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Everything posted by ThePancakeLady

  1. Okay, I love DP. And I love to visit the Lighthouse. But I tend to set up shop in Hibernia, the Riken, and The Old Stone church. Main is Hibernia, Riken when or if I want to forge, Old Stone Church for CF avoidance. DP just holds a special place in my heart. And I am not creeped out by all of the bones at Hibernia. "...look at the bones!"
  2. Nah, I have seen some screenshots on Steam, taken by friends, where items are levitating. (Told them to file bug reports with debug screenshots, no way to know if they actually did or not...). Most obvious one was a rifle laid across the workbench at the Mountaineer's Hut, that when viewed from the side (stock end of the rifle), the rifle was floating a good few inches above the workbench. Another was a deer carcass that was floating above the snow. I have not seen a great many, and I have not experienced it yet in any of my saves on Steam or XBox One, it may be an uncommon anomaly, randomly occurring to some players, and not to others, same item, same location.
  3. you need to post your screenshot of your guy in all Military gear. Loved the story, my friend.
  4. First time meeting Fluffy in the Carter Hydro Dam. before I knew who Fluffy was, and what she was all about.
  5. The world will begin using Salt as a currency again, like in days of old. Which may leave us "in the dark", literally. Because... Great Bear seems to have NO SALT on it. The only salt in TLD is found on the forums and social media sites. (#SorryNotSorryJustKidding)
  6. Not being greedy. Old school aRPG/RPG fan here. I am in the habit of "Grab it all and sort it all out later! Keep the good stuff, and toss or sell the rest!" The Long Dark really forces me to manage things more efficiently, think about what I am doing, and what consequences it may have later in the game, rather than just hacking and slashing my way through the world. Not a bad thing, just... old habits can be very hard to break.
  7. Lessons about melting snow to make potable water, learned the hard way... 1) Never take snow from near an animal path or obvious grazing area. The yellow stuff can be easily covered by new snow. 2) Take cloth to filter out the bits of dirt, tree bark and other organic matter that is on, in, and under it. Unless you really like chunky water, with a high fiber content. 3) The melted snow will taste like the area it comes from. In other words, if you are close to a livestock farming area... expect some funkiness to filter through. Near an industrial area? Expect some chemical flavors. Near a roadway? Expect the taste of rock salt used on the roads, and a greasy sheen from automotive fluids to get in. Out in the middle of nowhere, expect it to taste "earthy", with flavors from the trees and other plants growing nearby and under it, and see #1) above, lol. Cheesecloth for filtering particulate matter, and a charcoal filter can improve the taste, sometimes. Sometimes, you just have to grit your teeth and deal with the odd flavor it may have, if you are desperate for water.
  8. Welcome to the forums! Glad you finally found them.
  9. I don't really feel the need for this, myself, though I understand why it appeals to some folks. My character's story, in Survival Mode, is what I decide it is. Each of my characters has a unique nae, I imagine their backstory before I begin the game. I develop their story more as I play the save. I see the paperdoll as I would a mannequin, in a store, simply displaying the clothing and gear my character chooses to wear. Custom settings allow me to alter elements of the story in tangible ways, if I choose, as do Feats used for that character. I am free to choose items to pick up and use, or not, based on my own internal story for my character. The amount of work and rewriting of code to change appearance or "class", to change cosmetics, to add starting advantages or disadvantages, just seems like a lot of work for an already busy, small team of devs, and would not, in my mind, add much to gameplay for me. Though I do see the immersion factor for others, just like choosing a class in an aRPG can bring. I prefer to play tanky melee characters, while my husband prefers to play glass canon mage builds. So, I do get that. I suppose I am neutral on the idea. I do not feel the need for it, but would not oppose it, if Hinterland choose to add more character customization. After Wintermute is done, of course. And when modding support is added in the future, I can almost guarantee there will be mods created to do just what people are asking for. And I will be one of the modders doing just that. Pancakes everywhere, lol!
  10. The only way around that, that I know of, and is legit, is to wait for the game to go on sale on Humble Bundle or (Sadly, it seems most platforms besides PS4 are not available right now on Amazon...), and make sure you are getting a Global Key that will activate worldwide, regardless of Region, and send them a gift link or the game key code in an e-mail PM. Not sure what the Global Key availability is with either vendor... be sure the details say it is Global and will activate anywhere. Been a while since I gifted a key from Humble.
  11. ThePancakeLady


    Welcome to Great Bear Pet Sematary...
  12. ThePancakeLady


    And then you can watch your beloved companion get torn to shreds by a pack of wolves, and need to determine which one is your "pet" before you start shooting... OMG, you shot Snoopy instead of the wild wolves! Snoopy steaks for dinner... because you are starving.
  13. I have not seen it and cave entrances yet. I'll keep an eye out. And I know you are trying to joke, but flashing or flickering lights that may trigger seizure activity in those prone to it would never be a "feature" in my mind. My daughter has a condition that these types of flashing or flickering lights a can trigger an atypical absence seizure (aka/petit mal seizure), and she loves playing TLD as well. I've warned her to be careful at mine entrances, and hopefully if it occurs, her medications will prevent anything bad from happening. I'll warn her about cave entrances as well now.
  14. Jeez, having one of those days. Forgot to list system specs... Windows 7 Pro SP1 64 bit AMD FX-4130 Quad Core @3.8 GHz NVIDIA 740 GT (v3 MSI 2 GB VRAM) 12 GB DDR3 RAM Dual channel VSync disabled
  15. First, I sadly do not have a debug screenshot or my output_log from the save this is from. (Forgot to post this before I switched to a new save...). (Apologies... i know this makes diagnostics more difficult, but this needs to be reported, the flashing was enough to possibly trigger seizure activity in someone with a light sensitive seizure disorder.) I went into Cinder Hills coal Mine in CH. Turned around to look at the new exterior landscape that now shows through the wire door/gate. I could hear the sound of the weather changing outside, wind picking up, furiously. While the weather was changing, the exterior landscape image (ONLY) was flickering- light dark light dark light dark... Once the weather had fully changed, the image showed wind blowing through the door, snow outside, and the flickering stopped, and the landscape looked as I would expect it to. The first image just marks the location this happened at, the second image is a non-HD Steam screenshot taken after the weather had changed. The image in #1 had the area where the trees are go black-white-block-white-black white, with the trees visible in grey during both phases. Sorry for not reporting while I still had the output_log.txt file for this save. Seen only once, if it occurs again I will come back and post additional information, and post on the zendesk reporting site as well.
  16. And this is why old churches at night are the setting for many horror films and games...
  17. I wish you had put a 4th question up- least favorite region. I'll take the frozen wasteland of HRV over the frozen wet hellscape that is FM, any day. Region: Desolation Point. Most underappreciated region in the game, IMHO. But I love it. Dearly. Experience Mode: Stalker, for serious runs (though I use Pilgrim and Voyageur for testing things, and Voyageur sometimes for more relaxed runs.) Haven't yet found a Custom Settings combo that works well for me, yet. Challenge: Whiteout. Looting like mad (an aRPG fan's dream...), and dealing with the QGS... and never the same two times in a row. Love trying to beat my own time to get stocked up quicker if I can.
  18. Thanks Raph. I understand. And yes, I do well know. Sadly, I think many of us know this from personal experience. Enjoy your holiday weekend.
  19. I always wondered if this story played any part in us getting potable water from toilets: Honestly, I always think more about all of the dust and particulate debris we see floating in the air inside most buildings, and why we don't need to use cloth to filter the sediments out of the water. Though, I suppose it could be considered as "dietary fiber", so it might actually be healthy.
  20. A lovely sunrise at the Lighouse in DP. One of the reasons DP is my favorite region in the game. You can only get these views here.
  21. Agreed, Pilgrim has its own challenges, hunting things that run away when they spot you 1/2 mile away is one of them. I like the general idea here though, but think having the entire zoo come charging at you is a bit much. Perhaps if one of the animals was injured during their interaction with another animal, or pack of them, that animal might use the distraction to try to make an escape, while the other animal(s) would have to use their detection abilities (scent, hearing, smell...) are you carrying meat/guts/hide/fish, are you injured or sick, do you look like easier prey than they animal they were first after? And then RNJesus would roll the dice whether they come after you or not. Unless you advance on them and threaten them, in which case they either attack, or flee. Keeping mechanics like wolves charging when you draw the bow or aim the rifle intact, of course. I think it could be quite interesting, and definitely add more tension, and "spectacle" (something to keep the player immersed and interested) to the game. *caveat ahead* As long as it doesn't kill performance for many players who do not have high-end rigs or the latest-greatest newest generation versions of PS4 or XBox One, to play the game on, and it does not drop fps to slide-show numbers, even on the lowest Quality settings.
  22. Arooooooo! Werewolves of Vancouver!