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Everything posted by ThePancakeLady

  1. LOL! Oh... my. I am sure the rest of the group was not too eager to have him in their vicinity either.
  2. And First Nations people's have a clearance to continue whaling within limits, as whale meat and blubber has been a big thing in their diets and culture for centuries. And a government ban on *something or another* has never really stopped humans from continuing to do it, as long as they can get away with it, and it remains profitable.
  3. Eh, I am against it having a crafted version. Where would the presurized container, with a spray nozzle come from? I think of it as something that might be found in a trailer at a logging camp, or in a backpack by one of the corpses, or such. Fairly low frequency of spawns in the world. And without the highly concentrated capsaicin, it is worthless. Iodine tablets would not make the bears eyes water and nasal passages and throat become irritated and painful, causing difficulty breathing. Crafting such a thing would be far beyond our survivor's capabilities, not to mention lack of needed materials and a proper *powered* manufacturing facility to put the pressurized contents into the can, and seal it.
  4. I'm with Methuselah as well. He is an enigma, for sure. While the others have secrets and back stories I would like to know more about, they seem to be "regular" humans. Methuselah has an "other-worldly" feel to him, like a messenger from the great beyond. he fascinates me, and I hope he appears in the last 3 Episodes, until his true identity becomes clearer. maybe not completely clear, but clearer.
  5. Keep in mind, Interloper has NO rifle or revolver, only the distress pistol, and the bow and arrows (that must be crafted from scratch). With the lower loot frequency in Loper, the bear Spray would also be found less often than in other modes. It should not be terribly common in any mode. But it would make sense in all modes. Especially when you see certain Buffer Memories... I would expect if someone was on the island doing studies on bear activity, they would have bear Spray with them, just in case. And yes @ajb1978, I agree wind speed and direction should play a part. Similar to my thoughts on spraying it inside of a closed structure, cave or mine, where the player would have it affect them negatively, the same should happen if they spray into a strong headwind. Though with most "quality" bear spray on the market IRL, it is designed to overcome certain wind velocities, with a warning to consumers that they will also suffer the effects if they do spray it into a strong a wind and there is any backspray. It is also explosive, lol, so perhaps not something you want to place next to a fire or the forges when lit. We had to always remember not to leave any canisters in our trucks if we were 4-wheeling in the desert in High Summer, because if it exploded due to prolonged high temps, the inside of your truck was now permanently painful to be in. Not that we ever found that out the hard way (was not MY truck, lol, but the rental company my buddy rented his truck from was NOT at all pleased when he brought it back...). So there would be risks to using it incorrectly, not just an OP tool to deter bears and wolves that always worked flawlessly.
  6. Been ages since I feel through the ground in this game. I've had it happen at the QGS, the Carter Hydro Dam, and one or two other places I can't even remember now, it's been so long. (Pre- full release long even.). Only time I died was the one at carter. The others I just go struck, and save scumming brought me out safely. And yes, all vanilla games. But there are some odd things happening with items floating above textures, or sinking below (like the arrows going below the snow and ice) since the 1.50 update. A specific location would help Hinterland try to reproduce the issue, in a vanilla game, though they may not, since you state you are using mods (and I am guessing you are not on the 1.53 update and are using a legacy version that the mods still work in?). Even if that is the case, an exact location, so they can see if it happens in the vanilla version of the game, since any mods you are using may not be causing the problem, there may be an actual problem location where the ground is broken.
  7. Shooting an actual bear, Black, brown, or grizzly, in the head IRL, is often only a way to tick them off even more. They have incredibly thick skulls. If you don't get lucky and hit it in one of the soft "open" areas, you may just cause a dented or fractured skull and a flesh wound. We carried Bear Spray into the desert SW regions where we spent weeks backpacking each year, for many years. No bears there, but it was effective against the rare Cougar who would get curious about our campsite(s). Chased them off, and did not hurt them long term. As I said, this is to be a purely defensive weapon, not meant to kill.
  8. Well, Cabin Fever is already able to be turned off in Custom Settings , Well Fed is not. To be fair, both negative and positives would need to be turned off at the same time to make this effective. Or why bother, if a good number of players would always turn off any negative events that affect MH & W. Kind of makes fleshing out a larger system pointless, from the POV of the time and effort it would cost the devs. Agreed, and I like the idea of the circular progression, rather than a hard linear one. But, how to achieve such a complex system without "turning off" a potentially large number of players who like the game as it is now, without a larger MH & W system? What are some things that are *almost* certain to be universally seen as benefiting your MH & W, or harming it? That, I think, is the toughest part. The Don;t Starve system is a bit ridiculous, but that game is a bit ridiculous in nature (not in a bad way... the weirdness is part of its charm for me...). But trying to figure out how to stay "sane" in it, without spending hours looking at the Wiki to see what helps and what hurts... the system in that game is one of the reasons I do not play it more. I love the humor, but trying to keep sanity balanced while doing what needs to be done to survive... makes me a bit crazy at times, lol.
  9. Lol! Now that you mention it... it does. xD
  10. I would love to see Hinterland expand upon the Mental Health and Wellbeing system but have reservations. I think the Well-Fed buff may be another step toward building that system. But I can also understand why it may be very difficult to balance it, and make it work well, without potentially alienating players who do have differing opinions on what good Mental Health is, how it is defined and how it works in the game (and in IRL). If doing something they enjoy in game is determined to be "bad" for MH & W, but doing something they do not enjoy is defined as being something they should be doing to stay "sane"... what impact will that have on their enjoyment of the game? I love Don;t Starve, but don;t play it well, because the MH system in it confounds me, constantly, and makes me often quit in frustration. My daughter with her Aspergers may define good MH one way, my Godson with his Downs may define it another way, I may define it a totally different way when i am struggling with Depression or stress, while a friend with Bi-Polar Disorder may be completely confused by it, depending on what phase they are in, on any given day. It feels like they have explored it more in Wintermute, the choices you must make, especially with Hobbs, for example. And perhaps that is the best place for them to "test" a MH system, and see how players in Wintermute react to it. A good MH & W system is one of the trickiest things in a video game, I think. So, I can see why they have not gone full throttle into just adding these things in, and trying to make the game as enjoyable for as many different people, with many different personalities, as possible.
  11. I know this was asked for on the Steam forums at one point in time, not sure if it has been brought up here or not. But, with regular threads asking for new weapons, I think Bear Spray, a purely defensive weapon, often carried by loggers, hikers, Rangers, climbers, cavers and outdoors tour guides... I think it needs some consideration. For your viewing and reading pleasure: How To Use Bear Spray Effectively I would honestly expect to find this stuff on a remote island, like Great Bear, long before the first Aurora ever came. A deterrent to be used when an unexpected bear encounter might happen while out hiking, or exploring, tending your fields, or traveling to and from a tourist cabin. I would expect a chance of failure, if you do not aim the spray correctly, or spray it from too far away. But used correctly, with good timing, I would expect the bear, wolf or Moose to stop a charge or charge prep-stage, and back up, with a chance that the animal would turn and flee. Used incorrectly, like spraying inside a closed building or the back of a cave or mine, i would expect the blurred vision effect, and Pain affliction to occur, and perhaps a new affliction "Breathing Difficulty", that would require the survivor to get out of that building or area (in a large building like Hibernia and such), that would pass over time once you hit fresh air, with very slow condition loss if you did not get into fresh air. Affected animals would recover with no loss of HP over time as well. Canisters would not be huge, a 2 usage limit, possible to find one at 50%- it has only one use left. Random loot, that may be found on a human corpse at times, and in the usual loot drop locations. (In containers and out in the open). 50% decay with each use. Decay over time... not sure about. Minimal decay, perhaps, with the canister becoming less effective if it has decayed below 40%? Almost ineffective (no chance to scare the animal away, but a *possibility* to make it stop its charge) at 20% or below? (With the possibility of it not working at all, or it needing to be sprayed from a much closer distance...). Thoughts?
  12. I have to agree,. Bears IRL have a "funk" about them, that I can smell IRL, but not in the game. The time acceleration would make audio cues seem a bit odd, but that chuffing or "moaning" sound a bear makes, or the growl/whine of a wolf, and the sound of snow crunching as they approach. Even the sounds of the birds getting worked up if you are in an area with birdcalls, normally. I don't want a big red neon symbol flashing on and off, but a little something that might make me hit [Cancel] to check out what is going on. If I ignore the audio cues, my bad. And to be honest, I don't know that I have been paying attention to whether we have any audio cues already, or not, when we harvest. I just harvested 2 deer carcasses last night in-game, and have to admit, I did not pay attention to whether there were any background noises. Perhaps if hitting the [Cancel] button pulled you completely out, without needing to hit [Back] before you can react might give a second or two to allow you to flee or get ready for a mauling or struggle?
  13. Oh,, sure. You know I now feel obligated to go and test every single bed in the entire game world, right? Lol! I guess it about time I got around to doing Faithful Cartographer and the 500 days survived achievements on Steam.
  14. Things float on the bottom bunk too, lol. Ohhhh, come on bucko. Don't you want... a rifle?
  15. Lol! I have been called many things, some of them much worse than "Pancake", so sure! Pancake away! Honestly, I can't tell you where to settle, if you are looking to homestead. It really depends on what locations "click" for you. Coastal Highway is rich in wildlife, and fishing. TWM and PV are rich hunting grounds as well, but every place has trade offs. Rich with wildlife usually also means "Wolf City" (The Coastal Townsite), or long distances between man-made shelters, maze-like landscapes, or typically awful weather (TWM and PV). Or the "Crossroads of Doom"- Mountain Town (Milton). Ect. It really all depends on what you like, and feel is most important. Do you like to forge? FM (my personal hell, DP,) and BR have them, but none have fishing, if you enjoy fishing.I love Desolation Point, my favorite. But many people dislike the small one-ended map, lack of fishing, and limited outdoor locations to avoid Cabin Fever. Coastal Highway and Mystery Lake, with their Lookouts, have great views from above, fishing, and tons of wildlife. Which often needs to be avoided, lol. CH has beachcombing for late(r) game as well. HRV is gorgeous, and tons of hunting, but a multi-level maze, with no man-made shelters and terrible weather at times. But some stunning views. Every region has its own pros and cons. Try different areas. create new saves to check out different regions, and find the one that speaks to your soul.
  16. Hi! Welcome to the forums!
  17. I have noticed that footprints, animals' and my own, seem to be much clearer, and persist much longer now, depending on the weather.I haven't needed to follow a blood trail yet, so I can't speak to that, but if it is clear and relatively calm out, footprint trails seem to act like I would expect, more 'realistic", same with how they blur and disappear during windy weather and blizzards. So, I do think something was tweaked to make them fade more "realistically" over time and with weather effects.
  18. Nope. Perfectly normal on Windows 7 64 bit- Chrome, Comodo, FireFox, and Palemoon checked. All icons appear as expected.
  19. Seems anything you put up there will float. We all float up here, Georgie...
  20. I checked the question index, and did not see this asked yet (though I may have missed it... the list is getting loooooooooong!), so here goes: In a thread on the Steam forums, a well known Interloper player says he had an improvised hatchet break (ruined) at 27%. I remember having prybars break in the past at ~10% or so, making the locker or car trunk you were trying to open break as well. You could not attempt to pry it open ever again. I can't recall having any tool break at ~25% or above, though, after many, many Survival Mode games,, it may have happened and been forgotten already. So the question is: Do all tools, store-bought and improvised have a breaking threshold, that when reached, initiates an RNG dice roll to determine if the tool beaks or not during use? If so, is the threshold different for each tool? Higher point for improvised tools, than the store-bought equivalent? No need for actual numbers, that can be set aside for an interesting Science experiment done by players, if it has not already been done.
  21. Lol! I think many of us have done it, some of us more than once. Way more. Same with shooting from the Lighthouse, the Forestry Lookout, The Lake Overlook... it is fun, and pretty. But that is one of the prettiest screenshots of it, that I have seen in a while.
  22. I could live with that. Not total immunity, bear maulings, wolf struggles, Moosen using you as a dance floor could/would still result in sprains, a fall while skyrimming resulting in an actual fall, could/would. But the regular slope slide would not, though you could still fall and sprain a wrist. though, to be fair, for balancing, I think since they have a mobility debuff, that should also make it tougher to climb steep slopes. Or crazy climbers like me are going to be scaling *everything* wearing ski boots, just to get to that forbidden ridge or mountain summit/hilltop. (Because you know I would try it... just because I could.)