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Everything posted by mfuegemann

  1. I did it out of curiosity, because I had bad luck on the summit more than once after the update. So I expected to find no gun - or at least only the gun but no shells. Just made a 1d6h4m run, finding barely enough coffee and energy drinks to make it to the summit. Again the full flare gun case was there, with gun and shells. Now that I am thinking about it, I could have dropped that bedroll in trappers, to gain some more speed.
  2. I often use the torch/flare method with the revolver, shooting at the wolf, once he stops. This will kill over time or immediately while indreasing my small arms skill.
  3. I tried a "no sleep" run just now. 1d8h43m with a full climb to TWM summit. Luckily there was a flare gun up there. I had recent runs with no gun or no shells in the plane. Imagine that during hopeless rescue...
  4. It is the other way 'round. The fire must be "outside", e.g. the colder part of the cave. Then it will burn longer and You want to stay in the "inside" region, to get the most temp bonus. You can create a visible border by walking back and forth, watching Your temp meter. Drop something when the indicator changes. Do this several times left and right of the first try. Then You know, where to put Your fire and where to sit.
  5. Thank You for sharing. That was fun to watch.
  6. Nice places to freeze are Mountaineers Hut in TWM and the caves in the Ravine. If a blizzard hits with -40C, You need a coal fire.
  7. The Steam version had a problem once with lagging menues too. It was caused by an input device conflict. Maybe You can check for something like that.
  8. Yes, these were my thoughts too. The backpack challenge took me 10 days, compared to my previous 8 day run without going for the backpack. The main point was getting the rifle. Food can be easily optained by killing the wolfs around the garage. And strolling around CH, top notch clothing is not necessary, either. What I do like about the loot changes is, that the flare gun and shells are more rare now. This makes passing bears and elks more thrilling.
  9. A bear that follows You into the cave must be pulled by something smelly. Maybe a gut or some piece of meat? His normal walking path is from top of the crash site down towards the hunters blind. Or the pathing has changed drastically after the update... I repaired some clothing once at the upper part of the wreck. I finished my work staring into a snarling bears face - mauling time.
  10. Just hike over to AC and get it. I gave it a try and made it there on day 4. On the way back go to TWM summit and check, what loot is there. Bring a hacksaw along and maybe a tool kit to repair the hacksaw. For me there was a rifle, ammunition and a bunch of lanterns, giving me 3.5 litres of fuel for the challenge. The satchel would be at the HRV signal fire too, but this may be a bit out of one's way, though.
  11. That comes naturally with playing the game. I had a corpse in my main base for months, once...
  12. I am thankful for the honest words about Your experience and the state of the project - Tales and EP5. Sure, the technical problems and the interloper tale thing have been annoying, but for me the new content brought new motivation to play the game even more. Focus on quality - content- and bug-wise - and give us updates on the progress of new the parts and EP5. Then some weeks delay are no problem at all.
  13. That was a very close call then. Glad she made it out!
  14. The maps are no good for navigation, and at the beginning, I had to use a piece of coal every time, I wanted to show my position in survival mode. But now I just use them no longer. At some point, You have the layout of the regions memorized.
  15. Same here, I just started wondering after returning to FA on my Tales run . . .
  16. Since the update I started to hear bear breathing noises in Poachers train car at FM. That was a disturbing feeling in the middle of the night.
  17. Very funny. Thank You for sharing. Although I do think too, that both are running in panic, it is just the timing.
  18. Thank You for adding Tales to Interloper.
  19. Mountaineers hut in TWM is the easiest choice. You have wolfs around for meat and a fishing hut to work off cabin fever (bring a pot to prepare water while fishing). Just install a rope north of the lake for easier access to coal in the cave. The occasional bear and moose near the hut are convenient too. Life can be dull there at times, so You may pass time often.
  20. Hi, once You have the bow, wolfs are just a source of meat most of the time. An arrow straight in the face, as they are charging You, will kill them. For the occasional struggle, I tend to use edged weapons (hatchet, knife), as they wound the wolf and kill it over time.
  21. Hi Moilanen, I described a way to play 4DON and WInters Embrace in this thread: You will get the badges, but I am not sure about how to transform them to a now patched survival version.
  22. I planned to make a 5 day spring hike last week, but then the snow returned to our mountains. Luckily I checked the weather forecast and some webcams before I started. So I changed my gear accordingly. At one stage, there was that suspension bridge, that gave me some real TLD vibes.
  23. Thank You DaGnome91, this is exactly, what I was thinking of. The new region is very cold and windy. With only some houses, You will have to hunt to survive more sooner than later. Coal is scarce and the open layout in combination with the frequent glimmer fog makes navigating hard.