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Everything posted by Pencil

  1. I do like that area, but my only problem is the workbench is outside. You need a fire going on interloper to craft there, and the bear comes by every now and then too. I didn't consider the fact that you can get coal from the mine there, so that is nice. I like the garage because of the work bench and moose spawn. Easy to hunt the moose in that area too. But I would definitely stay at the fishing camp rather than garage on Interloper.
  2. Definitely the camp office in Mystery Lake. Good weather there, easy access to fishing huts, rabbit area nearby for snares, and the path behind the building leads to a little area with limbs and sticks. There are also deer that sometimes spawn on the lake, and the wolves that spawn there are generally easy to get around. The bear on the lake is easy to kill as well with the fishing huts nearby. Two stoves inside the office and a workbench. If necessary, the forge in FM is not too far away. I also like Coastal Highway as well (specifically, the garage). However, I've lost a couple really promising Interloper runs there, so not my choice for Interloper anymore. I still go there on lower difficulties though.
  3. I also think it would be neat to be able to cook soup such as what Grey Mother made in Ep. 1. It is not necessarily a "luxury" food, it would actually be helpful and useful to make. Perhaps we could have some kind of soup that would cure cabin fever. It would definitely provide a warmth bonus. Maybe an energy bonus? If you can get quality food, maybe you could get a little extra energy from it.
  4. I can confirm that they will take your coats, hat, and gloves. I'm not sure about the additional clothes if you happen to find an ear wrap, but you should probably take it off to be safe. Don't drop your stuff on the ground. Store it in a container, such as a car trunk or the firewood/storage container.
  5. I'm pretty sure it is possible to live forever, even if you don't play your resources very wisely at the beginning. That is, if you can get metal from beachcombing, and I am pretty sure you can. If you can, then you can repeat this cycle: Warmth: Some interiors have temperatures above freezing, so this is not a problem. Check Fatigue: There are beds all over the world. Bedrolls will eventually fade but are not needed. Check Hunger: Eating rabbits (costs no resources if you eat it raw. Not the best idea thought). OR fishing. Use knife/hatchet to break ice, which can be repaired with metal and milling machine (or a box of tools, but the tools will also need repaired with more metal) which can be beachcombed. Fishing tackles do not lose condition when catching a fish. If you break tackles on a catch, you can make more endlessly. Metal + gut, which can be harvested from rabbits. You'll probably need a fire to cook the fish/rabbit, which I think is endless as long as the mag glass does not lose condition (Does it? I didn't think it did. Maybe it does if you get attacked by something, but I don't think it does naturally. If it does though, then you can't live forever.) Check if you can make a fire. Thirst: I don't think cans lose condition, so you can keep making water as long as you can make a fire. Sticks and wood are endless, as well as coal. As mentioned above, I don't think the mag glass loses condition, so you can keep making fires. You could actually repair pots with metal too. Check if you can make a fire. Those are all of your needs. So I want to know, does the magnifying glass lose condition? Do cans lose condition? Can you get metal from beachcombing?
  6. I totally agree with you. I think some words were over used far too many times. The rating says "Mild Language," but how mild is Ep. 4? The story itself is outstanding in my opinion, but I am also disappointed with this as well.
  7. Ok, thank you for your help! I'll try it again later.
  8. I don't know how many of you have actually beaten this yet, but I need help with the end where you are escaping the building after the explosion. I just got the hard case and need to escape, but I don't know how to get to the power plant. I'm stuck on the elevated paths. They all look like dead ends. Anybody know how to get past this? I keep getting re-captured.
  9. Several people on the Steam forums are saying it will come out at 10:00 AM PST, so a little more than 2 hours from when I sent this comment.
  10. When you search a container, you can hear the character shoving things aside and digging through something, so what is he digging through? Perhaps he is picking up water bottles and coffee mugs. I think it would be a cool twist to add water bottles to the game, and wouldn't add that big of a challenge since I don't usually carry more than 3 kilos of water around with me on a regular basis. The only thing this would stop is stocking up water easily. It would cause a problem for the Whiteout challenge unless water bottles were abundant.
  11. Lol I just did that as well. I wanted to revisit the end so that I know what's going on when I start ep 4. It's coming tomorrow!
  12. I'm playing As the Dead Sleep right now, and I only have the crystal lake grave and the desolation point grave left. I arrive at Mountaineers hut and am ready to check the grave. However, I look at my map and look at the lake, and I cannot find the grave anywhere. The map states that it is on the middle of the lake... which doesn't really make sense, unless the body was thrown into the water and a cross was put on the ice where they were.... Am I blind, or is this grave actually hard to find? Is it actually on the lake? Side note: is there a category for challenges? I've had several discussions about challenges and felt that Survival Mode was not the right place to put them, but there was not really any better category. There should be one for challenges.
  13. The only problem on pc is that if you don't click the correct spot, you throw another rock at the poor thing instead of picking it up lol. But I played on Xbox a while back and agree that it is harder to pick them up. Maybe try running to it and then crouching when you are over top of it. Might make it easier, but idk.
  14. It's a great idea, but I can't think of anything that can be cooked with the food already in the game. It would be cool if they added pancake mixes... the Just Add Water boxes of pancake mixes can last a long time before going bad, so maybe you can make pancakes with a box mix, water, and cooking pot. Gotta have something to go with the syrup...
  15. I would say to learn the spawns of wolves and bears using Pilgrim mode. If you know where a wolf/bear can or cannot be in a region, you can explore with more confidence. It's helpful to crouch in areas that have hostile wildlife. If you hear footsteps and you have no idea where it's coming from, you can just light a flare to keep you safe. Also, if your playing on any difficulty other than Interloper where flares are plentiful, light a flare any time you are entering a wolf/bear area, even if you don't see one, since they will not attack you when you're holding one (unless you approach them when they stop and growl.) If it's night time and I'm walking through crumbling highway, I would light a flare and book it. Sometimes I'll even turn off my sound lol. Playing the Hunted Part 1 can help get over fear of bears. Idk, maybe trying to fight the indoor wolves will help with wolf fear... or that might make it worse lol.
  16. Yup, that's where I found the last bit of lamp oil I needed. I can't believe I found that. It is blended in so well! Ah, I was playing on Hardened Survivor. I was literally going to derelict cabins when I found the rest of the oil I needed. Sigh. I might go back and get that note and look for the bunkers.
  17. I'm thinking that PM would be on the east side of the map as well. It makes the most sense. However, we might never actually see PM... you never know... If we really want to create theories, I would not be surprised if Hinterland stuck Blackrock Mountain somewhere in Ravine. It sounds crazy, but if it were north of Mystery Lake, that's a good distance away from the Carter Hydro Dam, and (SPOILER AHEAD, I don't know how to make spoilers) if the convict(s) take(s) Will to the prison, they would have a long walk though Mystery Lake to get there. If Blackrock is on the east side of the map, that's even farther away. That road that you can see from just outside of the Milton to ML transit down the cliff has always confused me... I'm really interested to see if we will be able to access that at some point. Edit: Looking at different maps, some show that Carter Hydro Dam is at the top of ML, but the world map shown above shows that the Carter Hydro Dam is on the south eastern end of ML. So they might be able to put Blackrock north of ML
  18. Yeah, I guess I was the one who was actually sitting here while I died. I never clarified who I was actually talking about and which one of us was the explorer lol
  19. I think we all know what happened to this one... He decided to go exploring and came across a cave to take shelter in. However, this cave had already been explored; by the Old Bear. After feasting on a fresh wolf carcass, the Bear was still hungry. The man is now dead, but not eaten quite yet. 5 seconds after I found this dude, I became the Bear's next meal.
  20. Ok, I'll try this out. It used to be you don't have to walk away, so that's what I'm missing here. I'm glad you can still bait wolves without being able to get an easy shot on them. Yeah, I do use fishing huts to shoot wolves and bears. Throwing rocks is super helpful. If you stand too close to the opening though on a doorless hut, you can get still attacked.
  21. Of course I have. Many, many times. I've played this game for several years. Usually, I get stuck in places if I'm doing something I'm not supposed to do lol. I still don't think jumping is necessary. It would be useful, yes, but not necessary.
  22. I'm joking lol. I know that there is a massive debate on jumping in The Long Dark and I think it is not needed, but said it in here as a joke.
  23. I remember that the old way of baiting wolves was dropping meat or fresh gut when the wolves spotted you (this was changed in an update a while ago), but how does it work now? If I drop something smelly, they ignore it and continue pursuing me. I see that there is still a "Wolves Baited" statistic in the journal, but I don't know how to do it. If I drop the meat when they smell me but don't see me, it somehow loses its scent and the wolf stops coming toward me and the meat. Is it not possible to do it at all anymore?