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Everything posted by mfuegemann

  1. I found a bear sleeping in the cave near Trapper's Cabin. Shot it with one arrow - and man, was the approach exciting to find out if he was really dead. Luckily he was. Then I had to use some flares to ferry the meat safely back to the cabin, because of those ... wolfs.
  2. For me creating mods or maps would be great as a designer. The added content comes at a price, though, as You cannot judge the quality and compatibility with other mods beforehand. Quality of life mods may also alter the way, the game was meant to be by the developers. For instance the poor indoor lighting is making lamp use and fuel crafting meaningful, a thing that may be neglected otherwise.
  3. I encountered it several times on the lake there. There is a nice fallen tree to climb on too.
  4. So, last update for now. I had a typo in the index usage of the "World gets colder" property, leaving it always at "None". This has been fixed. HL is using a weird combination of shifting to other indexes, once an index has reached 64 (or even worse with the recovery and frostbite settings). I got most of them covered but there is one situation missing, where I want to set the "Starting Time of Day" to be non-midnight. Hence I limited the RNG to the options "Dawn" and "Noon" and will take the occasional error to use "Dusk". The unconvered shift error is affecting the animal spawn options too, but this is not too imposartant, as we want them to be random at all times. Here is version 3: Have fun.
  5. Added a target difficulty setting. Pilgrim codes are so unlikely, that I omitted that option. Please be aware, that the difficulty is an overall rating. So an "Interloper" or "Deadman" rated code may contain even a rifle, if it is balanced by something else.
  6. Here is the code generator. I added the option to set some values and added a difficulty rating. The zip archive contains an Excel file with a user form and a text file containing the VB code. If You run the Excel file, activate Makros and push the button. The possible difficulty values are between 0 and 350 points but I usually receive results between 90 and 210.
  7. Hi, I am working on a random code generator for Survival mode, using VBS in Excel. With the lacking long term goals, I wanted to have a new challenge, to find out what the world is like in a new playthrough. Or even if I am able to survive more than 10 days. So far, I have figured out the code setup and have been able to validly randomize the 13 settings for "Game Start" and "Environment". The rest is just a lot of typing work, as there are 62 settings in total. Maybe I will add a more subtle interface to be able to keep some parameters as I want them to be. I will upload the Excel file (and the VBS code as text, if You do not want to start active Excel files) once it is ready.
  8. I had a deer hiding inside a rock in the Ravine, once.
  9. I also completed Nomad today but it was a chore. It is mostly about finding some food or hunt a deer before settling in into the next location. Then passing time. Loot settings are very easy and food poisoning seems to be off. This mission is so boring. The most fun part is going out to boil some water...
  10. For me too the snares and deer/moose to harvest are a bit off sometimes. I had no problems so far with sticks.
  11. I do think, not the slow health degradation caused by hunger is the problem. That is comparable to real life, where dehydration and hypothermia is more deadly. The problem is the fast regeneration of our health while sleeping. Touching this will alter the gaming experience very hard, so I am not seeing it in the near future. I am not sure, if Interloper runs will still be possible then without the most of luck during the first days.
  12. I had the same thoughts about the use of tinder after fire making level 3. I would love some incentive to use tinder even then. The bonus approach should work well: level 5 fire success rate 95% without tinder, 100% with tinder. The option to add tinder to a burning fire for small duration gain and the new crafting suggestion to create a fire log are great too.
  13. I agree on the decay rate of canned food. This should start to decay only if opened. Without electricity the freezer is as good to store Your food as any drawer or closet. I am quite happy with the rates as they are, though. It adds to the strategic side to take the risk of food poisoning and motivates to reach cooking level 5. For the clothes there is mending and even that becomes easier with practise. Best start with simple parts like caps and stockings.
  14. When every time You find some spoiled food in the fridge, You wish Your cooking level was already at 5.
  15. @RLGA Maybe You can load an older saved game and play that a bit until You get the achievement. Then continue with Your latest "real" save.
  16. You can hold timberwolfs at bay with flares. Both types work but with marine flares, You should keep Your distance, as closing up too much leads to a brief attack. Normal flares are chasing the wolfs away most of the times, so You can chase them - very satisfying 😉 Throwing flares depletes moral too (if You hit or come close) and You can grab the flare again for protection and another try. Just checked on the way to the crash site at PV in Wintermute - Capable Survivor.
  17. Great ideas. The system to unlock specific crafting is already there in story mode, so why not use it in the sandbox? As I play mostly on Stalker, those limitations should not be Interloper-only. Maybe HL can add an option to enable "advanced learning" or something like that. The sleeping-blanket should be craftable as You suggested but I think, taking clothes from the dead goes to far, balance-wise. There are just too many of them and at the moment You already can find usable clothing searching a body, if You are lucky.
  18. Yes, meanwhile I do know/like the map a little more but it will not become my favourite one.
  19. For me it is hard to always remember to pick up the rifle shells after firing. Luckily the casings remain where they are even weeks later - even after blizzards.
  20. I was not aware in the beginning that You have enough light to craft as soon as the sun is just halfway up above the horizon. Even if it is pitch dark inside a house or cave.
  21. Do You have matches, a magnifying glass or a flare? Sticks also count as firewood. If in such a desperate situation, use the accelerant by activating it at the 4th box.
  22. Maybe that is something for the wishlist. To add the forward movement key to the autowalk-breaking keys like "Space bar" or "Z"
  23. Hi, I do not want to imagine, how You came to post this advice...
  24. Oh, and You can go to the Ravine for a relaxed deer hunting. There are no predators there and You have a cave near the hunting area. Plenty of wood too.
  25. I can confirm that trees are no longer a safe zone. A wolf follwed me onto a tree in TM. I am not sure about bears but I am hesitant to find out...