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Everything posted by ThePancakeLady

  1. Took some getting used to, especially placing campfires, with their large footprint. But I like the new-ish system, quite well. It is nice to be able to have multiple pots of water, a steak or 2, and a can of beans cooking, and being able to darn my socks while things cook. I carry 2 cans with me when I travel, an leave pots and cans back at caves, mines, and stoves that I use often, and for large batch cooking, I tend to return to those places, or cook food on multiple campfires at once. 2 cans is enough to make a good amount of water for travels on just one campfire, and keeps my pack lighter than dragging cooking pots around. I like being able to multi-task, something we could not do before.
  2. That is Scruffy, as a great many in the Community call him. He is Fluffy's (her) long lost brother, or second cousin thrice removed, or something like that. The family resemblance seems to be pretty clear though. Fluffy has moved on, you'll find her, in her new digs, in a very remote part of the world.
  3. I like this. As a person who has dealt with chronic sever pain through most of my life, where it can vary in "severity" from day to day, even hour to hour... I know some days my pain is "bearable" and I can do things that need to get s done, with some possibly extended effects on me the next hour or day. While other days the same point of pain origin will be much more severly affected, preventing me from walking without my cane, or being able to carry certain objects. The Pain Affliction timer does touch on this, but seeing a meter, that when it hits a certain point causes you to not be able to sprint, or climb, or carry more than xxx lbs./kg. would be an interesting addition, and add some "semi-reality" to the MH & W system. If they flesh MH & W out, Pain could be one of those things that reduces your overall MH, since it is hard to be "chipper" when you HURT, and would be a universal thing that all players would experience, and *most* could relate to IRL. (We'll just step back from the kinkier side of this, since it really does not need to be part of this game, IMHO.) Really interesting idea @Pillock, and it seems you thought this through really well. Thanks for posting this.
  4. Interesting. Never bothered to try this, never saw a reason too. But might be fun to play with, just for Science. Pretty sure Hinterland will increase the weight to a more "realistic" one when this is added to the game, so time to play now, before it changes. The differing states of decay make good sense, since IRL car batteries do decay, and become more and more unable to hold a charge over time, and under certain circumstances. Otherwise we would never need to replace them with new ones.
  5. Same. A park that uses "greywater" for the toilet flush. And where a good number of homeless or transient people live or hang out.
  6. I recall someone reporting this happening in/at a fishing hut too, but I don't honestly recall if this was reported on Steam or here. (2am, I just woke up after a long sleep... lol).
  7. Probably possible with AutoHotkey too, though I have never thought of using it for something like that. It is possible in games with a hatbar (acciudentally assigned the Seaglide to 2 hotkeys in Subnautica a few times), but I don't know that I would like seeing a hotbar on screen in this game, just so some people can assign multiple keys to a single action. Especially since I am not masochistic enough to play Hudless in TLD, even as much as I enjoy seeing the world unobstructed.
  8. I was wondering the same thing. Same, LMB does not pick them up, only RMB to move them around.
  9. Good to know. That is one of my favorite places to make a mini-camp. Never fell through the ground there, yet. But I'll be a bit more cautious there from now on.
  10. Maybe the MREs we have on the island are all old stock? That would make the idea of crafting DIY Bear Spray or throat "lozenges" for bears more of a possibility.
  11. Right next to the tiny bottle of Tabasco Sauce? (That could actually be useful for crafting...)
  12. Lol! The bubble gum would be the hardest thing to find...
  13. Lol! I obviously did not search back far enough.
  14. And that is a good thing. Devs need to get input from as many people, with as many opinions as possible. I do wish some new voices would come in and give theirs though. Fairly small group here, the "usuals" among us, who tend to be most vocal. And who said anything about an argument (besides you)? Not I. I just said we can agree to disagree. Differing opinions does not an argument make. We are discussing. My idea, so of course I will defend it, since it is... my idea and opinions in the original topic post.
  15. Lol. Okay, we can agree to disagree. I rarely, if ever use the distress pistol, even after going through lengths to get the dang thing. Bear Spray would be my preferred deterrent, a non-lethal one, like I expressed in my original topic post. And how they would balance out spawns is up to them, if they decide to add it someday.
  16. bears are honey badgers when it comes to fire, have you forgotten? They just don't care about it, and will charge right through a burning campfire. Campfires are effective only on wolf and moose (i think), and only if they have direct LoS on it. Bears are deterred by distress pistol shots. Revolver or rifle shots only have a chance of scaring wolves, deer and bears, not sure if the moose even cares about a warning shot, not 100% sure bears care about them either. Flares and torches only scare wolves, *sometimes* if used properly, with the right timing. Bear Spray would be an effective deterrent against all 3, if used properly. Rather than needing a specialized tool or weapon that works on one but not the other(s). Meaning 1 tool/weapon to carry, instead of 2 or 3, and no time waiting to see if your fire starting succeeds or fails at the worst possible time. And no wasted matches or condition loss on a firestriker. Not sure about that. Revolver *sometimes* can be shot during a struggle, but haven't played with it enough to see what the trigger for using it is. I would say trying to use Bear Spray during a struggle may hurt you more than it hurts them, since it would not likely stop the attack if they already have teeth in you, and you would get a full dose at close range like that. I see Bear Spray as a deterrent, to prevent the attack ever happening, not as a weapon to be used during an attack or mauling. A chance to stop the charge from happening, and give you a few seconds to run for your life, or grab an assault weapon instead, if you decide you *must* kill the animal as it flees.
  17. I think of it more like a flare, not the distress pistol. Distress pistol does harm, can kill. Flares and Bear Spray do not. Of course, that could mean less flares found, which in Stalker and below is not too big of a deal. i tend to have so many that I leave them stashed all over the place, don;t use them very often. For a Loper, it could well be a bigger deal. If their spawn rate is tied to BRA, that could be overcome by adjusting that setting in the Custom Settings toolbox. I would not want to see bear Spray be a terribly common item anyway, it should not be commonplace in any mode. Not as uncommon as the distress pistol (only 2 in the entire world), but not as common as the rifle in Stalker and below, or as common as flares in any mode. but... Loper is supposed to be the "extreme" mode, more difficult than any other mode. The balancing would not be easy to make pleasing for everyone, for sure. But, what is, in any vanilla mode in this game? And no one could or would force you to carry or use it, if you preferred to carry the distress pistol instead. Still not sure why you think it can only be tied to flare shell spawn numbers, it does not have to be. Comparing it to the distress pistol and declaring it to be "the same' feels off as well. It isn't the same, it cannot kill or injure beyond a temporary affliction, resolved by itself over time.
  18. I survived for 1 hour and ~30 minutes my first time playing the 2014 limited release... Spawn in, nice weather, Logging Camp. Head for the trailers... WOLF. on me before I could get anywhere near the trailer door... struggle, down to 18% in a flash. I did make it inside afterward, but faded into the Long Dark within minutes before I could figure out how to treat my injuries. It was a rush. Total change from the Pilgrim and Voyageur games I had been playing before that.
  19. Lol! I have only had the game for 3 years. and I remember tons of threads advising people to get nekkid before a wolf struggle, to save clothing condition. I still do it if I have enough time to drop gear before I get my face eaten off, lol. And then have to remember to pick up all of my gear and get dressed again fast before I freeze to death. I only had the 1 week with the original Sandbox game, where Hinterland gave us the 2014 Anniversary Edition of the original game to play. ML only, no experience Modes, the original UI and menus. it was an eye opener. And I think one of the things that made me start playing Stalker instead of Voyageur. It was brutal, but fun!
  20. We do have the Pain affliction, and the blurred vision camera effect already. The only thing they would need to add is a "breathing difficulty" affliction, since it will make your nose and throat irritated. Even the lower potency pepper spray used on human for self defense makes you cry and have trouble breathing for a while. Used to hate getting calls as a medic where the dispatcher said "pepper spray deployed", made the back of the bus feel much smaller and less well ventilated, lol. my only concern would be people using it to spray bunnies... maybe it should make them give you the negative effects as well, if you picked up a sprayed rabbit carcass, or a stunned bunny you sprayed. It should not make the bunnies easier to stun with stones though... that would be a bit OP. Stunning an entire fluffle with one shot would make rabbits even easier to catch than they already are.
  21. Hey Andy! Glad to see a long time player like you here on the forums! I bet you have some really great memories, and stories to tell, from back when the game first started. Welcome to the forums, looking forward to getting to know you.
  22. Looking into it before I posted the thread, I saw adverts that said that their bear Spray would work on Moose, and other blogs, forums, and Fish & Wildlife type sites that said it *might* work on a moose. Situational, I am guessing, same as with a bear, or wolf, or cougar. You need to aim it, take into account any wind or other weather effects, and make sure the large cone spray envelops the animal's face, to effectively make them get it in their eyes, mouth and nose. I kind of see it like using a flare or torch with a wolf. Timing and placement effects whether the animal is stopped by it or not. the chance of failure, if not used *properly*. If they are already in full attack charge, should it stop the charge, or does it need to be used in that momentary pause, just before the animal comes for you? (I think it should be the second, more than the first.) That is true, but he also said the rifle and revolver spawns are tied together in the settings. If they can separate the revolver spawn settings, and make them not tied to rifle spawns, it could be possible that bear spray could have its own settings. And who's to say it would affect flare shells? Maybe it would be tied into BRA more loosely, and mean you find a few less cans of sardines, flares, chocolate bars or such, with no effect on the distress pistol or flare shell spawns. People want other weapons added. Would adding any other weapon, like a slingshot, affect only the availability of flare shells?
  23. We haven't found it yet, or it has not been implemented in the game... yet. that's why I said : Purely wasted time for the devs if they made them able to be interacted with, if they have or had no future plans for them in the game.