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Everything posted by hozz1235

  1. Nice spot. Why not repair the lighthouse? How cool would that be?
  2. Likely due to the PlaceAnywhere mod.
  3. BI - Between the Fallen Lighthouse and the bear cave.
  4. Didn't help them too much seeing all the corpses lying about.
  5. Can't recall ever finding one here:
  6. Why, oh why, do you find firepits and sleeping mats near the entrance to a cave where the temperature is low?! These 2 pictures depict this:
  7. Found one possible place for my house. Level out this area and have windows at all overlook places. 107163523_TheLongDark2021-11-0217-21-45.mp4
  8. Had something odd just happen - ML Lake Overlook, there were 2-3 cedar and/or fir limbs laying about...went into the cave, looted it and when I came back out they were all gone. <edit> Ok, went to the edge of the lookout, cleaned a few rabbits and as dusk approached, I headed to the cave to spend the night and the limbs were back!
  9. Another. Looks like this one needs some work @Admin
  10. Living Off the Land Survive 25 consecutive full days only consuming calories harvested from wild plants and animals (single game) Sometimes, it takes some time for the game to update achievements. I'd do 30 days (just to make sure), then check the achievement. Faithful Cartographer Map all named locations in Survival Mode. There is now the option in game to see which areas it thinks you haven't mapped yet. Check that out. Exploration Game Visit every interior location in both Mystery Lake and Coastal Highway (single game) Try doing this on Pilgrim. Hope this helps.
  11. How the heck do you reply so quickly to posts? Seems like you're always on.
  12. Depends on too many factors (outside temperature, clothes you're wearing, etc.) to give a solid answer.
  13. What if there was no such thing as cabin fever? Hmm..couldn't one also get "cave fever"?
  14. Wow, load times so fast you can't read the messages...nice..in a way. I think I have a fairly fast laptop with SSD but I still have roughly 5-10 second load times (depending upon which save I'm playing, area I'm entering and having mods enabled).
  15. Despite what day I'm on in my survival game, I can't recall ever seeing a pre-placed carcass that I couldn't harvest for something? Update?
  16. Ideas? I know it didn't cross the narrow "cat-walk" of the dam.
  17. ...anywhere on Great Bear, where would it be? Feel free to explain why and attach a screenshot of your location! Don't worry about accessibility or any of that other "silly" stuff! Just for fun. I have yet to determine but will post when I do.
  18. I've been into a hard-candy which contains Xylitol, which is a natural sweetener found in birch bark.