New Bear Behavior (keeps away from campfires)

The Black Knight

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Are you sure it's due to the fire?

I've witnessed a bear pause like this near Spence's in Forlorn Muskeg. I didn't have a fire nearby, so I'd assume it's having pathfinding issues with certain terrain types such as ice.

With bears clipping through walls and under terrain, I'd likely chalk this up to a bug rather than a new game feature.

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On 2/3/2020 at 12:28 AM, The Black Knight said:

I´ve posted a video were Mr. Bear keeps away because a fire, i thought i was a bug but now i can confirmed that  this is a new behaviour.  

Would be nice if this kind of  changes would be announced in the changelogs after the updates...

Wow, revolutionary stuff if confirmed. At a first glance the bear's behavior look slightly more bugged than programmed, the transition from full attack to full stop is rather unsmooth especially when he charged the second time. At least compared to how wolves react to campfires.

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15 hours ago, manolitode said:

Wow, revolutionary stuff if confirmed. At a first glance the bear's behavior look slightly more bugged than programmed, the transition from full attack to full stop is rather unsmooth especially when he charged the second time. At least compared to how wolves react to campfires.

I agree. Doesn't look exactly right. Maybe it's just a pervasive bug. 

I would be cool if this was a new behavior though.

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Very intrigued, so I tested this out last night at Trapper's. Flat ground, roaring fire, shot the bear at distance, he ran right through the fire and got me.

Maybe I did something wrong, but it seems like the same old behavior. More testing is definitely needed. I will test in multiple situations tonight, I have two old saves near bears that are disposable. 

If this is a thing, it would make bears as easy to hunt as moose used to be. I can't imagine they would do this intentionally. They did remove the moose's fear of fire.

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To me, this looks like a path finding issue. Yesterday I was at the Riken on the deck, while there was a bear nearby. He saw me, stood up (preparing to charge), then froze like in the video.

Not a critical bug in my opinion, it just makes bears more unpredictable (which is not necessarily a bad thing).

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It used to be that when they couldn't path to you, they would flee. Now, they just freeze? Sounds like an exploit to me, and I wouldn't be surprised if they correct that asap.

My testing last night didn't go so well, but I was testing with fire. I will check this out testing pathing instead when I get home.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Ok, finally got a chance to test this out properly. I've seen videos and posts regarding this, but sometimes you just need to do it yourself to make sure all the variables are covered.

I'm shocked to conclude, after several successful tests, that bears do stop at fire now. I can't even believe it. Bears and moose have swapped their fire fear!

I took a little video that I'll post later. :)

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Is it possible that when they update wolf behavior it's linked to bears?  I mean they update "predator pathing" so maybe unintended some of the updates to the wolves also bleed into the bear behavior.  I don't know.  I know the bears didn't like fire in the story mode, but this seems way to easy.  Killing wolves with the fire is the way now, but it's still a little tricky getting the hit in the split second you have when you raise up next to the fire before they take off.  Bear just froze there and a much bigger target.

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2 hours ago, EjectedCasings said:

Huh. That's... very op

Agreed. The bear is now easier to hunt than rabbits.

28 minutes ago, dbmurph22 said:

Is it possible that when they update wolf behavior it's linked to bears?  I mean they update "predator pathing" so maybe unintended some of the updates to the wolves also bleed into the bear behavior.  I don't know.  I know the bears didn't like fire in the story mode, but this seems way to easy.  Killing wolves with the fire is the way now, but it's still a little tricky getting the hit in the split second you have when you raise up next to the fire before they take off.  Bear just froze there and a much bigger target.

Hard to keep track anymore. First it was wolves were afraid of fire, then they introduced moose and they were as well, but bears weren't afraid of anything.. then they made moose fearless, made the wolves 'kinda' afraid of fire, and gave the moose's fear of fire to the bears.

I think it made more sense to have the smaller wolf afraid of fire and the larger bear unafraid of anything, but that's just me. I always thought it was goofy that the moose was afraid of fire, so that is as it should be IMO. I don't know.. I just roll with the punches, and when they change something, I learn the new method and carry on. We will see what future changes bring.

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Bears and Moose ignore campfires now as they have been previously. A few animals can behave strangely as the AI decides between actions.

You can scare a moose by throwing a stone before he has encountered you, whereas doing the same for a bear makes him go investigate the drop noise as wolves do.

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On 3/6/2020 at 3:59 PM, Gun Tech. said:

Bears and Moose ignore campfires now as they have been previously.

Can confirm. Yesterday I was harvesting a wolf carcass near a fire and cooking meet. There came a bear and tore me to teeny-weeny pieces completely ignoring that big nice warm fire i was sitting next to.

Edited by LeeHarveyOslik
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