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Everything posted by mfuegemann

  1. Hi Zfp, the sticks and branches are reappearing after You pass them, walk along about 30m and then turn around. I reported this as a bug.
  2. Just a reflection out of my current interloper run: Don't give up too soon. The game will let You know, when it is time for the long dark. I started in DP and it took me 20 days to find a sleeping bag. Before that I was in the AC gold mine and on top of TWM. I had to build a snow shelter once to sleep off a bear attack on my way to the summit. At this point I was tempted to end the run. Now I am equipped with full tools and a bow and on my way to cooking level 5.
  3. For me it is the FM forge that I use most on interloper. It is not a good place, if You want to stay for leasure, but if You are forging, the heat is enough to counter any blizzard. Food supply is good with all the cattails around. Just take enough torches to reach the BI transition cave for a rest on Your way home to fend off the wolfs.
  4. If possible, don't use low condition hacksaws on containers. If they brake, the container is ruined too and cannot be opened afterwards.
  5. In preparation of my MaxSkills/Cartographer run, I made a total of 65 arrowheads. I still have some left in CH after reaching archery level 5. To level up quite fast, I do the following beside reading every archery book availiable: 1. craft arrows 2. while rested, hunt wolfes as they charge You. You either have an instant kill or can fend off the wolf with a knife/hatched easily. They will not run far anyway. This is the most satisfying way. Make sure to stand on even ground, so the wolf has not to change direction because of a slope. As You almost always can outpace a wolf, You can lure them to a convenient harvesting place. 3. if exhausted or unsure, hunt deer. Try to align in front of the deer, crouching, as it walks towards You. As soon as the deer starts grazing, center Your view, stand up and fire in a fluid motion. This way the deer will not have time to run away and You have a good chance of a critical hit. You either get an instant kill or have to follow it. Crows also help You finding Your arrow. This works quite well in The Ravine, just mind the blizzards. 4. If desperate or in excess of crafted arrows, You can hunt rabbits too. I am not using this, as the wear on arrows is too heavy in my opinion. Keep in mind, that You can let the harvested meat laying around for later use, once You have reached cooking level 5. Just make some notes to know, where Your caches are. The harvested meat will not disappear with the carcasses.
  6. I am at this point too. I started a long term run to achieve the "max all skills" and "faithful cartographer" Steam achievements. I was done with these around day 175. Then I went over to Blackrock to roam around and find out all of its secrets. Now I have resettled to TWM and try to get the 500 days achievement. But it is getting quite boring - and another 240 days to go . . .
  7. Maybe the decay-despawn works different or the vanished moose was only moved to another location, taking the arrows with it.
  8. There is another floor error in the Blackrock region. It is on the river level on the northern part between the cave and the climbing rope. In addition there is a spot on the ice where arrows despawn completely. So be careful when hunting on the ice. I reported it as a bug.
  9. The polaroid location (Blackrock vista or so) was also not revealing more of the map than a usual mapping.
  10. Hi, it took me a while to figure the filtering out on myself. The filter is set as soon as You are using the Blackrock milling machine. Then it does not reset itself. I reported it as a bug.
  11. Hi, from what I do see, the only missing location is the southern radio tower near Spence's. Maybe You were not close enough to catch it sufficiently. Edit: Just read Your post again. Maybe re-entering FM or mapping somewhere near does the trick. If not, the only thing You can do is report it as a ticket.
  12. Imagine, You would be able to loot only one boot and would have to search for the other one - in a fitting size. Or if sizes were introduced... Ah sorry, the Mukluks, You just found are a little too small...
  13. Nice list. Especially the lower/raise backpack would be natural, as You can do it with the rope still in place for the climb.
  14. Once again. I do think, it is just about priorities. And we here are last, it seems.
  15. It is good to write things down, especially to note the date, when bear and moose hides will be cured. Or how many coal and scrap metal pieces are still left at the forge.
  16. 1 and 4 for me. I did not like the bear cave either. It is unnerving with no option to save. EP 3 starts interesting but bringing the survivors in is quite a chore with the TW packs and the slow carrying.
  17. Ha ha, the dam feelings were the same for me. And it took me a while to walk along the rim towards the other side. My best memories are the ones referring to the mead diet (... I lost three days once...). It took me so long to understand the save mechanics in survival, that I made several trips from ML to FM, wondering about if I had not taken the walk yesterday already.
  18. It is not so easy, unfortunately. Once You got the rhythm for handling things on interloper, as torch lighting to continue a fire and scaring off wolfs or using the teas for Your advantage, things are getting easy very soon.
  19. Interloper for me. But it starts getting annoying with the ample health regen during sleep and the cooking level 5 bonuses. I tried Deadman a couple of times but I am not good enough at the moment to have much fun.
  20. I am at the achievements now, in particular cartographer as my current task. It is a challenge but it feels artificial still. The "max out all Your skills" will be a bit hard on loper as I am not sure, how many gun books are around.
  21. You can do very easy on loper without the additional risks to go to BR, HRV or BI. That is sad, as for me there is no motivation to go to BI or BR. BI has severe weather too. As said before, I can live through more days on loper after day 100 or 500, but it makes no sense. There is no new challenge at the moment.
  22. Yes, going a bit more slow and planning ahead - even when and how much You eat/drink - helps a lot. It is also good to play safe, whenever possible. Carry a lit torch, have coal with You, travel only during the warmer hours - those things.
  23. I do agree with the wish for more long term goals or incentives to visit the remote regions. Ash Canyon is a loper-tourist hot spot only for the crampons and backpack. For ease of life, the Quonset garage with a regular cabin-fever-trip to a fishing hut is keeping me alive quite well. I just started to do the Steam achievements in my loper run, that keeps me occupied for now. But I would love a reason to risk a trip to Bleak Inlet (maybe limit beachcombing to this location or make the crampons repairable in the cannery?) or Hushed River (place most of the maple and birch trees here?) and even Broken Railroad (limit the heavy hammer repair to the workshop there?).