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Everything posted by mfuegemann

  1. Maybe this survivor is about to close his eyes for a while too, soon...
  2. These are very good suggestions. There is only one section of the mines, where the mask is necessary at the moment. The problem with the increased risks - as well as with the situation right now - is, that there is no incentive to go into the mine or the hazardous areas after You finished the tale.
  3. After picking up the backpack several times I am quite comfortable with AC now. It is dangerous but offers good rewards and the occasional shelter. HRV is harder to navigate for me but has also good spots to spend some time. I rarely go to BR after completing the story and the signals, though. So this is the region, I ignore the most.
  4. Yes, on PC the save files, together with the stats and achievements are stored at a local folder. You can restore them from an earlier backup, if You have one. On the other hand, just start ATDS over. It becomes more easy with the experience. Good luck!
  5. As the dead sleep is much harder than Interloper. The inability to regain health is a very hard limitation, that should keep You on edge always. One upside is, that frostbite is not much to worry about. Because it deactivates the upper part of Your health meter... And it took me several tries too, even after I played the game on interloper for quite a while and knew the maps. Good luck! Once You have done it, You can and will be proud.
  6. Hi Balamute, the feats can be easily restored by loading two Pigrim savegames with five activated feats each. I can send You such steam files, if You want them. For the challenges, it would be the easiest way to do them once again, if You want to have the badges. Oh, and I am quite sure the support stated before, that they will not restore any lost stats.
  7. Oh, and make sure You take the notes with You from the campfire. You do not want to go back... Place a lure often, as the darkwalker is going for the lure first, ignoring You even if he is very close. A glyph is lasting for 5 ingame hours, and all spray cans are spraying glyphs, not only the ones from a campfire. Good luck!
  8. The fog is a regionwide effect and increases over time, making it harder to see. You are not safe in houses or caves. After the fog meter reaches zero, You will lose health rapidly, so keep in mind that the transition zones and caves count to a main region and become hostile with them. The timers are real-time, not ingame time, though. So it is possible to sleep for some hours, even with only a few minutes left on the timer. And the darkwalker can get You inside a building or cave too.
  9. Your goal is to find the green campfires and the diary pages there. There is one campfire in each main region, save Blackrock, Ash Canyon and the Far Territories. Beside the campfires, You will find good loot and spray cans. The darkwalker will start moving towards You after a grace period, getting faster with every page You collect. With the spray can You can create a safe zone for You to rest, set a lure that attracts the darkwalker instead of following You, and once in a run delay the poison fog in one region. Once You enter a region the fog timer begins and after approx. 30 real-time minutes converts it to a deadly place. Transition zones and mines/caves are assigned to a main region share their timer. This should be considered for regions, You want to cross twice. The maps are revealed and show the location of the camp fires and Your position. I realized that on my third try... Oh, and after a while predators are waking up too. Once You got the hang of it, the Darkwalker Challange is quite fun and very thrilling. Just prepare to start several tries.
  10. I do think, one thing to remember is, that words written online stand as they are. You can almost be sure, that Your meaning will be received wrong once You use sarcasm or mediocre phrasing. For me the tales too were a mixed bag and I can totally understand the decision, not to go for the full experience. I do like exploring new areas and I do not need hyperactive wolfs and long poisenous gas passages to spark my my interest. So the current tale felt more like a chore than a benefit I got with the DLC. Now, after finishing the tale, I am quite sure that I will never return to the zone. And that makes me sad. It is the same with Bleak Inlet and Blackrock, where the risks for a long run character are not balanced by anything worthy. The loot table overhaul was a welcomed thing, giving the early game a change and added a new challenge.
  11. Thank You, every bugfix is most welcome.
  12. I had one there as well, some time ago. But I shot him from lake level during a heavy fog. The hide and seek was quite intense, never knowing, if the wolfs are picking upp my scent...
  13. The same for me, but I am carrying 2 bottles with me all the time nonetheless...
  14. In medieval times this was the proper way to light a forge. Would be a cool addition to the game. Mabe using a piece of scrap metal during the process would be a good tradeoff.
  15. The respawn times feel quicker indeed. I cleared the area of wolfs to explore unhindered and not short after that the wolfs were there again. And maybe there is an artificial respawn during the tale, when You are out searching. I experienced a very unpredictable behaviour of the poisened wolfs. Sometimes they run away, sometimes stop at a distance growling, despite I have no torch lit and sometimes they charge despite torch or several revolver shots. The detection range is very large too. One spotted me up on the ledge near scaffolders cave from down below.
  16. After completing the tale and exploring the region into every corner, I just left. I do think, I will not return. Chemical hazards and poisoned wolfs are not goot for my Astrid. The region was a great setting for the tale but as a region to survive in, it is second pick at best. Too many risks for almost no reward.
  17. Maybe one additional tip, if You start Your keep-left-journey inside an unknown cave. Place a well known item at the start. If You come back to exact this item, You are hugging an isolated "inside" structure. Then go over to the other wall and try the same again there.
  18. Hi, I just made it out of the Langston mine again, after exploring large parts of the levels. Having learnt the profession at a copper mine in my youth, I must say that the design and general feeling of the underground areas, the processing facilities and drainage pipelines are spot on. The underground rails and the supporting structures are looking just right. I was almost afraid to use a torch, expecting the poisonous gas to be explosive. Very well done. Thank You!
  19. Maybe look around a bit for the carcass. I suspect the bug to be a placing issue. I found my rabbit, that I harvested on an ice surface about 25m from the harvesting site. Oh, and it may be a bit smaller in size too.
  20. A solution to prevent micro-harvesting and allow for even slices would be a minimal harvesting size of 0.5kg and the option to increase that in 0.1kg steps. I do miss the option to evenly split the remaining part of meat too.
  21. Also not a bug in itself, but the POV moving so rapidly in the harvesting animations is annoying me very much. Even the "dampen camera motion" in the accessability options is not helping with that. The animations could have some variations, too.
  22. I would love it, when the food items would give the condition percentage of the original nutrition value. And maybe meat lying around getting eaten by predators. At the moment it is possible to cook at several hunting sites and return months later to feast on ruined meat with cooking level 5.