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Everything posted by ThePancakeLady

  1. I know of those guides, and have used the "dip into the depots" for a few games in the past. But, i would prefer with TLD to have the most current version of the game installed, on Steam and XBox One, and be able to have the original version to play when I feel utterly masochistic, lol. I would honestly prefer to see this as a DLC on all platforms, which I would happily pay for. As would my husband and kids, for their copies of the game. Same with a few close friends I have talked to about it. Book Of Demons just did this with their original game prototype, a stand-alone DLC, that you play without replacing the current version of the game. Quite different to what that game has become, and quite fun to play when I choose, not limited to one week/year. And that motivated me to make this Wish. I'd love to have the same with TLD.
  2. Same. Especially with people reporting hearing a blizzard indoors, going outdoors and there is no blizzard, or no sound of blizzard, going back in and having blizzard sounds again. Wouldn't do much good to report it without the output_log.txt file though, since reproduction attempts would be a PITA.
  3. My bad. I overlooked the fact that you had a blizzard going on. Aurorae are supposed to only happen during clear weather. With the blizzard, it sounds like you had a fairly significant bug occurring.
  4. Will and Astrid are in Wintermute. Those characters cannot, and should not be changed. Wintermute is where the lore is important. In Survival Mode, you can roleplay as anyone you like. Part of the whole "Write your own story..." idea of Survival Mode. One friend calls all of his characters "Jill", and he plays only the female character. I name each of my characters, male or female, something different, each run. The only lore wehave in Survival Mode is that we crashed in a plane, onto a remote, deserted island. The lore notes (Note Left Behind and Cairns) we find only explain the history of the island, not our characters. The rest we can make up on our own. If you chose to play only as Will or Astrid in Survival Mode, that is fine, but the devs and the game do not give us their names or their personal lore in Survival Mode, or the Challenge Modes. I can understand why some people want more character customization in Survival and/or Challenge Modes. I don't see it as being of great priority for the devs right now, but maybe in the future, once the game is finished, and all Wintermute Episodes are completed and shipped to us. And, this is something that could be looked by a modder, once we have full modding support.
  5. Ummm, yeah. Okay then. And still a "No", from this old lady.
  6. I'e had an Aurora in the first wee hours of the morning, before the sun is fully risen. Not often, but enough times to say that, yep, it does happen at times.
  7. I enjoyed playing this in 2016, when it was given to us for a week, to opt in and play the very first version (prototype?) of the Sandbox test-bed. It was brutal. 1 region, ML only. Cattails were all around, but you could only look at them, no harvesting for tinder and food. The game was very bare-bones, and having only 1 experience mode, was very challenging. It was the thing that got me to step up from Pilgrim and Voyageur, and start playing Stalker when the week was up, and I had to go back to the "regular" game we had then. I would love to see this again for the next anniversary of the game. As an opt-in, for a week, like in 2016. Or released as a DLC that we could buy and play when we felt like it. Totally optional, no special holiday needed like 4DoN, just the chance to go back in time and experience the game as it was before Sandbox/Survival Mode was even a thing.
  8. I have to say "No" to this. It makes little sense. The game does not strive for complete IRL "reality", but it does strive to have enough reality for things added to have some significant, and believable purpose. In Pilgrim, maybe Voyageur, the ambient temps may be warm enough for dormant spiders to be alive. But... no insects for them to catch and eat if they come out of dormancy. In Stalker, and for sure in Interloper, the ambient air temps + windchill mean spiders are not likely to survive past the first hard freeze. I think the cobwebs are meant to show how long the island has been decaying, things left unfinished, unkept, since The Collapse. That the places we find, and loot, have been left untouched by human hands, that cared to keep them up and maintain them, for a long time. Like bark scrapings for moose... just because you see them, does not mean they are around that area at any time. The spiderwebs show me an island in complete disrepair. No one cared, or had a reason to care enough, to go and clean these places when there were few residents, and no tourists coming to hunt, fish, cave, and climb any longer. I don't see how spiders would add anything to the game that would make them worth the time and effort of the devs to add them. Maybe something for an arachnophile modder to add as a mod, when we have full modding support. A mod I will never use, since I am a complete arachnophobe.
  9. I am not sure about burying corpses, in snow and potentially frozen, rocky soil. But the funeral pyre idea is one I have liked for some time, and would be behind. As far as eating the corpses we find... no. As long as we have other sources of food available, it is a cultural taboo that does not need to be broken. Yes, I know the survivors of Uruguayan Flight 571 did eat human flesh to stay alive, the difference is, they had no other real options. No other food sources available for them. We do not face this extreme situation in The Long Dark. We have hunting, fishing, animal carcasses to harvest. Can't really wrap my brain around why people keep wanting to eat other humans in this game., or why some people like Jeffrey Dahmer, even with his various MI diagnosis, do so IRL, by choice. Just... no.
  10. Thanks for the answers about Stadia, Raph. Player perspective on it, and dev perspective on things are often different. And Twitter is not always the best place to get a true feel for how it is seen. The "upvote" culture (what @Sito seems to be asking about) is not a great one to put much faith in, IMHO. The notion that our worth is set only by how many "likes" we have feels rather broken to me. Interesting to hear that meat and fish left outside is subject to predation. I, and I think many others, have been under the impression that as long as we dropped the meat and fish where a predator did not see us do so, meant that it was safe from being detected by them, may not be as true as we believed. A bit eye opening, and it makes me a bit more glad I do not kill everything that moves, and leave huge piles of flesh all over the place. Looking forward to the new Dev Dairy, when it comes. Thanks, as always, for taking the time to answer our questions.
  11. Still wondering why people insist on calling you by your Evil Twin Brother's name "Ralph", Raph. *chuckles- sorry about that* So, Yes, I will get this out of the way now- I know I am a PITA, and I know I am likely about to be again. But I am going to ask this anyway... The Unity engine backend change from Mono to IL2CPP frustrated some people, for a bit. But after reading up on Google Stadia, and watching their live-stream press conference yesterday, I saw that IL2CPP is required for a game to run on Stadia. So... was the change made with the possibility/consideration of porting the game to the Stadia platform in the future, if Stadia does not fizzle out before becoming more widely available and popular? And what are your feelings on Stadia and other possible game streaming platforms for a decidedly Singleplayer-only game like TLD, while the majority of games showcased in the Stadia press conference seemed to be Multiplayer FPS type games? Do you see these game-streaming platforms being viable for a game like yours, or any other slower-paced Singleplayer-only game? You can feel free to not answer, some secrets need to be kept at times. But ...Pancakes?
  12. I have to agree, about Hobbs. The "moral choice" was there, but for me, it was "Does he die now, or while I sleep?". Gut wound... it isn't going to end well for him, either way. The moral choice felt a bit hollow, shallow, to me. Had there been more to it, like "do I give him medical attention, and use some of my precious bandages and antibiotics?", "did he speak anything to me that made me think he deserved a chance to live?", it may have felt more impactful. I don't know that Hobbs really had that great of an emotional impact on me, to be honest. Lily- Grey Mother's daughter, had more of an impact on me, and we never meet her. Her story, and the gravesite, stayed with me far longer. Methuselah still keeps my vote for the NPCs we do meet, and interact with. He just feels so important, and so much like a keystone of the entire story to me. And i am still hoping he turns out to be something entirely different than what I am expecting him to represent.
  13. Keeping in mind that you get no condition recovery while you have FP, so you better be at top or near-top condition % to have it pass on its own without your condition bottoming out 15 in-game minutes before 18 hours is up. So, get FP, take no antibiotics, and just try to sleep it off, it is possible. As long as you have nothing else going on that drops condition at the same time.
  14. This was discussed a bit, fairly long ago, in the Steam Wish List subforum. Never really gained much traction there, other than a general QoL wish. It would need to have some counter-balance to it. Only one in the game world, located in an area that is not easy (but not impossible) to reach, forgetting to undress first means wet clothes that would freeze quickly after stepping out... I was in favor of it then, but after a long time, my mind has changed. It would be a nice Modding project when we have Mod support. Or it may be something that is added when we finally see Perseverance Mills, perhaps. But we have BB tea now for condition gain, as well as Herbal tea. We have 2 level caves, structures, and most importantly- fire, for warmth. If a Mental Health & Wellness system is ever expanded upon and fleshed out, perhaps it might have a place for improving MH, perhaps. But there is so much more to that system that would have to come first. or this geothermal spring cave would become a hotspot for people homesteading, and not exploring the rest of the world. If they ever add a "cleanliness" mechanic to the game, yeah, a hot bath to wash our bodies and clothes in would be nice. I wonder if our survivors know how to swim? *You faded into The Long Dark by falling asleep in the Hot Springs and drowning...* I will not dismiss the idea. It still sounds like a wonderful addition to the game, but perhaps not one that would be of benefit to the devs, or many players (gameplay value) for the amount of time needed to do the art, animations, coding, and balancing. Might be better for a new map made by a modder someday.
  15. Lol! First, I would have to find a way to work Pancakes into the question...
  16. Wait. Floating torches?
  17. So, do other folks think this is a Wish List subject, or should I ask to have it moved to Technical Discussions? (Or have someone report it and ask for it to be moved to TD?)
  18. Will it let you place it on a ceiling? If so... Anunnaki involvement confirmed.
  19. Just saw this, and am curious if you have lowered or turned of SSAO? That setting affects fps on my toaster (nowhere near as good of a build as yours, running an AMD FX 4130 and a 730 GT), and on my husband's NASA rig (very similar to your build except with 2 1070s, and twice the RAM). Each of our computers is a custom build, and different things will affect them differently, but SSAO seems to be the major culprit in fps spikes on both of our rigs.
  20. So glad you are here! And love your art, thank you for trusting us enough to share it with us. Welcome!
  21. Knew of the source of the meme, but still don't get it, but it is perhaps fitting that it is here, in a discussion about a metal health meter? Perhaps I am just too old to get these crazy things you kids say?
  22. Lol! My kids have tried to explain what "Yee" means to me, I still have no clue what is being said.
  23. I know this has been covered before, or touched on in various threads. But it is the one thing that makes me a wee bit crazy in-game. Wood burns slower when in cold locations. Ie\ outdoors. That makes perfect sense. What never makes sense to me is that if I build a fire with 10 pieces of cedar, each one giving 60 minutes of burn time indoors, my fire burn time shows 10 hours (600 minutes). But will burn longer if it is an outdoor fire. Same materials for a campfire or stove outdoors- 10 pieces of cedar, but they now have a 20% increased burn time (increased time % used as an example), the fire will still show 600 minutes of expected burn time, but will actually burn for 720 minutes in actuality (barring wind blowing it out). It should show the actual expected amount of burn time, based on the fire's location. Indoors- 1 cedar should show 60 minutes. Outdoors- 1 cedar should show 72 minutes. Nitpicky, I know. But the discrepancy always makes me feel like I just wasted fuel on a fire, if I set one to burn for 10 hours, and it still has 2 hours left on it, after those 10 in-game hours have passed. I dislike spreadsheets, and don't want to do in-my-head maths for each piece of fuel I use to make a campfire or put fuel into an outdoor stove, to try to calculate the time for a fire made from mixed fuels (cedar + sticks (x4) + fir + sticks (x11) + books (x3), for example). Just makes me twitch thinking about it, lol. My character has no Texas Instruments calculator with them, and pulling up an online calculator or the Windows calculator while I am playing, every time I want to build an outdoor fire... arrrrrrrrgh! I use fires for timekeeping, now that we can multitask when cooking, or making water. And the time difference not being shown correctly often causes a bit of frustration, often some laughter, but still a little break in immersion for me. I know it is not a high priority wish, or something that is gamebreaking. It just weirds me out at times to have the difference in burn time not shown accurately for outdoor fires. Okay... #</RantOver> :p
  24. Idea #1... no? On Steam alone I have so many hours and *dead* saves... I would have piles of bodies all over the place, only there to remind me that I died before, with no added gameplay benefit. With 3 times as many hours and saves on XBox One... I would not be able to walk the world at all, the bodies would be piled so deep. No, thanks, Don;t care for this. Idea #2.. absolute NO. I play Stalker mostly. I search EVERYTHING. Meaning my next game would be beyond Interloper loot-level bare. Nupe. If I wanted to start naked, find nothing, and die naked with nothing, I would play Interloper or Deadman's Challenge only. I don't. I like my loot, thanks.