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Everything posted by hozz1235

  1. Welcome to the forums, @Joey Alpini! I believe you're a bit premature on your date, but I will be spending Christmas with my family at home (as is our tradition!). You?
  2. You made some valid points. Good discussion.
  3. Then why do they even bother making a fire?
  4. I just find it difficult to believe that even a person afflicted with hypothermia doesn't have enough mental capacity to know warm from cold. I've seen survival stories where people had severe frostbite resulting in amputation (and we can conclude they had hypothermia), yet they still had enough mental capacity to stay warm enough to survive the experience.
  5. If you're absolutely positive your progress bar did not move at all (and you completely read the book), I'd report it.
  6. Be careful ducking into a "transition" location while waiting for a bleed-out - the beast is known to de-spawn.
  7. True, and I don't expect it to be updated with new content for years and years to come. I guess I'm more referring to the genre or "feel" of TLD. Look at Fallout (or any other long-lasting series) - it's been around in one form or another for decades!
  8. Here? I seem to recall finding one consistently here.
  9. If you're okay sharing, where is your RL home?
  10. On the surface, I'm very much looking forward to the finale of the story, but when I think about it further, I'm kind of dreading it. Could it be the end of TLD? What will HL choose to work on next? Will there ever be another game which compares to TLD? While HL was committed to bringing us all 5 episodes, we were pretty sure (unless the company sacked) we would be getting more content, but now? Until we hear from @Raphael van Lierop, nothing is for certain. If I bummed you out..sorry!
  11. That's assuming they all have hypothermia.
  12. I know Just trying to bring a "reality question" in for discussion Ever notice HL's use of Rosehips to "guide" you towards something?
  13. So if you could demo and build a house at either of those locations, which one would you choose (all other factors aside)?
  14. so you're saying it's normal human behavior to allow oneself to freeze to death vs. finding warmth?
  15. Agreed, but I can't recall ever seeing a static carcass that I can't harvest something from.
  16. There were seasons at some point (thinking of the gardening plots at Thomson's Crossing, hay piles, agriculture equipment, etc.) Also, with regards to the story and the Great Collapse, did that cause a perma-Winter?
  17. I'm not assuming anything - just fail to understand why someone chose to rest/sleep/stay in a very cold area vs. walking 10ft to a much warmer area.