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Everything posted by hozz1235

  1. One thing I've noticed since ep4 release - I cannot loot the soda from the driver's side and even from the passenger side, it is a small hit-box. 1092871413_TheLongDark2021-10-2919-48-22.mp4
  2. I believe I've captured all the Blackrock "load-screen" messages. If you find more, please post them.
  3. You can skip through those by using Space (on PC). Granted you have to press it quite a few times, but it goes fast.
  4. How were you able to get to the "story exit" (seem to recall it was behind a blockage) without playing through the story?
  5. If you're referring to the shipping container near the collapsed bridge, I also took refuge from my first pack there (and found a loaded pistol which I was able to use scare them off). The pack just ran around the container, but never stepped inside - luckily for me.
  6. That's your best bet - you could wait a VERY long time for a moose spawn.
  7. Did you know you can throw rocks at rabbits to stun them, then run over to pick them up? Not sure if you're using arrows for practice or not?
  8. I stick to Fish, Rabbit, Deer and Moose exclusively until lvl 5 cooking.
  9. hozz1235


    Zone = whole outdoor map (ML, BRR, TWM, etc.)
  10. Can't say I've ever heard of someone running short of maples...usually birch
  11. I have a 2200+ day run and am not close to running out yet. I do supplement hunting with the rifle since the introduction of ammo crafting. I think you'll die from boredom before running out of hunting mats. Always have fishing and rabbits too (which are pretty much infinite).
  12. https://thelongdark.fandom.com/wiki/Silent_Hunter No distress pistol.
  13. Wish List forum is a great place for these ideas.
  14. Smart robber! Took your clothes and left you theirs!
  15. Beware if you time capsule - each time you do, the game has to essentially re-download the game files for that version.
  16. Sounds a few too many painkillers the night before and someone robbed you while passed out.
  17. lol, I sometimes wonder if people just come in to troll and laugh at how long the topic will go without them ever replying again.
  18. I believe the biggest constraint to this is simply having the HL resources to accomplish this. They have a small team and have to prioritize their work, and I'm sure they're anxious to get ep5 done to they can move on to other work!
  19. Ideas as to what could cause this luminescence?
  20. Doesn't happen very often and the hit location sure doesn't look like it would have been an insta-kill:
  21. Thank you very much for the update!!
  22. I don't play on console, but are there settings to adjust this in the game?