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Everything posted by Pencil

  1. Not a key, it's a setting. You go to options, display, and turn the HUD to off or contextual.
  2. I bought the game on an actual Xbox, then downloaded it onto my computer using the same Microsoft account, so the game was purchase through Microsoft, not Steam. I tried all of the screenshots and I cannot find the destination file for any of them (if there is such a thing). Thanks for the help though. I take screen shots using Xbox Game bar, which I think is already on Microsoft computers. It works perfectly fine for me, but I have to turn off the HUD before taking a screenshot.
  3. Can you actually get to the fishing hut? I saw the hole in the ice and received a weak ice warning every time I got near. The hole is blocking nearly the entire river. I figured it was a trap and/or "decoration." Other than the wolf at the bridge that can't really be avoided, the place is really nice. I like the trailer and the old, broken down cabin too. I need to go back and map that stuff as well.
  4. The floor seems to be a bit higher than items dropped onto the floor. I dropped a bunch of stuff on the floor and nearly everything was half underground. Shells fall below the floor too. They're still there, just can't see them. I was able to recover the shells.
  5. I realized that pressing f10 will create a screenshot without the HUD, so I've started using that now. However, I don't know where the pictures end up. I can't find a destination file noted anywhere in the game. I play on pc through the Microsoft store (Xbox but on a computer). I assume it creates a new folder somewhere on my computer, but I can't find that folder. So where are they?
  6. I agree that tinder shouldn't become useless after level 3 fire starting. I still start my fires with tinder past level 3 skill just for fun. As for the percentage, I don't think it is too much, since a 70% chance seems to still take 5 tries sometimes. It could be lower though. For the fire time, fire does burn longer outside in The Long Dark. Personally, I think you shouldn't be able to see an exact time duration of your fire. Determining how long to sleep based on how strong the fire looks sounds more fun and challenging than being given exact numbers. An estimated time being given would be better too.
  7. Oops, just took my main run to Broken Railroad and set up camp there; now I have to tear everything down and haul my stuff to the complete opposite side of the map to Blackrock lol. Thanks for the update! Looks awesome!
  8. I walked up to the Carter Hydro Dam during an aurora and saw the lights on; thought to myself: "Is somebody in there?" Then of course, I just had to draw a figure in the window, which surprisingly actually looks a little like Mathis
  9. What is the best time you have ever gotten on any of the challenges? I only have a couple recorded here since I don't always screenshot it, but I'll add mine later when I redo them. The Hunted Part 1: 5 hours 56 minutes The Hunted Part 2: sometime around 6 hours I think (this one is by memory) As the Dead Sleep: 12 days 7 hours 29 minutes (first successful attempt)
  10. Keeping a diary is actually a really good idea. I should do that. I have several runs going on right now, and every time I jump from one to another, I have to scan my inventory for several minutes and explore my surroundings a little bit, since I can't remember what was happening. I'm also trying to get level five everything on a Voyager run, then am going to do it on a Stalker run. I decided to knock out Gun Smithing in one day, so I stocked up a bunch of supplies at the cannery and forged a bunch of bullets. Getting level 5 is probably what's the hardest for me, and getting level 5 on mending will take a LONG time. Good luck on your quest!
  11. "I hope nobody needs this anymore," and you put the item back into the drawer. I feel like he should only say that if you actually take the item lol. What bothers me even more, though it's not a phrase he says, is the shouts of pain when you fall two feet and don't injure anything lol. I play with voice audio on 0 though. I only have to listen to it on Wintermute.
  12. Have you tried turning wolf fear to max, but turning off passive wildlife in custom? I don't know what voyager wolf fear is set at though, so it might be the same as voyager. If that doesn't work, you might be able to get the balance you want with a fur coat of any kind. With wolf fear at the max, it'd probably scare away a good number of wolves.
  13. Actually, arrows are more effective than bullets, believe it or not. Bears will bleed out a lot quicker with an arrow than a bullet. You can kill a bear fairly easily with two arrows if you get both hits on the face.
  14. Don't spoil the story! It's a bug. Your best bet is to probably reload the game as far back as you can, and then try again. Definitely should be reported.
  15. As for the animals, I am not sure, but I do know that missed shots can vary how much the arrow is damaged. Hitting rock or ice will take off more condition than hitting snow. 4 shots per arrow sounds about right. That's what I usually get out of mine. I've heard somewhere that higher condition arrows have a better chance of critical hits than an arrow that is about to break too.
  16. As it is, the custom option is already really helpful and fun to play around with, but I think being able to customize the challenges instead of the survival difficulties would be awesome. You could set any challenge to Interloper-based settings, or add guns to the Hunted part 1, or make them easier if you want, and such. You can set the custom settings to a specific difficulty and then tweak it to your personal liking, and doing that for a challenge would be really fun. Of course, you'll still have to beat the original challenge to get the badge though. Equally enjoyable would be to add the Old Bear or the Dark Walker to a custom survival game. Or both lol. Since endless night was added to the custom options, why not more challenge features? Thoughts?
  17. Pencil

    Old intro

    Oh wow, that one looks awesome. Didn't know that used to be the intro +1
  18. There are two ropes leading up to it, the first starting at Draft Dodgers Cabin in Pleasant Valley, and the second starting directly after the first. If you don't know where Draft Dodger's Cabin is, then: Standing beside the Pleasant Valley barn, Draft Dodger's cabin is left of the birch forest across the river and over the little hill. Another way to get to it is to follow the same river mentioned above until you find a burnt down shed. Then there will be a path up the side of the mountain, where you will cross over a tree. The path will lead you to the crash site, where you can walk through and take a right after leaving the plane, OR turn right before you get to the crash while on the path up the mountain. Sorry if that is hard to understand. Basically, Skeeter's Ridge is at the top of the mountain that is north of the barn/farmhouse (assuming that Timberwolf Mountain is north of Pleasant Valley, like the map says it is)
  19. yeah, it works. Usually, the higher the difficulty your playing, the less they get scared. It works for bearskin coats too. I think I've heard the moose cloak will also scare wolves sometimes.
  20. I agree that HRV sets you up very well if you know the region well. I prefer other regions over HRV since I am not very familiar with it yet, but what I have seen of it is very rewarding. My personal favorite is Forlorn Muskeg for multiple reasons. (1) Plenty of cat tails to last you a while. (2) Easy access to ML or MT, since the region is incredibly easy to navigate. (3) Get a hammer in ML and come right back to forge. I got improvised tools in two or three days with a FM spawn. Desolation Point is actually not too bad in my opinion. Sure, it might be the worst, but when you spawn on the little island with the deer, a little ways from the Riken (don't know what it is called), you can immediately beach comb. I got fish, clothes, and some wood within minutes of spawning just from the shore. Then head to Hibernia, don't run into any wolves and you should be good.
  21. Were you holding a torch when this was happening? They do this if you have a lit torch in hand. Usually, they won't attack you. They will stop a few steps away from you and growl (sometimes). It is a little different with a flare, since they keep there distance when you're holding one. They get closer with torches though. Now I'm scared; I always use that railcar... never thought the bear could get in. I assume he won't notice you unless you are smelly, but still; I might not be staying there as much anymore lol.
  22. Spoilers Well, I wish that you encountered the Old Bear in Mystery Lake in more than just cinematic cutscenes. Having to actually use the rifle at first to scare him off was what I was hoping for when I first played the episode. Kind of like what the episode was before the redux, but not actually killing him with it, and still killing him with the spear. For the cave, I didn't necessarily think it ended quickly, but I understand where you are coming from. It is quite sudden.
  23. Episode one was boring for me. Episode three was ok, but gathering the supplies was not very exciting (saving the survivors was actually really fun, believe it or not). The last chapter of Episode 4 was great, but the rest of the episode was just ok. Episode two was great. Dealing with the Old Bear was exciting, and the cave was epic. It's really fun to speed run.
  24. I know that one of the cargo containers in on the summit has tools and lanterns, but since you've already been to the summit, I expect that one did not spawn (if it ever spawns). Your best bet is probably finding tools in a cargo container. I can't think of anywhere else in TWM that would have tools. The closest place I can think of would be the farmhouse or barn in PV, which has already been said. Does the skeeter's ridge basement have any? I think I have found some there before.