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Everything posted by peteloud

  1. I had an amazing shot with bow & arrow in my very early days of TLD. I was on the bridge near the dam in ML and there was a moose on the river down below and a long way off. I fired one arrow and killed it. If I was in the same situation again I would dismiss it as an impossible shot. I would not have had level 5 Bow skill, probably much lower. I was so new to the game I didn't appreciate how lucky I was. Nowadays it is not uncommon for me to waste 5 arrows on much near moose and not get a kill.
  2. I agree with most of of the points tht you are making. Well done for checking them out and listing them. But I'd rather have HTL spend their time and resources finishing of Episode 5 and getting on with their next project.
  3. Sheesh! I shall steer clear of theose bears in TLD after that.
  4. Did you use, loot tables, mods maps, or info. from spoiler websites to help you?
  5. In the Stalker games that I play I usually decide that the moose is best avoided once I have a backpack. Several times I have wasted too many hours waiting for the moose to come closer, and often I have wasted several arrows without getting a kill.
  6. I have recently been reading a few books about the early opening up of Canada, by John Rae & Franklin, 1819-1850. They frequently make a point of saying how a very cold calm day was not a problem but that wind is the big enemy. Perhaps the developers have it right. It is tiresome for us, I agree, but in real life wind can be killer.
  7. Recording these locations, whether it is just for the Cartographer award or it is to find all locations, is very inconsistent. Sometimes the location is recorded automatically simply because you are there. For some locations you must use charcoal to have it recorded. For one waterfall in Ash Canyon I walked behind the middle waterfall and used charcoal when there, but the waterfall was not recorded. I had to stand very close to the waterfall at its base. There have been occasions when I have stood in a great many places in front of and close to a location, used charcoal, and could still not get the location to appear on the map. I'm sure that there are other anomalies too.
  8. I got up to 344 locations before Blackrock came out. But due to a bug, that has not increased with the locations that I have discovered in Blackrock. I assume the update that is due any day will have that bug fixed and I shall get a revised number of locations. I hope that I don't have to go back to Blackrock because I have missed some place there. I hate the region.
  9. I have always wished that the red tag on a cairn turned blue after it had been discovered so that I knew that I had already found it if I came across it again.
  10. I recently found a sleeping bear in BI. I wanted to test a few techiniques so I did a save backup, before playing with the sleeping bear. I won't tell you what I learned. I suggest that when you come across a sleeping bear you do the same, backup a save then mess about trying a few things.
  11. I think that this must be easy. All you have to do is use the Edit mod to give yourself a million Coal and Fir Firewood then start a fire in a cave near a great souce of food, i.e. the Deer Clearing in TWM. You could sleep or rest most of time and have an occasional trip out to kill deer. No, I don't use mods, but many do.
  12. Did you find them using a table of their locations or find them by exploring?
  13. In Stalker the bear usually walks over to Riken and can be shot from safety.
  14. Well, the update must be due any day. I want the update to make sense of the number of locations I have discovered. No, not the 212 required for the cartographic challenge, the total number of locations. Alas after the update there will be nothing of interest until the final episode 5. I'll stop playing after the update. I suspect many others will lose interest too. I usually notice a drop in the postings to this forum which suggest that. I would prefer to see a steady dribble of updates, just to keep me interested, rather than one major update 2-3 months after a new episode. However it matters less now. I am not particulary looking forrward to Episode 5. My interest now focuses upon what HTL will do next. I think TLD is brilliant, far better than any other game I have played. Now HTL must have teams that are working well, and lots of ideas. A while back I assumed that the next HTL production would be a similar icy survival game. But why? With their skills they could turn their skills to any genre game. As long as it isn't jull of zombies and giant iron-clad storm trooper I don't mind. It would be great to have HTL create a new genre.
  15. There was another guy who claimed to have had 50 Interloper games of over 1,000 days. When I questioned him about it he sent me a threatening message.
  16. That wolf in the picture doesn't look white to me.
  17. See how two of the corners of the battery are missing, or not coloured. That has been the case on the batteries that could not be removed. On normal, removable batteries the whole top is blue.
  18. I encountered the bear in the last large enclosure before climbing up the rope to get inside the prison.
  19. If you look carefully you will see that there are two designs for the battery. One has a little less blue on it. That one does not remove.
  20. I have just been trekking around HRV in a straight Stalker game that recently started. I'm probably around day 320. I have high skill levels and good clothing. I have found HRV very easy this time. I have had so little trouble I am puzzled. I had very few wolf attacks, killing one or two bears was easy, and the weather wasn't too bad. I can't work why. The only reasons I can think of is that it was a little over 300 days, perhaps the things become much more hostile beyond 500 or 1,000 days which I am more used to. Alternatively it could be that I am so familiar with the map that I subconciously avoid the problems. Perhaps I was just lucky with the randomisation.
  21. That is something I had never thought about. When I am sleeping in very cold conditions I tend to sleep in short increments in case the temperature drops and I freeze. I must think about it more carefully in future.
  22. I have no idea at all what you mean. What does the verb meme mean?
  23. That's interesting. All of my unrealistic deteriorationss of my bedroll in a cave, were all linked to having slept in the bedroll, gone outside and been attacked by a wolf or bear. To me it seemed as if I was carrying the bedroll when I was attacked. This led me wonder could it be a flag that indicated I was still carrying the bedroll had not been reset. ( I have done no work with Unity so I am unfamiliar with coding in Unity.) So your experience means that my thoughts were completely wrong. Addendum After writing that I am not familar with coding in Unity it made me think about when I last wrote a bit of serious code. It was a long time ago. There can't be many people playing TLD who cut their teeth on punched cards. It seems like yesterday.
  24. I have a few runs over 1,000 at straight Stalker and Voyager levels. I always like to completely draw the charcoal map which involves me in lots of travelling around and going to small places where there is no other reason to go. Recently drawing the map has become easier. Using a Polaroid to aid mapping exposes a very large area of the map. Previously using charcoal only exposed a small area of the map. I prefer the long runs. Obviously runs in which you have all skills at level 5 and good clothes are much easier than the struggles of the first few days in a game. I play TLD to relax. Those first few days can be stressful. I don't want to die of a stress induced heart attack.