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Everything posted by hozz1235

  1. Yes, but other containers don't show that.
  2. I found a bunch in PV last night.
  3. I could try but I have a mod for the cannery shortcut
  4. hozz1235


    Predator = any animal wanting to kill you
  5. ...showing the contents of a container?
  6. Sounds like you know what you're talking about! I thought I was in a Wiki for a moment
  7. I also have a very old save and have not had the issues you're experiencing.
  8. Well, you asked for no spoilers...so, "somewhere in the whale processing plant" good enough?
  9. Right, you said 100% explored on Interloper and you never read a single book?
  10. I stock up on lead and make bullets until I hit lvl 5. That way, all of my cartridges are 100%.
  11. I also really enjoy HRV for all the reasons mentioned (varied terrain, connecting (worm hole ;)) ice caves that let you safely travel around the map, caches, etc.)
  12. Looking off into the Nether at the top of the falls. End of the Highway... Trekking back towards the Broken Bridge Decided to head along the coast Cliff-Hanging. Looking back. Edge of the zone
  13. @piddy3825, ever use the engraved rifle (can't remember item name atm)? I used it consistently for a long time, until they came out with the ammo workbench (and the rifle dropping spent rounds when fired). That rifle doesn't drop the spent rounds! I lost a lot of potential ammo by that mistake.
  14. Okay, now I'm finding them in CH as well.
  15. hozz1235


    Only applies to newer players!! I know you vets will know this... Question: What is the only outdoor zone without predators?
  16. DISCLAIMER - Trained professional, don't try this at home! The journey begins... The waterfall by the transition cave to ML: Tunnel to the prisoner bus Nearing the zone edge Clipping worsens THE very edge Looking from inside the world My map afterwards
  17. My longest (by far) run is at 2100+ days. This was an original save from years and years ago. I have scoured and cleared every zone to the best of my knowledge (many times over), yet I'm beginning to notice something odd - cattails. I'm in Milton now and I'm finding quite a few in areas I've probably scoured many times. For those of you out there with very long survival days, have you noticed this at all? I also notice it somewhat in FM with the scrub brush.
  18. LOL! Never seen that glitch. Your only opportunity to pet a live wolf!
  19. Oh, let's see...I remember doing it by the upper cave near ML Dave's Quiet Clearing. I'm guessing it took 5-10minutes?
  20. 2100+ steam hours...so...no. I'd been to that ravine countless times, but never spotted that bullet there.