game reduces the spawn rate, but it has a lower limit. Let's say normally the game has a spawn rate of 65WPM(Wolves Per Minute), over time it would drop to 50WPM but never lower.
  20. On my current game I made it a point to explore HRV more. One of the things that stopped me before was the requirement of an axe to get around. I solved this by bumping loot up to medium so I could find one. I must say it has an awful lot to offer in terms of loot and it's certainly a cool zone, but the bedroll situation is a problem as always. I really wish we could just sleep anywhere anytime, with the appropriate penalties. Even if you take 70% damage sleeping in the cold at least you could climb out of the canyon. Or die trying.
  21. I just wish to mention that complaining about it makes it known. The devs may not have even thought about the combination of events leading to this outcome. It's up to them if they want people to clean a house while leaving the game running after that. Personally as someone who has done some minor work on games I like to get this sort of feedback.
  22. I don't think it would be of much benefit either. I like it more for the cool factor.
  23. This is one of those times that I like the condition loss of items. It's super common here in canada, from personal experience, for bear spray to be expired. I think it would be interesting for any bearspray below 50% to only have a chance of working. You may find some, and it could be worth carrying, but it's a gamble with expired/low condition spray. I think that's super realistic. It would also be neat if it accounted for wind direction, so you could miss or even spray yourself. I think though that we would need a little wind flag on the spray can to show us which way the wind is blowing as it's much harder in game to tell since you know, we can't feel it.
  24. I never thought about it but really this is obvious for those who want to break down their fires. It's one of those obvious things that aren't obvious to people like me who don't break down fires. Actually that's not true. Once I made a fire that blocked my path. Since we can't step over a campfire I was certainly glad we could break them down so I could get through again. I imagine if it had been a six hour fire I would be posting here about this exact thing, though I think for different reasons.