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Everything posted by mfuegemann

  1. Hi Serenity, it would be one of my wishes for TLD as it is now to just randomize all the loot without loot tables and maybe extend or randomize the wolf/bear paths too. It is somtimes too easy to avoid or anticipate the dangers out there.
  2. Or we could build a can tower and open a stone-throwing booth. I would charge 10 cattails for 6 stones to throw, 5 cattails, if the stones are provided.
  3. Hi Dougie, maybe You are still at the beginning of Your run. I had 10-12 flares and lots of rifle bullets very soon. For the first TW pack use the noisemakers - just for fun. Then take a torch and walk to Your next car or trailer. TW are kept at bay even with mere torches. Do not let You put down by those wolfs. There are lots of paths to avoid the pack trails. Give it some more tries - maybe on lower difficulty settings, as Leeanda suggests. The episode story is really worth it.
  4. In the end, the game is like a novel we read. Once we are wishing for a more diverse or different run of the story but we are situated at the receiving side. And for my part I was very happy with EP4. The wait was long, indeed. Let us hope we will have EP5 availiable a bit sooner.
  5. Try to forget about loot tables. It just takes so much off the experience. I do hate the guaranteed spawning places for matches or other loot - You are not able to forget them, once You know. You can sleep in cars in addition to indoor areas. Maybe a knowledge of where are beds in caves could help too. And there are snow shelters, but they cost cloth... Otherwise let Your survivor fade and start over. Good luck to him/her and a lot of fun to You.
  6. I would also opt for Blackrock being situated north of PV. Possible footmarch from the dam, carrying Will as a hostage. Perseverance Mills I do locate just north of Desolation Point. As Astrid arrived drifting over a large body of water, I would think it is a coastal town. This leaves Will to cross PV, CH, DP in the last chapter. And this would be a great run. Maybe we also play the part of Astrid before her ending in the canoe too. Imagine us to being able to create supply cashes for Will on her way.
  7. I do think, there is too much read into the puzzle design. If all should be accurate - where does the steam come from after weeks? How on earth is the heated steam travelling in a pressurized pipe with still some valves closed? And hence how can those valves be de-frosted in such a short time? Just act and monitor the outcome. This helped me solve the puzzle. And one more thing: try to have fun playing the game.
  8. Ah, those bastards. Should have been sent to jail for it... I can fully live with the mechanic as it is. I got stripped of some items too, but there is still enough around to even start with all things confiscated at the first time.
  9. I would always say if someone is harassing You, he/she is forgetting their own starting experiences. I play on loper now, but I still make a lot of mistakes. This is all, the game is about. Make mistakes and learn - or maybe learn after one or two similiar tries.
  10. I do think the achievements will be awarded (once availiable) if they are trackable. I changed to my steam version for EP5 after playing Epic only and there the achievements for my badges were awarded right after starting the first game. And after continuing a saved game I got all achievemnts, I had completed in this run. So You better keep some saves of Your longest runs.
  11. Try it. Coal gives a vast 20 degree temp bonus that can even be added (see forging) and burns 1 hour. You need a stick to light a fire and then add the coal.
  12. I would add two points to the list: 9. Always try to have 2 coal and some sticks with You to light a really warm fire 10. If the weather permits, carry a lit torch and have some spare torches ready to replace the outburning one. And maybe 11. Use Your resources while You can I have died a lot of times saving one out of a dozen flares or using the rifle instead of the flare gun for a bear hunt.
  13. The time I find a stim, it is AC time. The stim carries me up the last two climbs to the gold mine ridge. Once coffee is availiable, TWM calls. Remember to bring a hacksaw, relying on one at the top can be disappointing. With these two goals met, You are set up for a decent run.
  14. Imagine jumping into a hot pool of water, curing Your several frostbite warnings while looking out through the rising fog. And maybe that at sunset.
  15. The look of the lamp-lit tunnels is awesome, indeed. I loe it too.
  16. Trailer 3 = Elegy. That's why it carried the most resemblance to TLD. You got me there, and I am sure, I saw the original trailer some time ago. Well done. I will try to watch the movies. I do think "The Grey" I have somewhere around, at least.
  17. Hi meuh, these are very well made trailers for the Long Dark. Can You give me the names of the movies, You took the scenes from? Trailer 2 - I know this movie and thought it to be quite TLD like Trailer 4 - The Revenant, also very good after a prolonged TLD session. Co-op trailer - The Mountain Between Us The co-op trailer shows, how a multiplayer TLD should be. Ben Will and Astrid fighting together in a 2-player game. For single player #3 appeals the most to me.
  18. I had another bear near the hidden bunker. But that was behaving normal and could be avoided. For the sandbox play style, it actually helped me a lot to be familiar with Old Bear Island. To be lore-true, one should have had to find a book about the noisemakers to be able to craft them.
  19. The harsh experiences during EP1+2 have made You too hard, I think. Just let them rest in peace. I do think, this is by design, though.
  20. Hi peteloud, I chime in with my review remarks just to not start a separate topic "EP4-Review". First my survival knowledge helped me a lot to get things moving. You know about frostbite and torches, coal temp bonus and even the edible cattails+tinder. I took my time out of the prison to explore the map, finding alternative routes to the wolf infested roads. And yes, the first noisemaker also exploded right next to my legs, causing more injuries than it did good for the wolfs. But as a new craftable item and weapon they are most welcome. I found them not necessary, though, as I was always able to reach the next shelter with a burning torch or flare. Maybe all the cars standing around are bit too much and too easy. I turned the map indicator off to add a bit to the fun. Therefore map markings with charcoal - or even the infamous beloved spray can - would have been great. Or some indications of the roads and more landmarks on the map. Finding the caches was quite challenging that way. The map design is very good with a mix of twisted paths and alternative routes. Survivors will recognize lots of things from regions like AC or TWM. Only the breakable ice and a fishing hut were missing. As I judged the time availiable to be too short, I just made rabbit clothing, not going for bear and elk. So I was not disappointed that the sleeping bag and satchel were not craftable. The blocked mine was met by something like "I have no time for this now". Maybe a similiar statement for the southern bridge crossing, like "This I will risk only if absolutely necessary", would be better. It took me a while to try that spot again after I had to go to the other side of the river. The errand running was ok, I did expect as much as a prisoner. And there were enough side quests and exploring to do to keep me occupied. The confiscating was a nice touch. I expected something like that and hid my clothes and weapons in the guard house and lost only my tools and materials. Maybe after the second venture something like "Hey, we found Your things in the guard house and the storage box" would be great, as this is right in view of the prison building. The new suffocation affliction was also a great addition to the mine setting. In the prison it was implemented not as good, with missing air pockets to recover or rethink. Maybe it was done so to transport the feel of urgency. For me it resulted in some re-loadings for the next tries to find a way. The same goes for the final escape. Astrid's arrival at Perseverance Mills was a surprise, leaving CH and DP for Will's part in EP5 - hopefully. After all, I would have loved to play the story for a couple of hours more. Thank You Hinterland for a great episode!
  21. Such a change would be awesome. Game-options: pick a theme or the random setting. It would also honor the designers of the previous menu themes, as their work now is lost in the past.
  22. It would have been easy to start a fire in a boiler house to produce the steam in the first place. For me the burning wall lanterns were hard to accept. Turned off lanterns, still filled with fuel, would be possible but burning ones - for days/weeks? Or maybe Lance was not eager to conserve fuel after visiting the place...
  23. It would be great, if we could choose the main menu theme in the configuration.
  24. Hi, there are some paths off the beaten track, You could use. If You stick to the road, You need considerable firepower, indeed.
  25. I do love the new episode too. I felt a bit sorry for the poor warden in the beginning. Imagine all the folks wandering around exploring caves and huts for days, while he is waiting for his medicine...