Question Thread :: Milton Mailbag


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I Would Like to know If You Ever Thought Of Adding the Following:

Aurora Kitchen items: Have you Ever thought About Making It Where You Can Use The Refrigerator During The Aurora To Increase Condition on Food Items. Or To Cook Stuff with the Electric Stove During The aurora. Same With the microwaves.

Tame Wolves: It May Appear Weird But Who Doesn't Want A Wolf As A Pet. To Be More Descriptive Make It Where You Can Feed the wolf Dog Food Or Meat. And Where You can Diagnose It to See If It Wants Food Or Water, and if Its Injured. And then if it isn't Took Care of, It will turn on you. 

Sorry About Capitalization Its A Habit.

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  • 2 weeks later...


I was wondering if you guys were thinking of adding in a "Waterfall volume slider". 

I have found a perfect volume setting for everything but waterfalls still stay very loud, it can be uncomfortable if I am travelling in HRV for example where waterfalls are everywhere. It might just be a problem that I'm having but this addition would make it a lot better for me at least, hopefully others too.


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Howdy Raph

Are you messing with us when it comes to the BI shortcut hunt? were you simply referring to bringing a rope to the Plateau? any who I love you game and I'm looking forward to episode 4


Edited by vta4ever
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In Errant Pilgrim Rifle cartridges and firearm cleaning kits appear to be unavailable on custom low resource settings although the odd rifle and revolver do show up.  In 1.67 both ammunition and cleaning kits were plentiful.  Perhaps too plentiful IMHO but that's another conversation...

Is this change intentional and intended to compel a visit to Bleak Inlet or a bug?  I submitted a ticket on this issue but thought I'd ask here.

Thanks again for this awesome game.  Hope all at Hinterland are well-rested and ready to continue their great work.

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I'd like to know the thoughts on adding a few items to the game:

Thermos: keeps drinks and soup hot for 18 hours.

Gel Fuel Jar: doesn't put off much ambient heat, but provides a single, portable cooking spot that's easy to light.

Mess Kit: a metal kit containing a can opener, 0.5L multipurpose cooking pot and cup, serving tray, and utensils.

Tent/Tarp: provides a portable place to get out of the weather, but not very durable. Has a chance of being destroyed in high winds.

I was also wondering, I see some buildings have propane tanks hooked to the exterior. Is there plans to let us open a valve and use them to heat the building's interior or something?

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Please let's make sure this thread is only for questions for @Raphael van Lieropthe Creative Director of The Long Dark. It's not a place to put your ideas for the game or things you'd like to see. Ask questions about The Long Dark, game development and more but please avoid posts that are more a list of desires with a question mark at the end.

Thank you.

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You know, The Long Dark thought of almost every medical condition one could expect in a winter wasteland... Frostbite, hypothermia, even cabin fever... But they forgot one. Trench Foot. When your character has been wearing the same boots and socks for days or weeks at a time... 

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With basic wolves increased in difficulty across the board (exceeding bears), will bears be increased so they are actually more difficult than wolves again? And with all these increases in wildlife difficulty, will we be given a minigun so we can survive?

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Hello Raphael! Steve from the long dark community. It has come as a surprise to many of us, that the magnetic apocalypse is a real thing. The North Magnetic pole is heading off toward Siberia and a new magnetic anomaly has formed called the South Atlantic Magnetic Anomaly. I started documenting that phenomena in another Facebook group, linked to TLDC. I'm hoping that you are aware of the real world dangers of this to air traffic and satellites, as well as to our vital infrastructure, the next time a solar flare hits Earth. Well that's the political end; not something the gamers need be concerned about. My question is this:


when did you first become aware that the magnetic anomaly is really happening? Was helping people to adjust to this future event, something you had in mind for the game?


On a side note, this has split our community but I  hope we share our information and pool our hard-fought knowledge, both for the game and the real world. I've added social learning (AKA training) modules to these two groups. The TLDC group is strictly for fun (and survival tips) while the Deep Thinkers group is for solving problems and helping people learn to be effective negotiators and community leaders. I hope to add some tactical training for TLD, as the new Timberwolves have greatly added to the challenge of the game. Well played sir!

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1) Why the game has made us go further south until now, while we should go north?

2) Why the island doesn't have any type of government structure? For example: City Hall, Police Station, Fire Station, Hospital, etc.

3) Shouldn't it be possible to communicate with the mainland through radio stations during the Auroras?

4) FM is one of the regions with the lowest human presence, however it has 3 radio towers, while other more populated regions have only 1, such as Milton, or even none, such as CH and DP. Why?

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Why on the way from the Mysterious lake to the Bleak InIet we go down into the Ravine, then down to the cave that leads to the Forlorn Muskeg, after passing through it we find ourselves in a Forlorn Muskeg? Clearly, it is obvious that the Bleak InIet and the Forlorn Muskeg have different levels of height, and it is logical that there should be a transitional location with climbing ropes between them...

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21 minutes ago, Dum_Gen said:

Рафаэль ответил мне в твиттере, что он начнет отвечать. Однако он не уточнил, когда. Возможно, когда они в конце концов выпустят остальную часть режима истории через несколько лет.

bright prospects)

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On 5/30/2019 at 1:29 AM, Admin said:

Please refrain from responding to other people's questions in this thread. This is only for questions for The Long Dark Creative Director. 

We want to keep this thread quick and easy for Raph to get questions from and not fill it up with debate, discussion or worse. 

Thank you.


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We are looking at ways we can retool the Milton Mailbag to engage more players and a broader community. We’ve been very pleased with the questions asked and the opportunity to address many of them, but want to make sure we’re being as efficient as possible while doing so.

The Milton Mailbag is not our primary source of community feedback, and we continue to follow player discussion on our forums, the Steam forums and elsewhere online to get a sense of what you’re talking about, sharing and experiencing in The Long Dark.

We thank you for your patience as we decide how to move forward with this project (the Milton Mailbag).

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Howdy Raph!

In an earlier dispatch (dispatch #36 I believe), you said:


Hey! In general we don't have any gas-powered or electronic tools because one of the effects of the Aurora and the geomagnetic disaster underpinning the game and its fiction is that electrical/electronic stuff doesn't least unless it's "animated" by the Aurora on some nights, and even then that is very unpredictable. This is part of why, for example, none of the cars in the game work, why there's no snowmobile, etc.

A while ago I posted a question about car heaters during auroras, and I came to the realization that if the power is back on (like during an aurora), why shouldn't you be able to start up a car? However you also said that the aurora is only part of the reason why things like that don't work. Would you mind telling us what it is, or is that just a part of the suspension of disbelief thing?

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On 2/15/2020 at 2:12 PM, Moll said:

Why is this there, when Raphael doesnt bother anyway. I am glad i forced friends not to buy this game. You know, better safe than sorry.

Sounds like you haven't played the game or really understand that these aren't big company developers. They've given us a lot over the years and I believe they deserve a break. I just wish they'd tell us they'd be off for longer, though. Communication is important, no matter how you look at it.

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On 2/15/2020 at 11:12 AM, Moll said:

Why is this there, when Raphael doesnt bother anyway. I am glad i forced friends not to buy this game. You know, better safe than sorry.

As previously noted (please read the thread to see if a question has been asked before posting) we are looking at ways to make the Milton Mailbag more effective and to broaden its reach within our player community. It's a valuable tool and we believe in communication with our players but also takes a great deal of Creative Director @Raphael van Lierop's time which is time he could be spending making The Long Dark.

The Milton Mailbag is not our primary source of community feedback, and we continue to follow player discussion on our forums, the Steam forums and elsewhere online to get a sense of what you’re talking about, sharing and experiencing in The Long Dark.

We thank you for your patience as we decide how to move forward with this project (the Milton Mailbag). However the point is valid, and rather than leaving this thread open to collect answers that currently have no place to be answered we will be locking it until we have decided how to proceed with the Milton Mailbag.

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