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Everything posted by Pencil

  1. I agree. By the time you have the supplies to craft noise makers, you already have a revolver with lots of rounds and possibly a flare gun, and the noise makers won't really be used for anything (unless you want to kill a bunch of ptarmigans or something brutal like that, lol). They would be a lot more useful early game. I liked that you could craft them at normal workbenches in Wintermute, but wasn't a fan of the fact that you can't do that in survival.
  2. I'd love a forge in AC. Right outside the mine would be perfect.
  3. I say yay as well; I'd like a consequence for trying to herd deer or for being careless around them.
  4. They scare wolves and timber wolves 100% of the time as far as I know. They do scare bears pretty consistently as long as they aren't already on top of you when you throw it. I've never seen one not run away from a noisemaker on Stalker and below. Same with the moose; I think it's almost 100% chance to scare them away but I don't know for sure. I haven't seen it not work before. They do not scare aurora bears. There might be a very small chance to scare them, but you likely won't. I haven't ever been able to do it. They do scare aurora wolves but I'm not sure if it's guaranteed or not. I haven't tested aurora timber wolves.
  5. I would love a feature like this!
  6. This is a great idea. It would be neat for stoves and fireplaces, workbenches, etc. to be found in different places, or find that some major locations are different. What I loved about this game when I first started was not knowing where anything is, and I think a feature like this would revive that kind of gameplay a little.
  7. If it's already fully harvested, I'm assuming that it won't let you interact with the carcass anymore. Usually you can climb onto a bear's body from the head if you walk over it at the right angle so maybe try walking onto the head from different sides. The fact that the ground is sloping down might prevent that though. If it never despawns, then hope another bear comes along, kill it in front of the last bear, and climb onto that one to get out 😂 Reminds me of when I got stuck inside of an ice fishing hut because of a bear carcass. I was able to quarter it and get it but that was a waste of 2 hours lol
  8. Burdock does seem to be rare. I surveyed the vista in HRV on Pilgrim and only 3 single burdock roots showed up. I was thinking there would be a lot in a place like HRV but not at all. I hope they add more. I was thinking the same thing. Walking on roads seem to be slightly slower than they used to be too.
  9. Ok I think I figured out what's happening, @BugReportEnthusiast. I used developer console to drink acorn coffee in different situations on a fresh run and every time it gave me the 30 minutes of reduced fatigue. I found resources and made it without dev console and same results. +5% fatigue and 30 minutes of reduced fatigue buff. It wasn't until I drank a normal coffee that the acorn coffee lost it's reduced fatigue buff. I drank normal coffee, passed time for 1 hour (to get rid of reduced fatigue buff), and then drank acorn coffee and only got the 5% fatigue. It didn't give me any reduced fatigue buff. I tried this several times and every time I drank a normal coffee, all acorn coffee drank after that did not have a reduced fatigue effect. So don't drink normal coffee if you want acorn coffee to work fully lol.
  10. It seems to be inconsistent. Sometimes it just gives 5% fatigue back, sometimes it gives the 30 minutes of reduced fatigue too. I've seen it do both. I'm going to try to test it to see when I can get it to give 30 minutes of reduced fatigue and when it won't give the buff.
  11. Hmm, wasn't there a shovel somewhere in the world that couldn't be picked up? I feel like maybe there was one as decoration in Wintermute. Maybe we'll get a shovel in this update too... but not sure what other use it would be good for.
  12. Whoaa, this stuff looks awesome!! Thanks Hinterland! Really enjoying the more frequent Dev Diaries, thanks for that too!
  13. This has inspired me to try my first Keg Stand run. With today's birch bark tea and a potential FM bunker, this challenge sounds a lot more interesting. Good luck on your run!
  14. It almost looks like you slept, but the game woke you up and accelerated time without *waking you up*. That would explain all of the meters empty. The limited fatigue would have been caused by prolonged starvation too. I would think you'd die before getting that hungry (to block half of your fatigue) but maybe not. Regardless, it's still a bug since you shouldn't wake up with your fatigue meter at 0.
  15. When a blizzard comes it totally refreshes the beach with the new mechanic. If you don't pick up things that have washed ashore, they will disappear with the next blizzard. The same goes for the boats unfortunately. Don't sleep in fishing boat or else it will disappear from under your feet if a blizzard comes 😂. Not sure if you can place a bedroll in there in the vanilla game because I was using the place anywhere mod at the time. Love the new mechanics though. I haven't read the whole thread but has anyone figured out if fishing boats spawn in Interloper?
  16. Thanks Hinterland! Just wanted to show I support your decision as well. We can wait for quality content @The Riddler not really sure where you are getting this information. From what I see you are the only one that complains about the content of the dev diaries. And for the record, they've made a diary for February, March, April, and May this year (not every 3-4 months).
  17. Wow, that's intense. I never knew that bear could even enter the crash site at all; there's an invisible wall that predators can't cross at Skeeter's Ridge but can animals come in from up the hill? Maybe that wall was removed recently. I wonder if the bear heard you. If you have no scent, animals can still hear you if you move around while they are close by. They'll start walking towards wherever you made that sound like they would a smell.
  18. I have always wondered... what type of tree are these? Just curious.
  19. Hmm, I've noticed different pathing for bears as well. Not a big deal to me though; I enjoy the randomness to where they go. Just yesterday, the Clear Cut bear in Mystery Lake fell through the ground while I was hunting him (I used Dev Console fly mode to find him. It was the only mod I was using so I don't *think* it was cause by that but I don't have proof). I don't know how or why and don't have evidence so that stinks, but I decided to fly down to where he was a harvest him up on the floor of ice underneath the region 😂
  20. When you bait an animal with a decoy, it's hard to know what item you're actually going to drop. You have to drop all of your smelly items and pick them up in a certain order so that you drop the right item, if you want to drop something specific. If I'm holding a rabbit carcass and some fresh guts, I would rather drop the rabbit but the game might drop the gut instead. I have two suggestions: Add a radial menu for decoys. The current radial button for decoy simply drops a decoy, just like the decoy shortcut does. Instead, it would be useful to see all of the smelly items you have, just like the other radial menus, so that you can choose what you want to drop. OR Add a "Add to Radial" button to smelly items. Doing this will set that item as the default when you drop a decoy.
  21. Whaaat, I didn't know you could find the plane crashes without the DLC. That's epic; there is stuff to loot, too!
  22. Lol! The incorrect size bugs are always hilarious
  23. I like your general idea. The longer you survive, the stronger you get.