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Everything posted by ThePancakeLady

  1. Spin my chair around to see if I can rotate before a wolf eats my face off. Sucks when my knees hit the side of the desk sometimes... but I still do it. Because if my character is going to get hurt I will too, for #immersion.
  2. In real life, crows (and ravens) are quite intelligent, and curious. Bright shiny objects... like pieces of jewelry, glass marbles, keys, car remotes with flashing lights( to help find them)... all found inside crow's nests over the years on our old property (our old farm). We learned quickly that if something "sparkly" was dropped outside, check the crows' nests we knew about the next day, if we did not find it quickly after we lost it. Keys in particular, they seemed to have a fondness for picking up and flying off with. It's possible the metal arrowhead(s) might attract their attention, and draw them in for a closer look. No scientific evidence for it, that I know of, just years of living on a farm, surrounded by woods, with lots of crows living around us. And many lost keys, lol. It's an interesting idea, but I can also see it becoming a confusing thing, to see crows or hear crows, and expect to find a carcass or corpse, and find only a broken arrow. And I would likely stop bothering to search for lost arrows, if I thought I could just wait for the crows to show me where it was. Neutral opinion on this, half " this is good", half "eh, not sure this is good". If Hinterland would make crows land to feed off of the carcasses they now only circle, I could see it. But adding the mechanic and animations just to help find lost arrows seems like a bit too much.
  3. Yes, in real life I do get that it works that way, sort of, though 1 dose may not treat my migraine and my arthritis very well. I often need more than a single dose to get relief IRL if I have more than one type of pain or illness, and my pain or illness is more severe. The comment about "all of of your toes hurt" feels a bit over-dramatic to me. We are playing a game though, one that emphasizes making purposeful and conscious choices. If they change the mechanic for painkillers only, then there will be people who will want to know why it does not work the same way for all medical treatments. Thus, I brought up bandages, which are needed for multiple types of injuries and afflictions, and the same is true for antiseptic, antibiotics, OMLB , reishi tea and rose hip tea. They all treat multiple injuries and afflictions. The game is more "true to life" than many other survival genre games, but it is far from being 100% "realistic". If we have a system put in place, where what type and number of injuries or afflictions we have does not matter, and 1 thing heals them all at once, let's just go back to magical med packs, or HP and Energy pots, that treat everything at once. With floating numbers, health bars and energy bars, like an aRPG has. With no need to worry about avoiding injuries and afflictions, since we can magically heal all with one red potion, and relieve loss of energy (or mana), never needing to sleep, with one blue potion. It's a matter of gameplay choices and consequences that matter to me, and the need to weigh out and prioritize my actions in any given situation. I am fine with they mechanics the way they are, I prefer having to think about what I doing, and what I am treating, and why I am treating it, even if it does feel a bit too "micro-managy" or frustrating at times. You don't have to agree. It's just my opinion on it. You are free to have yours as well. The devs need to see both, or all, opinions on the mechanics and systems in the game. And they cannot please us all, no matter what they decide to do or not do, to create the experience they envision for their game.
  4. Hibernia Processing in Desolation Point. Hands down.
  5. With official support and security updates being stopped by Microsoft for Windows 7 coming in 6 months... I am curious if there is any talk in the industry about whether to continue making new games that support the OS or not. And if Hinterland has plans to support the OS in any new games you may have on the table? I like Windows 7. I don't want to upgrade to Windows 8.1 or Windows 10, until I absolutely MUST (all of my software stops working with Windows 7, for example). That being said, if the next game from Hinterland does not support Windows 7, that may be a MUST upgrade for me. (Yes, I do really mean that...). I know what the talk is currently in the more mundane SW dev community I am still a part of, but since I am not a game dev, I am honestly curious if there are concerns in the games industry, since so many games are played online through a browser or online client, where security is a greater concern than it is for offline applications. Yes, yes. I will have to get or buy a new rig, someday. Just trying to decide when that "someday" will be. And what OS I may switch to, to avoid the Bloat Monster that Windows 10 is.
  6. I see it as a gameplay thing... you need to make purposeful decisions to stay alive. If I have a sprained ankle, a bleeding laceration, and a sprained wrist, I have to make a conscious choice which injuries to treat if I only have 2 bandages on me, or 1 dose of painkillers, ect. So, if the game would "automatically" treat injuries or afflictions, which ones should it prioritize? Would it treat my laceration and my ankle, leaving me unable to equip the only weapon I had on me, if I was carrying the rifle only or the bow and some arrows only? I don't want to feel like I need to start humping around with 10 lbs. of medical supplies, just to go out and gather sticks, or go hunting or fishing, or travel from one base to another in the same region. I like that I have to think about what is most important or beneficial to my character if a situation like I outlined occurs. If the game chose to bandage the wrist and the ankle, I might bleed. I might prefer the ankle just be left, I can sleep it off after I get back to base, and might choose to bandage the laceration and the wrist so i don;t bleed out, and so I can equip a weapon if needed. Or I may decide that the situation needs the laceration bandaged, and the ankle, so I can sprint the heck home to sleep off the wrist sprain. I like that I have to slow down, not have my hands held, and need to think about what I am doing. I may have only 1 cup of Rose hip tea with me. Do I treat a sprain, or a headache, if I have both? I prefer to make that choice, not have the game decide which to treat for me. TL;DR- I prefer that I choose what to treat or not treat, do or not do, rather than the game choosing for me, arbitrarily. Again, I don't want to feel like I need to start humping around with 10 lbs. of medical supplies, just to go out and gather sticks, or go hunting or fishing, or travel from one base to another in the same region, because I don't know what injuries or afflictions I may have happen while I am out.
  7. I do think taking painkillers 4 times, and needing to chose which sprain or pain affliction you take them for is a bit unintuitive. I will agree with @ajb1978 on that, and I do think you should have to up the dosage a bit to treat multiple injuries. A choice of 2 pills or 4 pills, if you have more than one injury that require painkillers to treat. A single injury could present only the option to take 2 pills. And I also feel that you should have to chose which injury to apply different treatments to. You are cold, out of your known element, desperately trying to stay alive in a way that city life never made you learn. Sticking 2 Tylenol on top of a laceration should do nothing. Putting a bandage on your aching head should do nothing as well. Dosage choices for multiple similar injuries does make sense to me. IRL, if my arthritis pain is not too great, 1 Aleve usually makes it lessen enough for me to function. If it's really bad, I may need up to the maximum daily dose (3 pills) to put a dent in it. Same with "regular" headaches vs. migraine headaches for me. In game, I just play it like we are taking Aleve or Tylenol, an OTC pain med, since I have seen no pharmacies around where prescription meds would have come from. Maybe they should change the art to look more like a "typical" aspirin bottle instead of a prescription bottle? But this is a game, not IRL. They wanted, and needed, a way to make your choices and actions mean something, and have some impact on gameplay. Not a general "cheese-it-all" mechanic that might feel shallow and unimportant. And they did give us Custom Settings, to turn off sprains, and camera dampening to turn the limping-gimping animations on or off. And the options for certain less-life-threatening injuries, to just keep going without treating them, letting time/sleep heal them over a really "unrealistically" short amount of time. Heck, we can even sleep off food poisoning over 18 hours, if we have enough condition to survive, with nothing else draining condition at the same time. I am fine with it as it is. It makes me stop and think about what I am doing when I play, something a "thoughtful" game experience should do, IMHO. It isn't overly complicated (it could be much more so for the sake of "reality"). It just requires my attention enough to make me feel it. Just like taking my 12 prescription meds IRL does. If I am not paying attention, and take the wrong one, for the wrong thing, at the wrong time, I do pay for it.
  8. When you get the risk warning, check your clothing, asap. If any is frozen, the risk will not pass until it is unfrozen, and the affliction *may* occur while it remains on your character while frozen. Whether your "feels like" is positive or not. "Your skin is directly exposed to the cold. If it remains exposed for long enough, you'll get Frostbite." Frozen clothing = exposure to cold. If any clothing is frozen, take it off. Lay it next to a fire to thaw it and dry it. It's not giving you any warmth bonus while it is frozen anyway. That said, having the risk for days on end with it never going away definitely sounds like a bug. If your ambient air temp is above freezing, your clothes should go back to "wet" only, and eventually dry, especially if you had fire(s) to warm up near. Did you have any hypothermia warning or affliction during the time you had frostbite risk?
  9. I make a longish-burning fire, mag lens preferred to save matches. Then strip my gal down, run out, grab the *whatever* is out there, run backwards to solid ice, head to the fire and redress. Takes a bit longer to warm back up if I took a swim, but it keeps my clothing and accessories all dry, and I have a fire too cook that 0% fish I might get lucky enough to find. Using a fishing hut is a good plan too, but not possible on Desolation Point.
  10. One of these days i have to see if I can shoot my character in her foot, same way shooting an arrow straight up in the air is supposed to be able to come back down and hit (kill) the character. Hip holster would make this kind of funny, if it's possible to do. *quick draws, sneezes, shoots self in foot...*
  11. Love the creativity, but not seeing much gameplay value for the time it would take the devs to add this to crafting recipes. They have already said that adding new items is not "easy" with the system they used. It would add some immersion for folks who really get into role-playing, but I can't see the devs adding another + xx kg carry weight to our max carry weight, if we made and equipped a holster. In fact, it would or should just add another bit of weight on. Instead of just the weight of the revolver(s), it is now the weight or the revolver(s) + the weight of the holster(s). I do enjoy roleplaying, and yeah, I probably would make one- just because. But I also think it would lose a lot of immersion factor for me, pretty quickly, since in First Person Perspective, I would never be able to see my character wearing it, other then on the paperdoll. (Nothing against Hinterland, but the look of the paperdoll sometimes...). If we had Third Person Perspective... then it would really add to immersion for me. Not sure with FPP, it would really add much to the game for me. Great idea for a future mod though. I love doing cosmetic mods, and this would be something I would def. consider adding to a clothing/accessories mod, once we have full modding support.
  12. If you have any thoughts on it, post them. Just an idea or 2 or 3 I had on it, would love to see any differing ideas on it.
  13. Snow shelters made from sticks only gets a "No" from me. Too OP, too "easy". Made using sticks and animal pelts... maybe. But limited to one type. Made from deer hide- repaired with deer hide. Bunny pelts are far too plentiful, and far to "easy" to get, once you have snares set up and/or become proficient at stoning them. Perhaps if a new variant of the snow shelter was made with a more "expensive" hide... 2 wolf pelts, 1 bear pelt, or 1 moose pelt, and given longer durability over time (slower decay), and perhaps some additional "armor protection" (in addition to clothing worn), if you are attacked by a predator while in the snow shelter. Maybe a few degrees of added warmth inside. Sticks for repair, slower decay rate, and a new pelt only needed if the shelter decays to 50% or less? (Would be better if a mechanic was added to "halve" a pelt used for repair, but adding that new mechanic may not be so "easy" at it sounds.) So it becomes a longer lasting, more protected shelter, with a higher cost to build and maintain. So you have to choose between continuing on, building the cloth & sticks "basic" snow shelter, or the "upgraded" Bear/Moose/ or Wolf pelt snow shelter. (Though I feel it should be only one of those... not all three... up to Hinterland to decide, for balancing and gameplay value, if they would decide to add it.)
  14. Never had spontaneous ruined clothing (but I tend to do a ton of mending). I have had "fall injuries" that resulted in only torn clothing, though rarely.
  15. Perhaps if the amount of wood needed was scaled to the number of cooking slots available? Outdoor fires already give you longer burn times on wood used than indoor fires do. A single, small pot-belly stove should need less wood to reach cooking temps than a 6 burner stove, if we are talking about "realism" here. For gameplay and balancing, I don't think needing 6x the wood in a 6 burner stove, as in a single burner stove, or a 2 slot campfire makes sense, but 3x the wood to heat up all 6 burners, and 2x for 4 slots, compared to heating up 1 or 2 might. With that said, I don't think we need 4 slot cooking surfaces, but I do understand the QoL appeal it has for some.
  16. Ah, the OST is on Steam, and available through bandcamp right now. Not available on the stores for PS4 or XBox One, and with the recent news about iTunes being discontinued, replaced by a new app, any hopes for it there may be gone or delayed. Remains to be seen if a physical CD/DVD copy is ever offered. Might be a good question for @Raphael van Lierop in the Milton Mailbag Question Thread.
  17. They are saying it WILL be free. You paid for all 5 Wintermute episodes when you bought the game. There will be no additional charges when Episode 3, 4 & 5 come out. We just have to wait for them to be completed. You also have the full Survival Mode and the challenge Modes included, at no additional charge. If you have the game, you have them all. The only paid DLC right now is the OST.
  18. Just looking at old screenshots from way back when... and I found the one that made me fall in love with Desolation Point, forever. Yeah, it's old, but damn, it is beautiful. My first screenshot ever of the Lighthouse, I think.
  19. The only head shots that ever worked for me as an *almost guaranteed* crit with an arrow, on a bear... were shots that landed above the left eye, between the eye and ear. Pretty sure the right side would work the same. Sadly, no bears have been willing to volunteer to stand still to let me test this on a large scale. Sorry, the only shot I have showing the spot that seems to always work for me is an older shot, taken in a night setting. Hopefully you can see where the arrow is stuck. I would think a rifle shot to the same spot should have the same crit chance. Look at the skull... I aim for the spot that is "soft".
  20. Reality is, vicitims of hypothermia do not *always* wake up when they become hypothermic. Years ago, as a medic, in a part of the US where we regularly have/had Winter temps of 0°-20°F (well below freezing), we would respond with police and fire to "Welfare Checks", on people not heard from in days, or people seen laying on benches, or on the ground outdoors. And find them dead, in a state that indicated they went to sleep, and never woke up, under blankets or tarps, curled up in a fetal position often, with no sign that they had woken up and struggled to get up and get warm. It actually is realistic for people to go to sleep, become too cold for their brain to continue properly distributing and using glucose stores in the body, and regulate body temperature, breathing and hearbeat.
  21. Okay, that belongs in Bug Reports... that is just... wrong. O_O
  22. I agree, a bit too easy to stun the little furbabies now. I like the old aiming, with the left hand. You actually had to aim well, and time the throw right to hit them, or get a lucky bounce of the rock (bouncing into the bunny). Not sure if the new way is how it is due to enlarged hitboxes, or a a new raytracing method being used, like with aiming the rifle or bow & arrows. I am leaning toward it being due to the way raytracing is being done, but that is just a gut feeling.