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About SuperStriker16

  • Birthday 04/04/2007

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Pathfinder (4/4)



  1. I’m doing that right now actually, I found the miner’s pants, does anyone know what they do other than provide a little warmth and protection? Do they decrease poisoning or something? I know very little about the new stuff.
  2. I have no clue what to do now, I climbed down an electrical cable into a mine, which was full of toxic gas. I equipped the respirator and went into the gas, running into a dead end and then turning around and running back, expending 2 canisters. If anyone knows what i need to do next, then please let me know, I’m going to poke around a bit more, but I don’t want to waste more canisters.
  3. Well I did find the respirator and a canister in the mining building. I guess it’s time to explore below ground.
  4. I found the open pit mine, I hope the respirator is inside because the toxic waste is hard to avoid.
  5. I would play another game, but I’m too hooked to quit now.
  6. I finally found the bunker, while waiting for the aurora to happen, I searched for the polaroid vista and got a pretty cool screenshot of the whole massive region, now I know that TLD has a render distance. I eventually found the bunker entrance in a secluded corner of FA inside while I got LOST inside, I found the rifle sling and the technical balaclava (the tb I found after this screenshot btw) And I finished signal void after finding the final book. This bunker was massive and awesome, how on great bear did they build this bunker without being discovered? (I also appreciate the can of gunpowder, and box of rifle bullets, I needed it)
  7. I don’t really think that the branch was a glitch, I just think that I was in the right place at the right time to see it pop into existence. So no I haven’t filed a report.
  8. I finally made it back to forsaken airfield, but I wanted to share something that happened to me in mountain town on the way back: IMG_0319.MOV Kinda funny, a branch nearly fell right on my head.
  9. Near unlimited lead scrap, good for ammo, but that would be very heavy.
  10. I slept in the Credit Union until the lights started to pop off, then got distracted by a cache I found on the way to the cave. I did make it to the HRV bunker surprisingly easily. Here’s the events leading up to that in chronological order: found the PV bunker with ease. while traveling through to mountain town, I had to dump supplies in many piles like this one, these climbs can be strict. I found the HRV bunker pretty easily to my suprise, now to see what’s inside. This bunker is the nicest and coolest of the 3, in my opinion. Why is the gun rack empty? Too bad the secret vault dwellers didn’t have a massive gun and ammo stockpile, I could’ve used it. Uggggghhhhhhh! More walking, why sooooooooooo much walking! I guess they theoretically could’ve put the last bunker in desolation point so I would be literally as far away as I could possibly be from Forsaken Airfield. So on that part, I guess I’m lucky. Back to FA I go! (p.s. these bunkers are awesome, I love the story so far, hinterland has done an amazing job with this story and I’m looking forward to the rest of it.
  11. The weather was decent, since PV is very flat, traveling through was quick and easy, currently I’m trying to find the bunker in HRV which is probably about the hardest region the devs could’ve picked, so it’s probably going to take me quite a while to get through it.
  12. I found the bunker finally this morning, I’ve been looking since the day before yesterday, but I was busy and couldn’t play, but after falling through ice twice, going the wrong way, thinking that I needed to get to the upper part of bleak inlet, then realizing that I wasted my time and had to go around. I finally found the bunker. I had to pass a lot of time because I failed to find It during the first two auroras and needed to wait several days between them. That’s why I didn’t post yesterday. Me going the wrong way, I thought was the right direction. I found the forester’s revolver when looking in the wrong area. I also found two caches when wandering around. I finally found the bunker entrance on the 3rd aurora. This place is massive, And I found a decent amount of supplies inside. now to pleasant valley.
  13. Well, I need to fix up some towers it looks like, time to walk 500 miles! I got the first one fixed already, but now I need to go all the way back to the main regions to fix 3 more towers! Uggghhhhh. IMG_0306.MOV
  14. I made it to the airfield finally, now I can start to work things out.