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Everything posted by Pencil

  1. Spoilers Well, I wish that you encountered the Old Bear in Mystery Lake in more than just cinematic cutscenes. Having to actually use the rifle at first to scare him off was what I was hoping for when I first played the episode. Kind of like what the episode was before the redux, but not actually killing him with it, and still killing him with the spear. For the cave, I didn't necessarily think it ended quickly, but I understand where you are coming from. It is quite sudden.
  2. Episode one was boring for me. Episode three was ok, but gathering the supplies was not very exciting (saving the survivors was actually really fun, believe it or not). The last chapter of Episode 4 was great, but the rest of the episode was just ok. Episode two was great. Dealing with the Old Bear was exciting, and the cave was epic. It's really fun to speed run.
  3. I know that one of the cargo containers in on the summit has tools and lanterns, but since you've already been to the summit, I expect that one did not spawn (if it ever spawns). Your best bet is probably finding tools in a cargo container. I can't think of anywhere else in TWM that would have tools. The closest place I can think of would be the farmhouse or barn in PV, which has already been said. Does the skeeter's ridge basement have any? I think I have found some there before.
  4. Playing The Hunted for the first time. Also, had several jump scares in Coastal Highway a while back with bears. 1. (The video) 2. Just shot a wolf and decided to harvest it; you know, like you do. I finished harvesting, and not a second later my character is jerked around and annihilated by a bear. I have no idea where it came from; didn't think there were any bears nearby. I want to say I remember it being near the log sort, but I don't think that's possible. It must have been closer to the fishing cabins, where the one bear occasionally comes by. Bear and Passing Time 2.mp4
  5. I got food poisoning on an Interloper by eating cooked meat from a ravaged deer carcass. I believe the % would have been from 50-60. That really hurt that run. Threw me into desperation mode since I was already low on health and didn't get any recovery for 10 hours. Got food poisoning two more times before I was unable to fight back... But I do get food poisoning every now and then from eating even deer or moose meat. All of this happened before the Episode 4 launch. Also, made me wonder, do ravaged deer carcasses have a higher chance of food poisoning?
  6. After putting some thought into this, a camera could actually be really cool and effective. What if taking a picture of a large, open area with automatically map all that was captured in the photo (or approximately all)? Of course, I can imagine this would not be easy to code, unless it was done like an instant charcoal mapping, without taking the time to actually map with charcoal. It would also only map anything in front of you, not anything behind you. Would be neat. I would be curious to see how it would work though with power, the aurora, and all that stuff. I mean, whether I am trying to "survive" instead of "camp," if I happen to find graham crackers, marshmallows, and chocolate... well, I might as well do Something with them.
  7. I noticed that too. He looks more detailed in the fourth episode. But I didn't think they changed very much, they still look very similar. They also changed his voice in Episode two when Episode four came out.
  8. If I have several problems to report, do I need to make separate requests for each one, or can I put them all in the same request?
  9. I started shortly after the Episode 2 redux, before Vigilant Flame. I played mostly Pilgrim because of fear of the wildlife. It was a really great experience for playing the very first time though. That moment when you see a power line up ahead... there's still hope! Or you find a road and follow it hoping for some kind of shelter along the way. I was watching my brother it play it when we first bought the game. The spawn was Pleasant Valley, somewhere in the woods. He walked for a while and found a powerline and a road, and following it, eventually found the farmhouse. At that point, Hypothermia risk had appeared, and we were thinking we could die any second... had no clue there was a health bar lol. This was back when you could only see your health by going into the status screen or if your health was really low. Of course, we still had over 90% when we got into the house but had no idea lol. We were on the edge of our seats as we were just a few steps away from the door, expecting the screen to go black saying we died. Nope. I don't really remember anything else from first playing.
  10. If you are desperate enough, Hushed River Valley always has saplings. If your passing through PV, I've seen several between the plane crash and Prepper's Abandoned Cache.
  11. The one thing that cannot fade into the Long Dark is The Long Dark itself
  12. Yikes; just crafted one on my Interloper lol. I see it as a safety precaution for blizzards + cabin fever. The +12 C is pretty insane though. It also takes significantly less time to craft if you don't want to spend 30 hours making the coat. I think weight shouldn't be a problem. You can get a +15 kg bonus with all of the benefits stacked together, so as long as you aren't carrying your hatchet, hacksaw, and heavy hammer at the same time, you should be able to stay under 45 kg while holding the bearskin bedroll. While whether or not the bedroll is worth it on Interloper remains a debate, I think we can all agree that it is not necessary in lower difficulties (unless you are several thousand days in and running out of cloth.)
  13. The lamp bottle is the same way. I had one that was empty (still had 0.01 left I think) that still had weight (can't remember the exact weight though. Something around 0.1 kg).
  14. The prison itself would not be bad... but you might get lost in it lol. Bricklayer's retreat would be an awesome Interloper hideout if there was a fishing hut on the ice. Fish (with hut, but of course there is not one there), sticks, moose, and I think deer also if I remember correctly.
  15. Really, you can only go so far with every game. I would consider The Long Dark a finished game once all 5 episodes are completed (it also hurts me to say that). However, I'm not saying Hinterland can't continue to improve the game and add updates. I really hope they aren't finished when episode 5 is released, but at the same time, I would be very interested in seeing what other games they can come up with. What I would like to know is: even if they begin development on another game, will Hinterland still update The Long Dark every once in a while? Such as a couple times a year, we get a survival mode update?
  16. Maybe they should implement bears being able to climb trees. I mean, hey, that is actually real life. Shooting bears from on top of a fallen tree and watching them helplessly running around it trying to get to you is really sad. Bears should at least be able to climb onto those trees.
  17. Hunted part 1 if that is an acceptable answer. It gets less and less exciting the more you play it though unfortunately... the first time you play it is definitely the best. Adrenalin rushes and always worrying "Where is he???" For survival mode, I enjoy Stalker the most. I used to really enjoy Voyager, but just realized recently that Stalker is basically the same thing except with more predators. I have recently taken an interest on Interloper too.
  18. Wow, this is mind blowing. The Campfire as a crosshair is a crazy find.
  19. Perhaps the longer you survive, the more aggressive the animals get and the more they stalk you. Such as in several hundred days or something, bears have 2x of a detection radius than when you first started the run. Would make things interesting. Also, what if bears could actually pound on the door outside like in The Hunted part 2? If you enter an interior while being chased by a bear, perhaps he makes an effort to get in for a couple minutes before he finally leaves. I think a cave interior with a possible bear spawn would be really interesting, such as the wolf in the ice cave, but a bear instead. *chills* Also, I think the old "being stalked music" that played a couple years back was much more terrifying than the current one. Me and my brother were playing The Hunted part 1 at night irl, and we would get chills every time the music started. The music now is just like, "oh, the bear is coming. Ok." Anybody remember the old music? Also: I prefer the concept of being alone in the long dark; I can hardly enter a cave with a possible wolf in it. I would never step foot into the carter hydro dam again if there was a possibility of somebody stalking me. That place already sounds scary as it is. I would much rather be worried about wildlife getting worse than another survivor stalking me.
  20. Is this an audio setting? Maybe it's a different game I'm thinking of, but there might be a setting where you can change from both sides playing the same audio to both sides playing different audio (to be able to determine if a sound is coming from the left or right). For the gun, load 1 bullet, open inventory and close immediately to stop loading process. You can also pick up an item on the ground while loading to stop the process. Works for both rifle and revolver. I was playing hardened survivor and some timber wolf packs were running away, even if I had never seen them before. You probably got lucky like I did a few times. Also, for flares and torches not working, you might be throwing them at the wrong time. If you are not throwing them and they still attack, it is probably bug then (unless you get too close to them). I almost never throw torches or flares unless they are about to run out and I want the wolf gone.
  21. In the display settings, you can turn off the HUD. Still great pictures though! Thanks!
  22. "Please note that the Bear Spear is currently a Story-mode only tool. It will be added to Survival Mode in a future update." Taken from the Wintermute Redux update post from a couple years back. Starting to wonder when it will be added lol. This right here makes it perfectly fine for them to be crafted on workbenches and on Interloper. You will eventually run out... especially if you are trying to blast your way through BI. Noisemakers would still be treated carefully since you won't be able to make very many.
  23. I think it was mentioned somewhere in Ep 3 that Pleasant Valley was not so pleasant... I also seem to get hit by a lot there by blizzards. Bleak Inlet too, probably because it's always windy there. I would recommend not travelling long distances in Pleasant Valley on Interloper if it is windy or heavy snow fall, as a blizzard could form in a matter of seconds. It's also easy to get lost out there since some of the terrain is open fields.