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Everything posted by Pencil

  1. The broken shed where you call Molly after leaving the crash site usually has a jerry can outside. Other than that I'm not sure though.
  2. Yes, playing on the time capsule still awards achievements. I completed Jeremiah's survival school in the 1.0 build using the time capsule and it gave me the achievement.
  3. I've found fresh leather several times in the yellow train car in ML, but it DID cure when I put it inside. Interesting
  4. I really like the idea. They could reduce the amount of birch bark dropped from trees and add in these. I personally use firewood a lot on all levels; I don't carry it around but I gather a bunch and keep a stash of wood in each base.
  5. All of those are great ideas! I love them all; however, when you reach 15,000 days, some might not appreciate being killed for no good reason.
  6. Yes, an option to see your best time without having to redo the entire challenge would be awesome. Nice job by the way!
  7. That sounds really fun! Next you'll have to try no flares and no torches. Only stones and noisemakers
  8. I've noticed that if you spend a long time on a slope (even if you are not moving), you have a higher chance of getting a sprain as soon as you move. You don't get sprains for sitting on a slope, but you will the moment you move. I slept and passed time without moving while on a slope and got a sprain the moment I moved, so try not to move if you've spent a long time on a slope.
  9. I think I'll be going outside at night more often. The sky is so epic
  10. They will still burn if you don't pick them up and put them back down but I find that to be relatively minor and something that we can live with for now. Thank you for the update! Really glad the voice slider is fixed now
  11. This looks really fun! Question: Are we allowed to make only one submission? Or can we make multiple submissions if we want to participate in more than one category? (Sorry if this was already stated but I couldn't see if it was)
  12. I'd definitely eat moose but not any of the other ones lol. It's funny how in-game we will happily eat a can of dog food if we find one but wouldn't touch it irl 😂
  13. Before the last hotfix (or the hotfix before that; I don't remember) the Old Bear on the Hunted would always spawn in the gate; 100% of the time he was there. It made for a tight situation while trying to get out. This was changed in a recent hotfix now because if you could get out of the gate without him following you out, then he is usually stuck in there forever. You can then walk to Trapper's in peace. You can't close the gate on today's Hunted but apparently the Old Bear AI isn't smart enough to get out when trying to chase you. If you entered a building or slept the bear would respawn. As long as you stayed outside and awake, he would remain stuck though.
  14. For anyone who doesn't want to know the shortcut don't read this message lol. I take the same route you would when leaving the mine, but backwards. When you first come to that area above the ice that surrounds the prison, just before the fallen tree (where you would exit if you just came from the mine), you would have to go down the tree and down a few falls before getting to the ice. The terrain is designed to prevent you from going back, but it is still climbable. To get back up, you have to get as high as possible and then walk up slopes and on the sides of rocks. It's hard to explain but basically that path is two ways if you can find your way up.
  15. Any time I'm in Blackrock, I always go for the noisemakers at the mine. Do I use them? Well... very rarely I do lol. I use them for timber wolves and apparently they have a chance of scaring aurora wolves (I tested it and they will run but maybe not 100% of the time), so I keep them on hand for that. I found a very convenient shortcut to get to the mine though. I can go from the prison to the mine and back within a day, but I won't spoil it for anyone and I really hope Hinterland doesn't change that (it's not easy to do). That's why I always go there for the blueprints and the workshop code. Fortunately you can craft noisemakers at Bleak Inlet if you have the blueprints so that helps. So yes, I use them, but not very often. I'll usually burn a flare or a couple revolver shots before using one. They are good for the times where you don't want to risk anything and you want an effective deterrent without using flare shells.
  16. Finished video here on my YouTube channel: (It is a part 2 so if you want to understand what's happening, you can find part 1 on my channel).
  17. I was playing the early access launch and dropped some jeans on the ground and that's what happened lol. A lot of items will become giant when dropped in that build.
  18. Some more screenshots from playing a multiplayer mod. Also a trip back to the pre-release build with giant jeans
  19. A few screenshots from a run I'm playing with a friend using the multiplayer mod.
  20. That's happened to me to, but inside of the broken barns (the type of buildings like Spence's Homestead). I was crouched while inside and was teleported to the upper loft area when I re-entered the save.
  21. -Mountaineer: Climb for a total of X amount of hours or X amount of distance. Climbing now consumes 20% less energy and you take 10% less damage when falling (or something along those lines). -Cartographer: Fully map X amount of regions OR complete the faithful cartographer achievement to unlock. You can map ~20% more area at once when mapping. -Quick Learner (terrible name lol): Complete the Skilled Survivor achievement. You gain ~5-10% more experience in all skills. A couple ideas that would be cool. If these feats were added I would definitely use them. I could see DLCs coming with new feats.
  22. Yeah! I just have to open the save and invite him again, and we will both start at the last places we saved at. We both keep our stuff, too. We haven't gotten to play again but hopefully we can sometime
  23. Nope, not your device's fault. Privacy settings on the Google apps default to private, so the OP probably just needs to make the slide public