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Everything posted by ThePancakeLady

  1. I'm running on a 6 year old + toaster. Windows 7 SP1 64 bit NVIDIA 740 GT (2 GB, MSI v3) AMD FX 4130 @3.8 GHz 12 GB dual channel DDR3 RAM Custom settings, mixed Med>High, SSAO off , VSYNC off in game, but on in NVIDIA Control Panel custom game profile No crashes. None. Some more noticeable fan noise, GPU and CPU running slightly warmer, but not over 60°C (max temp for both is 70°C). Hubby's Window 10 Beefy PCMR rig having more issues than mine. Did all of the usual troubleshooting on both. Both of us saw multiple threads about the latest NVIDIA GPU drivers causing issues on multiple games, so we both rolled back from v417.35 to v416.94. His rig is running the game, and others normally again. So is my little toaster, still slightly more fan noise and a tinny bu it more hitching in Wintermute only. But far, far, far less. Can't say it will help anyone else, or if it is purely coincidental that we both have happier gaming rigs on the older driver version. And, of course, it only applies if you are running an NVIDIA GPU. But if you know how to manually roll back your driver, it may be worth a try to see if it does help.
  2. WINTERMUTE SPOILERS AHEAD...YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED. Change the page now, scroll down without looking, or get a non-TLD player to come in and get you away from the spoilery spoilers. Just a few images from Episode 1 Redux that I liked, with some spoilers, but not too much, I hope. (Kinda hard to avoid spoilers at this point, I have been bombarded with them on Steam, so... my turn, but at least I am warning you ...)
  3. In Episode 3, 4 , 5 of Wintermute, will we find lore notes, or see any type of flashbacks/cutscenes that will show us more about Will and Astrid's past, together or apart? I always wonder what their relationship was before, how good or bad was it, what happened that was referred to in the original Episode 1 opening scenes? What was life like on the Mainland, that kept them together, or drove them apart? I want to know about their past, and how it affected how and why they find themselves on Great Bear in Wintermute. Really interested if you will be introducing any new forms of lore-finding or interesting ways to learn the history of the characters, Great Bear Island, Mainland Canada, or the World the game takes place in. Mental Health System(?)... Will and/or Astrid go a little off-track and have hallucinations or lucid dreams about the past? I know the story will move forward... but the past interests me immensely.
  4. Absolutely lovely capture @Morrick! One of my most favorite places in the game, on my favorite map. You caught an amazingly beautiful and potentially frightening sight. Well done.
  5. Lol! Had to delete the other post, because... that was a mighty strong typo I made there. Love your SHOTS... wonderful eye candy.
  6. Welcome! Lovely shot there! Stay warm, stay safe, and enjoy your stay on Great Bear Island!
  7. Okay Raph. Admit it. The reason you gave us fuel doors that open on vehicles, and some car batteries that can be removed, is so we can rig up and fill the tank of... ... so we can kill whatever lives in the new region yet to come in Wintermute? And if not... why???
  8. Ah, cold and flu season. Yuck. Feel better soon! And keep up the good work on the podcasts!
  9. Watching the first one right now. Looks good, only comment is that your voice is soft, low volume, even with the video volume turned up all the way. I honestly like the slideshow of screenshots from the game, so game sounds and music are not drowning your voice out, or turning it into a Let's Play instead of a podcast. Really well done for a test, looking forward to seeing what you do with this, going forward.
  10. Have you tried doing that? The game does not allow us to place items that way. The only way to do it is using a third party Mod. You cannot make that "boat" in the regular game, no way, no how. Which is why they ask us not to post images made using mods, because some folks *ahem* will think that they can make or find that thing or place in the vanilla game, and may get upset when they can't. They have rules posted on the site here, we are all expected to read and follow them.
  11. Welcome, and thanks for sharing such a great shot! Creepy as all...
  12. Honestly, No. Do NOT remove the badges. I did not get them this year, I was too sick to play past Day 1. So I have the locked badges as well. My mind does not melt into a puddle of goo when I see them. They do not count toward the Challenge Mastery achievement, as far as I can tell, since I had that achievement, it was not affected by the addition f 2 new Challenge badges, and another friend just completed Hopeless Rescue, got the achievement, and does not have either 4DoN badges either. If I don;t want to see locked badges, I am free to not look at my badges collection. Pretty simple solution there.
  13. No need to apologize @Morrick. It is a lovely capture! And the sprint icon makes me think you were running into the light, drawn by some irresistible call, from beyond the veil. Or there is a wolf on your tail...
  14. That is both awful and hilarious, at the same time. Were you able to harvest by standing below it and clicking on the carcass, even though it is levitating, magically? (And did you post a bug report with a debug screenshot, hopefully?)
  15. Since this game came to be, from the day it was conceived in your mind, through Kickstarter, through Early Access and Game Preview, through going gold, up to today... A great number of things have gone right, and a few have gone wrong. Such is life for everyone and everything. And we all look back and wish we had done a thing or things differently. Hindsight is NOT always 20/20, but it tends to sharpen our view of what may have made things easier or more difficult. Looking back, what ONE thing do you wish you had done differently, and what do you think the results of that different choice would have been? I know, choosing one single thing is difficult, and pays no attention to how things are intertwined in the life and growth of a creative process and product. But you don't have time to write a novella for an answer, so one thing only, the "If I had only..." thought that flicks the back of your brain the most often. (And maybe let a dev hopeful, just starting out, know that he or she isn't alone, that the "Big Dogs" have those doubts or thoughts too...)
  16. When you are thrilled that the weather is awful... ...because you are in Milton, after dark, and the wolves have decided to get in out of the cold:
  17. Lovely capture! I feel cold, clammy, and desperate, looking into that cold fog. Well done!
  18. Wonderful to get home, face intact, during an Aurora, with wolves around. Home Sweet Home.
  19. Just curious if Hinterland was able to get anyone to the GAC (Game Accessibility Conference) In France this year? I know you are very aware of accessibility issues in video games, and have taken steps to make TLD more accessible. I also know you are all very busy, and having someone away in France for the conference may not have been possible. Any plans on trying to work with gaming accessibility advocacy groups or organizations, to build the next game you make, from the ground up, with more accessibility built in, for more people with different types of disabilities or special needs?
  20. From this... To this... just a day. I love the fickle weather in this game.