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Everything posted by ThePancakeLady

  1. Why? I think it gives the shot some story, and connects me to it more than many other shots. You are out in the aurora... and there may be toothy things about. I like it, as it is. Great image.
  2. It's almost Midnight here on the East Coast of the US... *The hype intensifies*
  3. This. ^^^ Just like mending and sharpening... skill points given, but based on the "difficulty" of the crafting being done. Preparing rose hips or reishi would only give 1 point, crafting bunny mittens would give 5, something to that effect. Or have point given only for crafting that needs a workbench or forge, no points for the stuff that we do a ton of, like making tinder plugs from sticks, or ripping cloth into bandages? And the level ups would give a faster time for crafting an item. Cut the decay rate for crafted clothing and tools by a *small* amount? A Research Book like "Bushcraft 101: Making Stuff From Almost Anything" could be added, with a similar point value as the Ice Fishing book. Possibly have it make repairs (Storm Lantern and other tools?) faster and less likely to fail or improve times when forging after level 3? *Not-so-random thoughts...*
  4. Agreed. I don't actively use this feat, now that I have it. Starting fires, especially if you use a torch, is not inherently difficult. It is the least useful feat, even on Pilgrim. I am going to disagree here, somewhat... It may not be "the most useful " Feat, overall, but in Stalker, with wolves from the start of the game, on Day 1, who all want to eat your face off... having Firestarting 3 from the get can be very handy, nd lifesaving. Not for coking, or warmth, but the game does like to troll us, and spawn us into the game in bad places, with rabid wolves nearby, at times. Being able to grab a few sticks off the ground and make a fire, with a higher % chance of success, and no tinder needed... has saved my butt a few times at the start of a run. *Spawns in on a new Stalker run* **"Oh HAI, wolfie..."** ***Grabs 2 sticks, FAST*** ****Starts fire successfully in front of wolf**** *****Tells the God Of Death- "NOT TODAY!!!"***** *Thanks Hinterland for the Fire Master Feat and gets killed by Grumpy Old Bear 2 days later, because Teddy Ruxpin is like a Honey Badger around fires... he just don't care.* Maybe not the most useful feat for everyday survival, but still one I am glad to have, in Stalker, at least.
  5. I'll send you a PM... I am not going to post links, but there is one site that may have a few...
  6. I have to agree, I would buy both. But I think I would also play the second one more often, if it were similar to current Survival Mode, with randomly placed loot, and a choice of experience modes, no custom settings though.
  7. Thanks for answering my question Raph, and answering it so well. The difference between *indie* and *Independent* makes great sense, and is a distinction I will not forget. It makes it more clear to my own mind, and explain why I would often have my brow furrowed when seeing a game called *Indie* when it had a third party publisher- AAA or otherwise (small publishers are still publishers who have some control over the project and its direction...). And called *Indie* by not just the devs or the studio, but by gamers, social media, and mainstream media publications as well. Appreciate the honest and, to me, clear answer. I'll be passing this on to my daughter, with her aspirations of being a great gamedev someday. With her Asperger's, she is often too shy or uncomfortable asking things like this publicly, so I do my *Mom job*, and ask for her (and myself), and pass the info on to her, for her to absorb, and form her own opinions of. Don't be shocked if someday you get a resume, portfolio, and application from her.
  8. ??? I don't recall seeing anything, anywhere, that says the rifle is going away or changing in any way. And I sure as heck am not going to try to take down a Bear or Moose with a revolver, no matter how big it is. Rifle will still be a thing for me, used the same way i use it now, for hunting, not dragged around with e everywhere. The revolver, depending on how effective it is, and how common or scarce it and its ammo are may become an alternative to carrying a bow ans arrows around, especially if i am low on arrows. So, how is the rifle going to be missed, unless I am not understanding the meaning of your comment?
  9. Only thing there is, both of those names were given to the wolves by the Community, not by the devs. We the people named them, and used the names so frequently to refer to the Special Wolves, that Hinterland appears to have smiled, and said "Okay, so be it...". And @slvrsrfr, if you want Raph to answer your question, instead of other players answering it, you need to post it in the dedicated Questions Thread for the Milton Mailbag, not here in the comments after Raph publishes one. I would love to know too if any of the devs had "pet names" for any of the critters too. Like did anyone call the bears Teddy, Furball, or Fishbreath? But I am not going to steal your question... please repost it there, and hopefully Raph will answer it.
  10. If it helps to find you output_log... I run Windows 7 64 bit SP1, also. So your Windows Explorer should look the same as mine, or very similar. Seeing images of where to find the file sometimes helps me, rather than written instructions... (Users- select your user name on your PC, should appear at the top of the Users name list...) Hope the images may help you locate the file...
  11. An "OMG- Only in TLD" spectacular sunrise, headed back from the Lone Cabin to Camp Office, now that the blizzard has stopped. Glad I went out early enough to befreezing, but catch the colors of the sky at the sun started to rise. It was glorious.
  12. Hard to say? Depends on the computer. I hope you are not planning on buying a new computer just for a game, even one as awesome as this one. The only other thing to check that comes to mind is your security software. Any Anti-virus or Anti-malware software yo may be using, may have incorrectly flagged a file in the game, and marked it as a possible virus. Without that file, the game may not be able to launch properly. Check your security software quarantine area, where it locks files that may be infected. If there is a file from the game in there, almost always an .exe or ,dll file (like TLD.exe), restore it using the restore function in the security software. Make sure to only restore the file from the game. Then add the entire game folder and subfolders to your security software's exceptions list, so the program will not lock files from the game in the future. You will need to restart your computer after doing this, to make the changes "stick". If you are not comfortable doing this, that is your choice, and understandable. But it has happened in the past, to me, that TLD.exe was falsely flagged as a virus right after a game update, and to a few family members and friends of mine as well.
  13. So, I did a random vanilla Stalker start, and the game landed me in FM, my least favorite region of them all. Serves me right, for thinking that I knew the maps, all of them. FM is one I spend very little time in, so getting completely lost is incredibly easy for me. My starting gear sucked, so BR, though closer, was out of the question. I lucked into a daytime start, so I ran for ML like a scared cat. And made it, to find Trapper's almost empty of any loot, lol. It is going to be an interesting run.
  14. Astrid is shown with the bow and arrows in all of the trailers for Wintermute. I suspect we will learn to craft them when we are playing as Astrid, and they will be her main weapon for hunting. Survival and Story Mode are similar, but 2 totally different games. Survival- we write our own stories, as we see fit. Wintermute aka/Story mode we are following a choreographed, scripted Story. We don't get to write it our own way very much, all roads will lead to the same place, all paths will have the same end. That is how an interactive Story works in most games. We are lucky we have 3 ways to play, not just one. We have Wintermure, we have the Challenge Modes, we have freeform Survival Mode. Play the one, or ones, that move you most.
  15. Okay Raph. I searched the Index, and did not see this covered, though I may not have searched every keyword I could have. Bear with me, the question may come out a bit wordy... Everyone defines "Indie" differently it seems, on social media, and in the world of programming/coding and SW/game development. Gamedevs on Twitter seem to have their own individual definitions as well. Yes, I follow you on Twitter, and I know you have talked about it at times. But many here may not have seen the Tweets. So, I am asking you to define what "Indie" means to you, as an Indie dev, running an Indie studio, making an Indie game. Is it all about publisher vs. self-published, or is there more to it than that, from your individual POV? Understanding that opinions are your own, not necessarily shared by your entire team at Hinterland. And yes, I understand if the question is hard to answer without possibly causing some trouble for you on social media or elsewhere, so feel free to ignore it, if it might be too controversial right now with all of the excitement over crunch and union vs non-union, and a number of well-known AAA studios being dragged right now for their parts in it. But, I am curious, and had to ask, since my internal definition is probably very different from yours, or anyone else's. You can always revert to the tried-and-true, and tell me when we will get Pancakes in the game.
  16. That is really funny, and a bit freaky at once. I am going to just stick with it being the sound of the Anunnaki Mother Ship coming in to zappy zappy people up into the sky. Sounds better, to me, and explains where everyone else on the island, who did not die in the snow, may have gone.
  17. Oh, wow. I have seen people say they heard a plane noise, never saw the video of it before. Never heard it myself either. I would be waiting for a big "BOOOOOOOOM" if I heard that, the plane going down in the Summit. Unless that is the sound the Anunnaki Mother Ship makes, as it comes in to zappy zappy silly humans off the planet's surface... just a thought.
  18. Nice work, but not my cuppa. My kids liked it, but I prefer the official classical style musics in the game. Nothing personal, but the remix really does not suit the setting and feeling of the game., IMHO, while the official soundtrack does. Nice work though, my kids said it was a good remix.