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Everything posted by ThePancakeLady

  1. So, 50 days in CH, after spawning in CH, was perhaps not a "great idea". Perhaps. But my gal is getting some killer leg muscles from all of the mountain goat maneuvering she is doing, to avoid the wolves who have now decided to show up in force, along the main highway. Torches are good, because those wolves seem to not understand that they are supposed to stay "Down There". And I am traveling light while moving things from QGS, And the Waterfront and Coastal Cottages and building. Come at me wolfie wolfie, and I will bop you on the nose with my Torch Of Doom! Sounds great, but not entirely practical, or "smart". But "Torch Of Doom" just sounds so... POWERFUL. Doesn't it? Huh? What were you saying? Look there? Where? Oh, crud. Yeah, we are not dancing again Old Grumpy. *Tosses burnt out torch down, crouches, and backs up fast. Risking a few sprains crawling down a steep hillside is a better option, I think.* WHEW! Made it back down to the Townsite, no wolves in site, and... Hey! You there! Behind the tree! Okay, he made that sound, you know, the sound that means he knows I am here. *Back up, take the long way around, and look for a car to jump into...* Bullwinkle wandered off, and no wolves came to chew my face off. I feel lucky. But now, I am sure tomorrow, Luck may not be so kind. But I'll take it, for today.
  2. No worries. I have an odd form of acquired dyslexia. I make mistakes often as well. What counts to me when reading other peoples' writing, or looking at their art, or listening to their music, is the passion, and creativity they show. And yours shines. 🌞
  3. Thanks. I am glad you are enjoying the screenshots, and the story. It is always nice to have someone tell you they appreciate what you are sharing.
  4. I am not sure how long we can edit these things, to be honest. There were a few spelling errors, and some grammatical errors, but it made sense. I could see what you were trying to say. And this part of the story made me smile, quite a bit. Some hope in the Darkness. Please don't stop. I want to know more about these two friends, and where they go from here.
  5. Absolutely enjoyed it. Love seeing this point of view, from a police officer, and a resident of the island when The Event happened. Please, keep writing. You have a wonderful sense of imagination and creativity. And I, for one, would love to read more from you. ❤️
  6. A need to keep going, and escape the confines of the cabin along the waterfront drives my gal to venture out, just as the Aurora begins fading. Wary of wolves, and other creatures, she crouches and crawls along, moving from car to truck to car to the roadway. She stops to look at the Aurora, and runs up the roadway, breathless, but thankful that she encountered no oddly glowing toothy things. She stops and catches her breath, missing a turn. She creeps along the snow covered road, hearing crows as the day breaks before her. She finds her way, and gladly seeks shelter in the cabins in front of her, a bit dismayed at fidning a human body laying in the snow behind them. But she is glad for the prybar lying on the ground at his feet. Seeing bunnies hopping around, she scoops up some stones, and manages to stun 2 of them, feeling a bit badly as she snaps their necks, but thankful for the food and pelts she will have soon. But she looks out, wistfully, over the top of the rise, to the water below. She will not let this world change her. Too much. Hopefully. Hopefully...
  7. We are on a deserted, remote, abandoned island off the coast of Canada. The island, the industries there, and the settlements there were in a state of severe decline before we ever got there. I can't see this item being plentiful on the island before it was abandoned, let alone after it was. Most of what we find seems to have been picked over fairly well. And we do have the GO! Energy Drink in the game already, if we are lucky enough to find a few. I really do not see a point in adding an other items that would be so similar to it. As for the immune system boost- I don't see how that should be a thing. Unless you already have a Vitamin B12 deficiency, drinking a shot of it isn't going to do anything for your immune system, or make you less likely to get food poisoning from eating rotten food. And we would be getting it from the meat, fish, and canned foods we are eating in the game already. I think the GO! Energy Drink, coffee, and emergency stims in the game are enough, and a new "energy booster" is not needed. Just my 2¢.
  8. I just roleplay it, depending on where I spawn in on Survival Mode. Plane crash. I probably banged my head pretty good, and have been wandering, dazed, and sore, possibly injured, for days, before coming to my senses. miraculously still alive. Easier to roleplay in Milton/Mountain Town, sure. DP, CH? I play it in my head, writing my own story, that my plane came down on the ice, I crawled out, just before the ice broke, and my plane sank, and I came around after crawling to land. TWM, PV? I was one of the only survivors on the Big Plane at the Summit, and wandered through caves, or down roads, surviving instinctively, until I regained my focus, and then instinct was lost, as my "civilized" brain came back. Anywhere, my plane came down and tumbled into an unreachable ravine after I was thrown through the windshield, or open door, following the crash. I can write any story I like in my own head, my character can be a passenger, not the pilot, ect. I enjoy being able to create my own back-story, part of the appeal of Survival Mode for me. If I want a more directed, linear story, I play Wintermute, or one of the Challenge Modes, the Challenge Modes still allowing me to write some of the story behind it on my own. All the things that wash up on the shores in beachcombing... are bits of the plane, the cargo, what other passengers were wearing or carrying, when the plane went down, and this is all Mother Nature can let me see of it, and them. I know some want to have more defined elements to their story, even in survival Mode, but truly enjoy "winging it" (yes, I did just say that...), and writing my own story. My newest survivor is a young woman, who was flying to Alaska, to go on a vacation cruise, when the plane she was on went down on the coast, just off of Coastal Highway,. She wandered for days, going into buildings, eating and drinking what she found, treating her injuries, all while being in a fog. Explaining the places I go to having no loot, she already was there and used what was there, but cannot remember being there because she had head trauma. And now she is lucid, and finding herself alone, on an unknown island, with almost no recollection of how she got there, or how she will survive, hoping to get home somehow, hoping she is not truly alone. Just how I play it, YMMV.
  9. Working on staying in CH for 50 days, before moving on. So far no wolf struggles, though a few close calls. One bear mauling, all my own fault for heading up top at night, and not paying attention. Time to start moving things away from the Townsite, and down to the Fishing Village. Leaving the mine, where I looted a bit, and left a lantern for later. The glow from the flare casts an eerie light. Down through Four Pines Pass, to the trailer, hoping my flare lasts... The next day, two trips to the Log Sort and back, too wary of critters to take many photos. Thankful that there seems to be no wolves patrolling the ice, but also concerned. That means they are hiding, and may be around the next turn. Made it to the QGS safely, hearing wolves howling, not far away. I will sleep here tonight, and hope the storm I expect does not bring hungry critters to my door in the morning...
  10. You can, using Share, and uploading to Twitter (and then downloading your image to your computer, tablet or phone from Twitter), or by installing the One Drive app on your computer (works on Windows 7 as well as Windows 10), and uploading to your PC using One Drive. It is a bit clunkier than direct sharing from a computer, , and I have no idea how to work it with a MAC or Linux computer (I only run Windows). But here are two decent guides on how to do it : ,, and an Internet search may find other, possibly better guides.
  11. Sometimes you do things, and go places, when you know you really should not... New Moon or Fingernail Moon. I could not really tell with the fog. But the feeling of "I really should not be doing this. Why am I doing this?" was there, for obvious reasons, I think. Oh. Yeah. I really should not have done this. And yes, it hurt.
  12. Lol! I never thought to try that. My soon-to-be-more-neatly-arranged shelves, counters and tabletops thank you, as do I.
  13. You can drop items from the inventory, and use the right-click "move" function (or the equivalent on a controller) to move and place items. Some folks are very good at moving the character/camera, to be able to place things and line them up precisely. Some of us are a bit more sloppy, lol.
  14. True. But, lol, in Stalker there is usually more than one wlf. They are polite though, and line up in queue, waiting for their turn to make you into a chew toy. Which can really suck sometimes. 🥴 When we get Timber wolves, I am definitely going back to Voyageur, to see how they act, and what their attacks are like. I suspect they may be able to kill in one attack (on Voyageur and Stalker, Lopers beware...), even after you are wearing more than rags, and have more than only fists to fight them with. Looking forward to it, with some trepidation. 😓
  15. Lol! Okay. I did not ask for a lengthy defense of your experience as a Modder, or a game dev. or, your personal opinion on game balance, or what is "fair" or "a big nono in the game industry". I can find all sorts of opposing opinions on any game's forums on Steam, or official online forums, where any and all parties (gamers and devs) are all sure their opinion is "the right one". Opinions are subjective. I simply asked what you had made, and what engines you were experienced in working with. I do agree having a wolf spawn in directly on top of you is not good. I have only had it happen once in this game, quite some time ago (~2years, I think?). Wolf spawned in right in front of me, and yes, I mean right in front of me, and- instant struggle. Haven't had it happen since, though I have had them spawn in just at the edge of my detection range, which is not that far in Stalker Mode. And which led to several situations where I had to think fast, really fast. I do think that if the player is standing on or near a spawn box, and the life cycle timer on the game spawns in a new wolf, or bear, or deer, or rabbit, or moose... there should be a buffer zone around the player, where any new spawns would not be allowed within the player detection range. If the player is in a certain distance from said spawn box, the game should deny that spawn location, and spawn the new animal into the world at the next closest spawn box in that area, giving the player time to react or retreat. And as a side-note, I own FO:NV. Never did get into it. My taste for shooter-RPGs has waned over the decades, as well as my ability to pay them well, with my ever increasing arthritis. But I have heard good things about New California, and I may try it, if my new meds work well, and relieve some of the pain and stiffness in my hands. I may even play a bit of FO:4, since I recently won the game in a giveaway, and have not touched it yet. Which is a shame. And we can agree to disagree on opinions about game balance, in this game, or any other.
  16. If I may ask (not trying to be rude, just curious here...), what games have you developed, and where can I pick up a copy, to see what they are like? Honestly curious, because I keep seeing some people saying they are also game devs, but never saying what games they have made or taken part in making, so people can have an idea of what game engines you have experience or proficiency in, and whether that experience is applicable for comparison to a complex Unity 3D engine game like this one.
  17. 4-8 scopes in any one save is a tad much. Depending on RNG, there may not be 8 rifles in any one save. They should be far more rare. "Rare" like flare guns, but without the guaranteed spawn locations. I do see "zoom" being an issue, especially on consoles, and older computers that are not able to run the game on higher resolutions... zooming will quite possibly create pixelated images, not fun to deal with when playing, and not good PR images for the game either. Having to sharpen the zoomed-in image could cause some performance issues as well. And zoom is not going to help you with long range shots that much. Scopes should now (hopefully would not) magically extend the effective range of the weapon. They may only give you a closer look at what you are going to miss at long range. Personally I have always been against scopes, every time it gets brought up and asked for. I don't feel they add enough value to the game to make it worth the time and money Hinterland would need to put into developing the models, mechanics and system. If they are added, I would not be likely to use them. I honestly don;t see a "need" for them, being that this game is not a shooter. I still can't upvote this idea. But I won't scream and yell if it gets added. I just won't use it.
  18. Depends on the experience mode I am playing (in other words, how abundant is loot?), and where I am at in the game. Early on, I tend to hoard them, leaving them at different bases in a region, or multiple regions. After that, and after I have looted a great deal of the regions I intend to visit- Honestly, it is totally situational. Some runs I am flush with hatchets, and have only one knife. Others I find a mess of flares, but only 1 or 2 good lanterns. How many blue or red toolboxes do I have, to make repairs? Ect.. So, it really all depends on how much RNJesus loves or hates me on any individual run. I have no "set" way of dealing with any or all tools, since each game has the potential to be completely different than the last one.
  19. I was just trying to find a way that did not involve players needing to do advanced maths in their heads, or on a calculator, to be able to understand how it would work. Definitely, it is likely to be more complicated from the coding side, but easier from a new player's side, for them to understand quickly (if they observe the gain and loss over time... some aRPGs I play make DoT and HoT (regen) very difficult to understand how it is dealt by the character, how it damages the character, heals the character or enemy, IMHO.) I wasn't really thinking of "realism", but yes, I suppose it could be seen as being more "realistic", which in my mind, makes it easier for everyone to understand. Knowing that if you lose Well Fed, you have a limited amount of time to regain lost condition, and/or stop further condition loss *might* play into the "planning your strategies" approach used by many or some players. Your suggestion would work as well. And I would love to see other reasonable suggestions about how it could or should work. ("Reasonable" being a subjective term, of course...)
  20. Lol! You don't get to see the bear's face or eyes that close up unless you are being mauled. Thought being mauled by a regular bear during the day was traumatic? Go poke an Aurora Bear and see this up close and personal, just once. Just for the experience. it is rather unforgettable. Not much phases me in video games, but after my first mauling by an Aurora bear, I did, for real, have some difficulty sleeping that night without it playing over and over in the dark corners of my mind. Nightmares, indeed.
  21. I like the idea of the Well Fed buff still giving room for the extra condition, and having it fill up at the normal rate, as long as you maintained the buff. And having the condition loss, if you lose Well Fed, drop the same way. Gain 1%/in-game hr- lose 1%/in-game hour. Gaining and losing the extra carry weight in the same way. Not sure how possible that would be, or how complicated, with the complexity of the game code being what it is. I am a software dev, not a game dev. I believe it is possible. But I also know it won't be "easy" or "quick" to do. But I see no point in people sitting here yelling and having an argument back and forth over it. Make reasonable suggestions of how you feel it should work, and let Hinterland decide if they can do it, and if they feel it would add something to the quality f the gameplay and the experience they are working to create for us. And for the time being, now that we know how it operates for now, we know to make plans for it, and do our best to not let our condition drop to really low levels, any way we can, in case we can't eat, and may lose Well Fed. And those who are speaking on behalf of a large group of people who aren't here to read the thread or comment in it themselves, can perhaps pass the information along to the rest of the large group that they are speaking for.