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Everything posted by mfuegemann

  1. Only the texture is still a bit off.
  2. This looks like the Ravine. I had a deer once inside a boulder next to the river there. Not sure, if they "reset" their position, once You leave the area.
  3. One thing to add is that snares do not deplete a rabbit grove. And You can place a lot of snares next to each other.
  4. You can't. The TW will attack You while You bring the people home. You have to make Your stand. But You can take Your time preparing before rescuing the next person. And You can drop the person to fight the wolfs.
  5. Hi, I think it is best to start with Wintermute. The survival mode and the challenges are for later gameplay and will lessen the experience of Wintermute somewhat, as You will know most of the crucial mechanics. This is making Wintermute a bit too easy. Oh and Subnautica is a great game too.
  6. Hi, I have the same feelings. Interloper mode is matching my actual game understanding and skill level (as far as I can tell). But the lack of matches in the beginning is driving me crazy. I do not want to check offline maps with guaranteed spawning points. For now the only way is to stick to civilized areas with toilets to get water from. But maybe this is the sensible way in a survival situation too. My current run at 120 days is getting a bit boring, as I am quite set up and getting food and water is no longer a problem. I think, I will have to start over. By the way, I do love the very frequent gun and rifle skill books. They burn so well...
  7. Yes, I was surprised by that change too. Did like the former functionality... There even is a strange behaviour now. If You drop a prepared beverage next to a fire, it needs around 6 min to get warm. If You touch and move the cup, the time increases to 15 min or so.
  8. It looks more like an intended feature: GENERAL FIXES [Gameplay] Fixed an issue where liquids would not become “Burnt Dry”, when being cooked for too long.
  9. Just make sure, You seek the last fire in TWM. I finished my run in HRV - and was almost devastated ... It worked out in the end but it was close. I do think, it is a good idea to take a rope with You, when possible. The missing rope in the Ravine ended my first run.
  10. Hi, just checked it out. The way up is climbable. You have to aim a bit low to get the "climb" sign for the first rock face (Image1). The second climbing spot is easier to access. If that fails, You can go around the first climb a bit to the left of it (image2). And check out the cave a bit more along the mountain side (image3). There is some loot but not the stim, You can find there in survival mode.
  11. To the saving topic: As the game does not save "on exit", I am quite glad about the set save points on sleeping and entering separate locations. It took me quite a while to figure out, why the heck I lost another half-day or so from the previous game, I played.
  12. Imagine this together with 1 or 2 cans of beer, only to be found on TWM summit in the lower deck of the crashed plane...
  13. Ha ha, I did shoot some doors. Not much to harvest, though. And I do like the way it is with one action button. We have to be careful, it is a harsh world we live in. Maybe an option to set up the keys if You want separate keys/buttons would satisfy all.
  14. It would be good to see the hunger/thirst meters before starting to eat and in the inventory. While starting a fire, the exact numbers of matches and tinder left would also be great. Reading in 0.5 hour increments would also help in the beginning of our journey. Another improvement would be to count the actual reading time spent before a break - be it manual or because of night or bad state.
  15. I do think it is just the design decision to separate those buildings from the scenery, where the inside is larger than their map representation. A view would be possible but could lead to perspective anomalies. I would love the feature, though.
  16. Yes, You just have to be a bit more careful around the predators. Great that You continued despite Your first frustration.
  17. So let's wait for the new chapter. It will be great, I am sure.
  18. Yes, therefore a harder environment setting would be nice to choose from.
  19. I would like a harder difficulty option for the story mode. In my last playthrough on the hardest settings, things went way too smooth with all the sandbox experience I have now.
  20. Oh and on another trip, canoeing this time in Sweden, I was paddling barefoot in an aluminium canoe. Summer was hot this year. The lake was very long and the banks were so steep and rocky, it was impossible to go ashore. Then thick thunderclouds grew around the distant mountains, the sky turned dark purple and lightning started to strike. I checked the shorline, looked down on my bare feet, the water around and back up to the ever darker clouds - and I started my new life as Popeye. Hitting the water hard, I fought my way along the lake toward the end, where I knew it was possible to land. So it went for several kilometres and then 50m from shore, the rain started. and it started hard. As I hit the beach, my canoe was almost half filled with water. I turned the boat, run for cover and spent the next hour wet and cold until the thunderstorm was over. That was a close call. Maybe I should try to carry a can of spinach wherever I go.
  21. It was on a hike in northern Sweden. Summer was a bit cold and there was still lots of snow around. High up in the mountains I crossed an icy stream to get to a pass. Not wanting to cross that river again, I pushed over and started the way down the other side. Man it was so steep. At some places, I had to stick my arms into the snow at every step to support my weight while edging along the mountain side. Then when the terrain got less rocky, I started mountain goating more directly down. I was not overencumbered and hence got no sprain, luckily.
  22. This would make Blackrock prison a preppers paradise. I do not think this will/should happen. For me it should just be a new map with things to explore and some huts/caves scattered around, to take refuge. Please no new obstacle course like in Bleak Inlet. And mostly I am looking forward to the new chapter of the story.
  23. I think it is only possible to restart from scratch. But You can take Your time and improve Your shape, before You tackle the remaining survivors. The timberwolves attack as soon as You carry a survivor back to the city hall. Try to fend them off with flares or the revolver. Drop the survivor and fight the wolves, then continue. The pack morale is shown as a red bar. Shooting them or hitting them with a flare throw will lower the morale. Remember to pick up the flare after throwing, by the way 😉 Check the water need of the survivor, as this is depleeting quite fast.
  24. The same works for canned food. If You drop that near a burning fire, the opening animation starts. This is also important, if You just want to drop it without having a can opener. You are loosing some calories by smashing a can open.