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Everything posted by Pencil

  1. Once you grab the spear, you can survive one attack. I'm not sure if you can survive it without using the emergency stim but as of 2.02 it was no longer an insta kill once you grab the spear. I would be surprised if that was changed afterwards. And I'm 90% sure I got all of my stuff back after completing the cave. I don't drop stuff in the cabin, and I had all of my food and tools after getting out of the cave.
  2. You do get your stuff back AFTER the bear cave, but not during it. If you've found the emergency stim, use that right before the attack if possible. If I'm not mistaken it gives you enough health to survive one bear attack. I could be wrong though; maybe that is only after you pass a certain part of the cave. When you spawn, is the bear literally on top of you or do you have a little time? Bears make very wide turns so it is easy to juke him if you run to his side and then run for safety while he is turning around. If you need help finishing the cave, the best advice I can give is either get through the cave as fast as you possibly can, or take a lot of time and wait in the crevices of the cave until you are 100% sure you can run to another crevice without the bear catching you.
  3. Yes it is still the case. Just tried now and the bear stops 100% of the time. He will stay there for a while before eventually running away. The only case I could see a bear ignoring a fire is if it is already too close to you by the time it notices the fire. If you have a fire out in the open between you and a bear (whether it is charging or walking, I tried both), it will always stop. This was on Stalker. On Interloper he did not stay forever; he stayed for a few seconds and then charged, which is normal Interloper bear behavior. But I've never seen a bear completely ignore a fire all together
  4. Yes +1 I used to have the same issue. My computer was trying too hard to run at an unnecessary frame rate.
  5. I gotta say that Forlorn Muskeg is where I see some of the best sunrises.
  6. Yeah I just tried it and it works! I backed up Perilous Constraint using the time capsule. I can play the current version through Steam and launch the older versions from backup folders.
  7. I use Windows 11 and yes it runs. I don't have any problems running The Long Dark on Windows 11.
  8. Ok... now trying the Hunted Part 1 and realizing my entire game is completely broken... (I started the Hunted, fell through the floor, froze to death because I couldn't move when it respawned me, and pressed try again; spawned in Bleak Inlet on what looks to be a stalker save. I walk inside this cabin and this happens) Btw when I fell through the ground I looked at my inventory and I had the all the same stuff as the bugged stalker run mentioned above. LOL this is so weird TheLongDark 2022-12-06 17-56-44.mp4 I tried The Hunted part 1 one more time and it seems to be working now. Lol I don't know what is happening
  9. Well, one of my saves is officially broken lol... while this bug is oddly cool and such, I can't play my save normally. Fortunately it's a new one and I don't have much progress on it. Anyways, the bug: Every time I load my stalker save, I get taken to the start screen with Trapper's cabin and the cairn with the rifle. I can walk around and pick up the rosehips and the rifle, but I have nothing in my inventory and my health, cold, fatigue, etc. aren't moving. Walking is extremely slow and pushes my to the left slightly. The animals don't notice me. I can get up to the cabin and go inside, and appear in Trapper's. There, all of my stuff is back and I can loot the cabin (which has already been looted on that save but there's stuff again). But whenever I leave, I get stuck on an infinite loading screen. TheLongDark 2022-12-06 17-14-51.mp4 Insane bug - Made with Clipchamp.mp4
  10. I'm currently playing on the base game but by the sounds of your run, maybe spawns for tools and such are more random based now, which would be awesome. I've found some really unique item spawns in different places but I won't spoil any; one of them really surprised me. Really enjoying the updated loot spawns! The game is a little buggy but nothing game breaking so far. Does anybody else get a pause whenever opening the clothes or status page in the inventory? That's the only one that's bothering me right now but there are some others like the green metal container sounds getting swapped with the medicine shelf sound lol. Has anybody heard any new wildlife noises? Some of the bear crow sounds seem different and maybe even some of the snorts and groans of the bear itself. The deer definitely has more sounds that I've noticed though. Just saw yesterday that mouldy meat from a ravaged doe carcass actually has spots of green on it. Now that is cool.
  11. Whenever you want to switch versions, you have to download the entire version all over again; so the farther back you go the quicker the download, but if you want to get back to the current game it might take a while with the size of the current game. If you're going back to Perilous Constraint for your old saves, then yes, it will take a bit to switch between the current build and Perilous Constraint. You can download the versions like Early Access Launch or Silent Hunter in a couple minutes since they are both significantly smaller downloads though.
  12. I noticed that too! Wasn't sure if that was just me or if that was part of the update. It's awesome
  13. The Long Dark is working for me now, but it seems as though I got Survival Edition and not the whole game. It wants me to buy Wintermute even though I owned the game before this update. Any way to fix this?
  14. I do hope that either the trader doesn't last forever in a survival save, or our decisions can affect the survival of the trader. Maybe the trader won't survive forever; maybe if we don't give him certain supplies while trading, he'll have a less chance of surviving longer. Just some thoughts I had. I hope the trader doesn't stay in one place forever.
  15. Since Other is an option... definitely going to be checking every visor. Still debating on whether or not I'm going to be buying the DLC. If I do, I'll try going full in with an Interloper and coming back through later with a stalker run to explore. But I'm not sure since we don't know what will be coming first yet, so it depends for me.
  16. Yes!! The Hunted part 3! Really interested to see how that plays out. All of the new items and updated spawns sound awesome; can't wait!
  17. I took an hour to test bear behaviors to answer the question I've seen thrown around many times; do fires actually stop bears? Will torches and flares stop them too? I grabbed some torches and flares and spawn bears with dev console to find out. By the way, every time I say "flare" I'm referring to the flare sticks, not the flare shells. The answer: Yes to all of the above. Fires will stop a bear as long as the fire is in between the bear and you, and you remain a safe distance away from the bear. If you are too close to a bear, it will almost always charge regardless of what is in front of it. Very rarely it will run away instead. So always keep plenty of distance from you and the bear or else it will charge and ignore the fire. I did find that he will stay there forever, even on Interloper. Fires will stop a bear, but they will not scare it away. Torches are not as easy to stop a bear with as fires and flares. I would recommend not trying to use one if you can use a flare or fire instead. If you are holding a torch while a bear charges, he will not stop and will continue to attack you. If there is a torch on the ground in front of him, he will run around it. If the bear is stopped by a flare or a fire, however, throwing the torch at him will scare him away. BUT, the torch must hit him to actually scare him. If it lands in front of him, he will not be scared. Hitting a bear with a torch while he is not charging you will scare him away 100% of the time on any difficulty. If he is slowly walking or growling when hit with a torch, he will flee. Flares will stop a bear in it's tracks if you are holding one or one is on the ground in front of you. However, the bear will only wait for about 5 seconds before ignoring the flare and charging. While stopped, throwing a flare at a bear will scare him as long as the flare hits him. It works just like the torch in that hitting him while he is walking slowly or growling will always scare him away. You can continuously throw flares at a bear and it will always flee if the flare hits the bear (and the bear is not charging when it hits him). And in case you were wondering, the Old Bear DOES stop in for torches when you are holding one. The Old Bear stops farther away from torches than normal bears. Normal bears stop for torches once they are already too close, so they proceed to attack instead of stopping. Useful for if you run out of flare shells on the Hunted or are having troubles completing that challenge.
  18. A headshot isn't the only way to drop an animal in one hit. I've dropped a bear or deer in one shot in the heart too. There's a binocular mod, but officially adding binoculars would be awesome. I would use it all the time.
  19. A fox sounds awesome! I would happily welcome a non-hostile animal to the game.
  20. Yeah its a handheld radio. If you equipped it, your game gets softlocked in a way though. You can't unequip it or interact with anything else. I don't think it did anything at the time either. There are some pretty interesting items out there, but I won't say any in case they get added in the future. I don't want to spoil anything... not sure if they are past ideas that didn't quite work or items they are planning to add in the future...
  21. I actually stopped playing my runs when I heard this, simply because I don't want to build up progress and lose it once the update hits. I do use the time capsule, but I don't like going back 1 or 2 builds since it's a stale build that I've played for a long time and would rather play with the new items and new saves. This is probably a good time to play some more of the early access build or silent hunter for me. I love playing those builds since surviving long-term requires a lot more careful decisions and resource management than today's Interloper. Right now I'm simply playing new runs that I only play for an in-game day or two; I like starting Interlopers, struggling the first few hours, find matches, find food and water, and getting to a comfortable state in the run and quitting lol.