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Everything posted by hozz1235

  1. Crowbar, gas can, body outside the truck underneath a bridge....what is your conclusion?
  2. This guy got IN there somehow!!
  3. hozz1235


    Without checking your maps/references, what is the name of the mine that connects OIC to DP?
  4. I know, I know...we're finally getting ep4 and you're asking this??! Don't get me wrong, I'm gonna love ep4 but I expect to have it done quickly.
  5. Followed up by a campfire I couldn't break down - what is this sorcery?!
  6. Just loaded up my save from the end of ep2. 2 years old! Watched the closing cinematic to get a refresher...nothing like an axe to the head!
  7. Perhaps, in an expansion/DLC, they will introduce dynamite and we can blast open some of those collapsed areas to open up new content.
  8. Welcome to the forums, @CountryTurnip974!
  9. Snow pants would be a pretty valuable item! Why leave a prisoner with that when your own legs are cold?
  10. If you peer into some of them, you can't see an end. Doesn't mean they don't end just around the corner where we can't see. But, from my personal exploration of mines, they don't put serious bars like that unless there is something to hide - why bar a shaft that only goes in 10 feet?
  11. CH. Later, I did discover I could access the backpack from the other side. I still want to cut thru bars on dead-end tunnels though!! Imagine how much scrap we could get from those bars!
  12. Could always use the Save Game Editor to accomplish that.
  13. If only HL would let me cut thru these bars with my hacksaw!!
  14. You're freezing because you're not able to craft clothes in the starting time of 10 days? Not allowing indoor spaces is especially harsh!
  15. How's your run going, @straffin? I've passed the hardest part of the challenge and am now in sustenance mode (easy). Bow is almost lvl 5, which will make it substantially easier. Then I can hunt bear and wolf again to repair my jackets.
  16. Or, improvising with the lantern?
  17. UPDATED EXECPTION LIST Some exceptions would be (feel free to NOT use these!): Rifle (optional) - just until you kill enough bears/wolves to craft a coat, then toss it! Hacksaw (needed for breaking down metal) Heavy Hammer (needed for crafting tools, etc.) Cooking Pots & cans (for water) Prybar (no alternative) Bedroll (until you can make a bearskin, then toss 'em!) You may sleep in beds All fire-starters since we don't have flint & Steel in game (Fire Addon Mod a viable alternative) Lamp Oil - preferrably obtained from fish Whetstone - similar to sharpening rocks we could use in the wild
  18. You have a valid point. Cans and/or pots may be used.
  19. If you want to make it more stringent, I say go for it!