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Everything posted by ThePancakeLady

  1. So... if you are quick, and can catch that nano-second of green time, it is amazing what you can balance on the edge of a basin: Yes, I travel at night, or the wee hours of the morning, as long as no Aurora is in effect. It is a cold as it looks, but silent, the cracking of a twig makes you jump a bit: And the fog is your steadfast companion, never leaving you, hiding the things you do not want to see, and gently revealing the ones that you do:
  2. Bears are Honey Badgers when it comes to fires. They do not bother them at all. They are not an effective way to deter a near. You can makes a Burning Ring of Fire around you, and stand in the middle. if Old Grumpy Bear wants you, he will ignore them completely and have your toque, and face, for dinner. As you found out.
  3. A cavelette, within a "cave", or sorts... I used to use this one for emergency shelter, or CF avoidance, but it is not a warm little cave. The older campfire model could be fit in, if you were careful with placement, great wind-sheltering here. But not enough room for a bedroll and fire at once, I don't think. Maybe not even a fire now, with the large footprint it has. I'll have to check that on the way back past this area in my current run.
  4. *a little more than slightly jealous* That is just beautiful.
  5. We will just agree to disagree, okay? lots of buildings in the game world are locked or boarded up or burned down. Vehicles are not, in Wintermute, Survival Mode and the challenge Modes. I prefer it to stay that way, so up on the Spruce Falls bridge, i can jump in a vehicle to get away from Old grumpy bear, since there are no buildings around to run for. Still not a great analogy. The game does not tell you that buildings are good for evading hostile wildlife. So, we are not going to agree. I don't like the idea. Sorry if my opinion differing from yours is a problem.
  6. A wolf or bear is not going to eat your face off if you can't get into that cargo container in a jiffy. Not really a great analogy there, IMHO.
  7. Sorry, I did not think to get a debug screenshot, just chuckling a little bot about my magical levitating bedroll, in the Camp Office, top bunk, nearest the wood stove. Not high priority in any way, just a bit of an amusing (to me) oddity. Proof that you can never keep a good bedroll down.
  8. Lol! I am still taking the trestle back to ML, asap. I have no desire to play with Toothy things until I am better kitted out, lol. As soon as the Day 1 blizzard that came in goes away.
  9. You are assuming the island has a Penitentiary on it. We have no proof of that at this time. The prisoners may be ferried over from the mainland, and then ferried back, or brought over to a work camp, behind big fences. And you are also assuming that there is a large urban area. All we have is Perseverance Mills, a town named in Wintermute. We have no real details on its size, or what may be there.
  10. Well, that is a bummer. Not that it concerns me much, personally, since I rarely survive more than a week on Loper. And am generally burning books during my whole frenzied flight...
  11. The item pick-up delay is gone in a new game i just started. Working perfectly again. @ajb1978- when I find a mag lens, I will test it. Day 1, spawned in on Bear Creek. So far, I only found a low condition hatchet. And can hear wolves howling nearby. If I can get to ML, where I am pretty sure I can find one more easily, I will test, and see if the problem occurs on a new save.
  12. Hi Kitty! Welcome to the forums! And no worries about dyslexic typing.. I do it to (acquired dyslexia following multiple head traumas as a youngster...). People here, with a few rare exceptions, rarely comment on misspellings and typos. And you are definitely not old, lol. 53 y/o here, in a month, and I get chided by the folks here who are more age-advanced than me, when I say I am old. LOVE the image you chose for your profile background too!
  13. No, I am talking about all cars (vehicles) being open or randomly spawned into the game world on Day 1 as having locked doors... not them re-locking after being open(ed). Currently, all cars that can be interacted with are open, the trunk may be locked, but the doors are open. So you can jump in, in a hurry, if a wolf or bear or moose turns up unexpectedly or is doing the Stalker Strut towards you. Having this happen in early game, in Stalker, before you have any weapons to attack or defend with, so you run to a tractor or car that has always been unlocked, always, and now the game has decided to randomly spawn locked doors on that one... potentially dead before Day 1 is over. Would also be a problem for Lopers who use vehicles to jump into during their early game, to get out of the wind or a blizzard, while they are still searching for clothing, matches, ect.. On the TLD frustration scale for me, this would be far more frustrating than having a fire blown out if I build it in a non-wind-sheltered spot, and decide to dump a ton of fuel into it, and not add fuel slowly so I can stop cooking and get somewhere safer or warmer when the wind picks up. The game tips that are on loading screens even tell you that vehicles can be used to evade wildlife. With this idea... they would have to change that tip to: "Vehicles can be used to evade hostile wildlife, as long as the doors aren't unexpectedly found locked, or you can use a prybar faster than a wolf, bear, or moose can charge you. Good luck!" Yeah, I do not like the idea. We are on a remote, small island, in Canada, where most people still on the island at the time of The Collapse, or the first CME, probably all knew each other, Outsider. So locking doors on crappy cars would not be of high concern to them. Valuables get locked in the trunk, keys go in my pocket or rucksack. Last thing I am going to worry about, even in a big city, if the sky starts flaming with strange colored lights, and the electricity all goes out, and wires are sparking and catching fire is... locking my car doors before I run for my life in sheer terror, due to the chaos going on around me.
  14. Gotcha. I could go for having the AG!G!G! book give more points, and maybe be less common, to make the points/hour ratio more even. Double the points, maybe? Having some skill in both though... can Lopers get Rifle to Lvl 5 with just reading? Or Revolver? (Never tried, I don't live long enough in Loper to ever find more than 1 book, lol!) That could make getting the All 5s cheevo impossible for a Loper player, if it is even possible now.
  15. Thanks @ajb1978. I'll pass this on to Jimmy. He hasn't played for a while, and this might be the thing that gets him to fire the game up again on his NASA rig, and try this out.
  16. Get ready for the unpopular opinion here: I say leave it as it is. Learning how to shoot a rifle is different than learning how to shoot a revolver or pistol. Very different. If they merged the two, I would only be in favor of it if all new books were added, and the old ones removed, and the number of points needed were increased. We have nothing else that levels us up in two things at once. The way it is now feels balanced, while this idea feels like it would unbalance the rifle and revolver skill leveling-ups. I would however be in favor of a book to help with leveling up in repairs. A "Tinkerer's Handbook- How To Fix Anything, Just likeMacGyver!", or an advanced book for sewing- "Beyond Darning Socks, Advanced Seamsmithing For Everyone!!".
  17. I remember you posting about that on Steam, and how you did it. And Jimmy trying it on his VR sets. And he loved it, though VR gives me a blinding migraine most of the time. Does your method still work, or no longer, after many updates?
  18. That would be a great alternative. The keys matching to specific cars and the new art for broken windows can be side stepped. The car once pried open all doors become unlocked. The implementation would not need much extra coding compared to original idea. There are some vehicles that have some valuable prizes. Before heading out into The Long Dark the previous owner of the car wanted to keep the items safe and locked the car. Sometimes those prybars are inside a car, lol. So... what happens if the car the prybar is in, is locked? Personally. I would likely be very frustrated, possibly angry, if cars randomly started showing up as locked, when I need to jump in to evade a wolf on Stalker runs. Sorry, this gets a "No" vote from me.
  19. @Hawk- Thank You! I like to ask first, though I am sure many people just right click and copy w/o thinking about it. And thanks for the link to the full size image, saves me from having to resize the smaller image to fit on my screen, and risk losing image quality. Much, much, much appreciated.
  20. Ah, yes. The "I read 2 copies of Advnaced Guns! Guns! Guns! first, and now can't read The Frontier Shooting Guide at all!" dilemma. Never read the "Advanced" books first. I think the rifle skills books are the only ones affected by this, since it is the only skill that has 2 tiers of skill books for it. But you do need to know that after you reach a certain skill level for rifles (Lvl 3 I think?) the "beginner" book becomes just a bit of fuel for a fire.
  21. Ahahahaha! Thank you, I needed that mental image and a few laughs today. Much appreciated.
  22. USA- PA is where I was born. Lived all over the US as a military family growing up, moving from base to base. also spent time in Germany and Poland for the same reasons. Traveled the US when I was out on my own, and lived all over the US, but always come back to PA. I swear if you are born here, they implant a magnet in you just after you are born, that pulls you back, whether you like it or not, lol. (Go Steelers!)
  23. Great shots @Hawk! That second one would make a great desktop background, if you don't mind me borrowing it for my own use.
  24. Okay, I love DP. And I love to visit the Lighthouse. But I tend to set up shop in Hibernia, the Riken, and The Old Stone church. Main is Hibernia, Riken when or if I want to forge, Old Stone Church for CF avoidance. DP just holds a special place in my heart. And I am not creeped out by all of the bones at Hibernia. "...look at the bones!"