November 2023 Dev Diary


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I'm kinda curious about the poisoned gas myself -- I assume it'll be like in the Blackrock mine, where it'll cause suffocation if the player lingers too long. The Devs mention that it'll be added to other places in the Far Territories, and also in Lower Great Bear.

My guess is that it'll be added to new locations that are visited as part of completing the second Tale -- which will be located in both Forsaken Airfield and Lower Great Bear -- but I guess I'll just have to wait :)

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2 hours ago, ManicManiac said:

...It's probably much more likely that it's an issue with Nintendo...

I don't think it's really fair to be so quick to try and throw stones at Hinterland... especially since it's unlikely that you know the behind-the-scenes issues they are probably having to deal with from Nintendo and their "certification process" and "patch approval process."

I don't claim to know either, but I find it unlikely that Hinterland would intentionally neglect a platform they've put the time and effort to port it over to.

The "Nintendo thing" is definite. They're making a new Switch supposedly with backward compatibility to be released early next year, but it could be the Devs haven't figured it out for the new platform to remain synonymous with the old one and be upgradeable as well for higher resolution.

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1 hour ago, odium said:

this may be an unpopular opinion here but i dont like the direction of this update.  i think we suspend belief quite enough already with aurora wolves etc.  now we have zombie poison wolves and specific gear to only combat that?  i was hoping this would go a more primitive direction that the game built its success on.  more crafting options and bush craft.  the graphical stuff sounds great but this update further alienates a 2015 player 

You can know what you like, and you can dislike what you see, but I don't think you can claim to know what has made the game successful.

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I cannot imagine how anyone thought this much content would fit a 6-8 weeks schedule.
even 6 months feels amazingly stretched...
When we walk around those maps, every bit of snow, rock, shrub, tree, ice, cave, building, animal  spawnpoints and behaviours have been crafted for us, and arranged in a way that is simply breathtaking from every angle.
Think about the thousands of loot spawning points hidden all over the place carefully balanced about what and how much to find where, how to make them almost invisible, and different in every run..
All in a way to keep it interesting, gorgeous, tricking us, surprizing us, making us figure out a maze and solve its puzzles through hints.
Thank you Hinterland, Thanks for everyone working on it. I never stop being amazed.

Edited by AdamvR
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I'm very excited!

  This new region sounds exciting, and the poisened mines will be fun to explore.  I also think that a more aggressive variety of wolves is a good idea (but keeping it in one location as well)

  I'm very pleased with the travois style.  I imagined a plastic sled for one reason or another, but I like the look of that, and it seems like it will be balenced.  i.e not being able to climb ropes with it, being slowed, still having scent...

  Honestly though, I'm most excited for the first-person visual updates.  The gloves!  The sleeves even!

  Someday I'll get a mug... (thanks for considering restocking that stuff!)


p.s. anyone else's jaw drop when they saw that bow shot?  😁

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Nice update.  I'm both positive and negative about various aspects.  I'm really grateful for the hand/arm clothing updates to more properly immersive us into the experience.  That is wonderful.  I'm eager to see the new harvest animations as that's been a long standing criticism of mine for years.  The Travois is one of the features that most excited me about the expansion and I really well it's well executed from a gameplay & physics perspective.

The new regions contamination wolves feel a little more video gamey than I'd like to see, but I hope it will be balanced to not be too silly.  😃

Keep up the great work and as a fellow lighting artist/world builder in the games industry I'm most looking forward to the next-gen updates to the game as it is really starting to look its age.  I'm really hoping for real time GI, rock mesh updates, new or up-scaled textures, volumetric lighting and material shader tweaks to allow for a better specular interaction with the lighting than current.  Those type of improvements would sure re-breathe a lot of life into the game for old & newer generations of people to re-experience and increase sales of both the base game and expansion a lot I believe.

Thanks for the continued work on the game.  It does mean a lot to us! 😃

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6 hours ago, Admin said:

Hello Survivors,

We’re nearly finished with Part Four of TALES FROM THE FAR TERRITORY, the paid Expansion Pass DLC for Survival Mode, so I thought you might be curious to know a bit more about what’s being added in this new part, launching early December.

As outlined in my September Dev Diary, Part Four — which will be called BURIED ECHOES — includes the next new region in the Far Territory: the Zone of Contamination. 

The old Langston Mine lies at the heart of the Zone of Contamination, industrial pollution from decades-old mining operations leaving it a poisoned wasteland patrolled by toxic wolves, featuring large industrial remnants and hiding many hazards, and mysteries! At its heart, an open-pit mine scars the landscape, and deep inside its twisting tunnels — if you survive the poisoned gas — sits a room that holds many secrets. The Zone of Contamination is the second of three large regions that make up the Far Territory, and we’re excited to see how you find it pairs up with the Forsaken Airfield, which we launched in Part One.

The Zone of Contamination, coming in TALES, Part Four.
The Zone of Contamination, coming in TALES, Part Four.

To go along with the Mine theme, we’ve included a variety of new and useful gameplay tools: a Respirator, which when worn will protect you from poisoned gas you might find in the Zone of Contamination, and eventually, other parts of the Far Territory and Great Bear Island at large. The Respirator relies on consumable Canisters to provide its protection, so keep an eye open for those as you explore the Far Territory. We’re also adding Chemical Boots, which can protect you from the toxic pools that pollute the Zone of Contamination (these pools are really hard on regular footwear!), and a Hardhat that offers strong physical protection against head damage. There’s also a Miner’s Coat and Miner’s Pants, which make up a whole set of protective gear, if you manage to find them all. 

And while exploring the Zone of Contamination, make sure you keep an eye out for the Poisoned Wolves that patrol the area. They are leaner than regular wolves, and more desperate. Living around the toxic pools have left them poisoned themselves, and without much to eat, so they are more dangerous than usual. Their bite can leave you with the new Poisoned affliction, so be extra careful when exploring the Zone of Contamination.

The Langston Mine sits at the heart of the Zone of Contamination, and hides many secrets.
The Langston Mine sits at the heart of the Zone of Contamination, and hides many secrets.

Within the Zone of Contamination, you’ll also be able to start the second Tale: Buried Echoes. A continuation of Signal Void which we introduced in Part Two, Buried Echoes adds another layer of mystery to the story of the mine workers, the Security Chief, and the enigmatic Rüdiger. Buried Echoes presents a story that goes in a somewhat unusual direction for THE LONG DARK, and we’re excited to see what you think. The Tale and the new region also feature new music, which all add to the atmosphere of Part Four. And, as with Signal Void, there’s a special gameplay reward to be gained for completing Buried Echoes. You’ll first have to get there to see what it is. (And don’t worry, the Tale will be available in Interloper experience mode.)

The Travois, coming in TALES, Part Four.
The Travois, coming in TALES, Part Four.

Beyond the Zone of Contamination and Buried Echoes, Part Four also adds a significant new gameplay tool: the Travois. A craftable, movable container, the Travois is constructed from Saplings and other materials, and allows you to drag a large amount of extra gear around with you. But keep in mind, you will make some compromises to movement speed while dragging the Travois, and you can’t take it everywhere! And depending on what you choose to load it up with, it can be a very effective wildlife attractant, so be careful to stop and look around once in a while, lest a pack of hungry wolves or a bear sneaks up on you. It’s the perfect tool for moving large amounts of gear and items from one location to another, when stocking up a new safehouse or supply cache, or moving your main base of operations to a new region. 

As always, we don’t want players who opted not to purchase TALES to feel left out, so we’ve also included some meaningful free updates to the “base” Survival game, which will be available to everyone who owns THE LONG DARK or SURVIVAL EDITION.

As we shared in the September Dev Diary, we’ve finally managed to find a good way to add hand coverings in the game. Now, what you see on your hands will reflect what you have equipped in your hand slots in the Clothing Menu. Same for the lower sleeves of whatever you are wearing on your arms. We’ve updated some animations so that they work better with things like Mittens. We’re very happy with how this has turned out, and we feel it brings a whole new level of immersion to THE LONG DARK. We hope you agree when you get the chance to try them out.

We’ve also added a whole new series of first-person Harvesting Animations. Now, when you choose to Harvest a carcass for meat or other resources, you will see your hands involved with the harvesting action, as well as the tool you have chosen to harvest with. It’s another way that we’re trying to always enhance the sense of immersion in THE LONG DARK for our players.


You will also have the opportunity to use the new Insulated Flasks, which let you store and keep liquids warm for longer. Perfect for when you want to stack some Warmth buffs for those long treks across the frozen wilderness. The Flasks come in a variety of colours and patterns, so keep your eyes open for them as you move through the world. 

And finally, we’ve added a new Scurvy affliction to the game. Certain foods will now provide you with Vitamin-C, and if you don’t consume enough of them over time, you can develop Scurvy Risk and then eventually Scurvy. It’s a horrible thing to contend with. Definitely something to keep an eye on for those longer-running games.

That mainly sums up the focus of Part Four of TALES, and we think it’s a great way to end the year for THE LONG DARK.

The last note I want to make is about the recent Hinterland Pop-Up Merch Store. As many of you know, we closed our store in 2021 because of COVID, and due to overwhelming requests from the community, we decided to open it up just to clear out our “old” inventory in time for the holidays. We didn’t really anticipate the demand, and the Pop-Up shop -- which we had planned to run for 3 weeks -- sold out over 1300 items in less than three hours!

Our original plan was to use this to clear our stock to make room for a whole new line of merch items in the new year, but we know many of you didn’t get the opportunity to purchase a Hinterland mug, or a Jackrabbit hoodie, or one of the fantastic Granted x Hinterland sweaters. So we’re looking at restocking as much as we can for the new year, and our current plan is to sell many of these items along with the new items we’ll be launching in the new year. So if you missed out this time, you’ll have at least one more opportunity to purchase some of this classic Hinterland or THE LONG DARK merch. If you want to be kept up to date on these sales, we recommend signing up for the Hinterland newsletter.

 That about wraps up the November dev diary. Keep your eyes open for the release of BURIED ECHOES and the free Survival Update that comes at the same time, early in December. You can expect a full narrated update video to launch with Part Four, which will go into more detail about each of the new additions to the game.

Stay warm out there.


What about the trader?? 

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Still no word on fixing fps on Series S, aside from it being an issue with Unity? I haven't been able to play for about 6 months, it's hard to even be excited for any new stuff, when the game runs so poorly on Series S. At this point I just wish I could have a refund, and maybe just buy it all again at a later date, when the game is actually fixed. I bought the game plus Tales right before The Frontier Cooking update, because I believed in you guys and wanted to support you, but only got to play for maybe two weeks before that update made the game run like absolute garbage. It's so bad on Series S, it went from uncapped FPS to being lucky to pull 20. I really just feel robbed honestly, I spend a lot of time researching games before I buy them to make sure it's something I can play for a long time, and it seemed like things were going good, and big bugs were being fixed, but I guess not.

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Well the poisoned stuff isn't really something i'm exited about (especially when we have to load ourselfs up with new items to fight that), but i will play it of course. Travois and flask in one single update is surprising to me, but i don't complain. I want that! :D For me, the last thing i miss from TFTFT is the safehouse customization, looking forward to that. And i hope with the update we will have the option to disable glimmer fog for a new game, because there is nothing more annoying that this.

btw the signal void tale didn't start in my run, despite repairing the tower. Seems like a bug because it says i have to repair it first, but already did. I think there was a small update after TFTFT launched and i believe since then the tale isn't starting. Can that be?

Looking forward to the update, you added nice things!

Edited by Karl Grylls
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20 minutes ago, Karl Grylls said:

the signal void tale didn't start in my run, despite repairing the tower.

...have you tried turning it off and on again...?

but seriously, I've been searching FA back and forth during multiple aurorae - with zero signals caught - when I realized I have not turned it on after repairing...
maybe helpful.

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7 hours ago, Admin said:

Hello Survivors,

We’re nearly finished with Part Four of TALES FROM THE FAR TERRITORY, the paid Expansion Pass DLC for Survival Mode, so I thought you might be curious to know a bit more about what’s being added in this new part, launching early December.

As outlined in my September Dev Diary, Part Four — which will be called BURIED ECHOES — includes the next new region in the Far Territory: the Zone of Contamination. 

The old Langston Mine lies at the heart of the Zone of Contamination, industrial pollution from decades-old mining operations leaving it a poisoned wasteland patrolled by toxic wolves, featuring large industrial remnants and hiding many hazards, and mysteries! At its heart, an open-pit mine scars the landscape, and deep inside its twisting tunnels — if you survive the poisoned gas — sits a room that holds many secrets. The Zone of Contamination is the second of three large regions that make up the Far Territory, and we’re excited to see how you find it pairs up with the Forsaken Airfield, which we launched in Part One.

The Zone of Contamination, coming in TALES, Part Four.
The Zone of Contamination, coming in TALES, Part Four.

To go along with the Mine theme, we’ve included a variety of new and useful gameplay tools: a Respirator, which when worn will protect you from poisoned gas you might find in the Zone of Contamination, and eventually, other parts of the Far Territory and Great Bear Island at large. The Respirator relies on consumable Canisters to provide its protection, so keep an eye open for those as you explore the Far Territory. We’re also adding Chemical Boots, which can protect you from the toxic pools that pollute the Zone of Contamination (these pools are really hard on regular footwear!), and a Hardhat that offers strong physical protection against head damage. There’s also a Miner’s Coat and Miner’s Pants, which make up a whole set of protective gear, if you manage to find them all. 

And while exploring the Zone of Contamination, make sure you keep an eye out for the Poisoned Wolves that patrol the area. They are leaner than regular wolves, and more desperate. Living around the toxic pools have left them poisoned themselves, and without much to eat, so they are more dangerous than usual. Their bite can leave you with the new Poisoned affliction, so be extra careful when exploring the Zone of Contamination.

The Langston Mine sits at the heart of the Zone of Contamination, and hides many secrets.
The Langston Mine sits at the heart of the Zone of Contamination, and hides many secrets.

Within the Zone of Contamination, you’ll also be able to start the second Tale: Buried Echoes. A continuation of Signal Void which we introduced in Part Two, Buried Echoes adds another layer of mystery to the story of the mine workers, the Security Chief, and the enigmatic Rüdiger. Buried Echoes presents a story that goes in a somewhat unusual direction for THE LONG DARK, and we’re excited to see what you think. The Tale and the new region also feature new music, which all add to the atmosphere of Part Four. And, as with Signal Void, there’s a special gameplay reward to be gained for completing Buried Echoes. You’ll first have to get there to see what it is. (And don’t worry, the Tale will be available in Interloper experience mode.)

The Travois, coming in TALES, Part Four.
The Travois, coming in TALES, Part Four.

Beyond the Zone of Contamination and Buried Echoes, Part Four also adds a significant new gameplay tool: the Travois. A craftable, movable container, the Travois is constructed from Saplings and other materials, and allows you to drag a large amount of extra gear around with you. But keep in mind, you will make some compromises to movement speed while dragging the Travois, and you can’t take it everywhere! And depending on what you choose to load it up with, it can be a very effective wildlife attractant, so be careful to stop and look around once in a while, lest a pack of hungry wolves or a bear sneaks up on you. It’s the perfect tool for moving large amounts of gear and items from one location to another, when stocking up a new safehouse or supply cache, or moving your main base of operations to a new region. 

As always, we don’t want players who opted not to purchase TALES to feel left out, so we’ve also included some meaningful free updates to the “base” Survival game, which will be available to everyone who owns THE LONG DARK or SURVIVAL EDITION.

As we shared in the September Dev Diary, we’ve finally managed to find a good way to add hand coverings in the game. Now, what you see on your hands will reflect what you have equipped in your hand slots in the Clothing Menu. Same for the lower sleeves of whatever you are wearing on your arms. We’ve updated some animations so that they work better with things like Mittens. We’re very happy with how this has turned out, and we feel it brings a whole new level of immersion to THE LONG DARK. We hope you agree when you get the chance to try them out.

We’ve also added a whole new series of first-person Harvesting Animations. Now, when you choose to Harvest a carcass for meat or other resources, you will see your hands involved with the harvesting action, as well as the tool you have chosen to harvest with. It’s another way that we’re trying to always enhance the sense of immersion in THE LONG DARK for our players.


You will also have the opportunity to use the new Insulated Flasks, which let you store and keep liquids warm for longer. Perfect for when you want to stack some Warmth buffs for those long treks across the frozen wilderness. The Flasks come in a variety of colours and patterns, so keep your eyes open for them as you move through the world. 

And finally, we’ve added a new Scurvy affliction to the game. Certain foods will now provide you with Vitamin-C, and if you don’t consume enough of them over time, you can develop Scurvy Risk and then eventually Scurvy. It’s a horrible thing to contend with. Definitely something to keep an eye on for those longer-running games.

That mainly sums up the focus of Part Four of TALES, and we think it’s a great way to end the year for THE LONG DARK.

The last note I want to make is about the recent Hinterland Pop-Up Merch Store. As many of you know, we closed our store in 2021 because of COVID, and due to overwhelming requests from the community, we decided to open it up just to clear out our “old” inventory in time for the holidays. We didn’t really anticipate the demand, and the Pop-Up shop -- which we had planned to run for 3 weeks -- sold out over 1300 items in less than three hours!

Our original plan was to use this to clear our stock to make room for a whole new line of merch items in the new year, but we know many of you didn’t get the opportunity to purchase a Hinterland mug, or a Jackrabbit hoodie, or one of the fantastic Granted x Hinterland sweaters. So we’re looking at restocking as much as we can for the new year, and our current plan is to sell many of these items along with the new items we’ll be launching in the new year. So if you missed out this time, you’ll have at least one more opportunity to purchase some of this classic Hinterland or THE LONG DARK merch. If you want to be kept up to date on these sales, we recommend signing up for the Hinterland newsletter.

 That about wraps up the November dev diary. Keep your eyes open for the release of BURIED ECHOES and the free Survival Update that comes at the same time, early in December. You can expect a full narrated update video to launch with Part Four, which will go into more detail about each of the new additions to the game.

Stay warm out there.


please make multiple spawns the respirator! that could kill a lot of saves if they have issues like the Miners Flashlight and Hunters Revolver are still having

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25 minutes ago, Toki1666 said:

Still no word on fixing fps on Series S, aside from it being an issue with Unity? I haven't been able to play for about 6 months, it's hard to even be excited for any new stuff, when the game runs so poorly on Series S. At this point I just wish I could have a refund, and maybe just buy it all again at a later date, when the game is actually fixed. I bought the game plus Tales right before The Frontier Cooking update, because I believed in you guys and wanted to support you, but only got to play for maybe two weeks before that update made the game run like absolute garbage. It's so bad on Series S, it went from uncapped FPS to being lucky to pull 20. I really just feel robbed honestly, I spend a lot of time researching games before I buy them to make sure it's something I can play for a long time, and it seemed like things were going good, and big bugs were being fixed, but I guess not.

@Admin I have so much to say about this topic but I'll keep it brief, this problem has been one of my worst experiences in gaming. It's sad, because I respect what Hinterland has done with this game, love the dlc content, and it is without a doubt my favorite survival game of all time...but it's unplayable, I payed for it, and people who don't browse this forum are left completely in the dark about what is happening. I appreciated the explanation on Unity being the problem, but feel that it's been far too long to not find a way to at least improve performance to a stable 30 fps with reasonable input lag on the current version of the game. I could be ignorant here, and I'd be happy to understand why this isn't possible a bit better!

Part 4 looks amazing, and there's a lot here to look forward to! It would honestly make my Christmas to be able to enjoy the game again, definitely hoping for Part 4 to make this happen.

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Looking forward to it but like Foresaken Airfield and possibly even Bleak Inlet and Blackrock, the new mine region just seems like a place I'll visit a couple of times to grab some loot and then retreat to somewhere safer, never to return.

The dangers are outweighing the reward of long term survival for me. 

Like I said, I am looking forward to it but with a bit of trepidation.


Edited by Cairnzee
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WHOOP!!! Finally an official update to First-Person Presence. All that other stuff is great, but I am most stoked about seeing my ingame status reflected in the first person animations. I voted for that in that poll long ago. So happy to see it happening! 😄


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10 hours ago, Sherri said:

Time to add powdered Tang to the game! 😆

An all meat diet would need some Metamucil for sure. Metamucil has a bonus vitamin C version, but I digress... our survivors need fibre if they ever hope to poop that bear meat. I hope there is some vitamin C fortified fibre drink instant mix sometime soon. (Yes, I am just being goofy here)

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8 hours ago, odium said:

this may be an unpopular opinion here but i dont like the direction of this update.  i think we suspend belief quite enough already with aurora wolves etc.  now we have zombie poison wolves and specific gear to only combat that?  i was hoping this would go a more primitive direction that the game built its success on.  more crafting options and bush craft.  the graphical stuff sounds great but this update further alienates a 2015 player 

I don't disagree with you (I am a very old player as well ) But please remember this is one region out of many. None of my playthroughs had me trapped anywhere, So I could go full bushcraft after venturing into that weirdness (like with Blackrock). I also prefer more grounded survival experience, but I wouldn't say this update would alienate me. It just adds a map that might be too dangerous to vacation in.

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This is awesome. I have been requesting for additional challenges/hardships that are not necessarily tied to one region for some time. And there wasn't anything that made the fundamental survival part in any non-expansion regions any harder in the expansion content or on its roadmap, nearly every new feature was either making the survival easier, or not changing it. But that changes now with this update.

So, Scurvy is the feature that makes me the most excited in all of the new features added for quite some time, even including the years before the expansion. It will add more depth to the survival activities, and I appreciate it a lot. I'm not saying the other new features are not good, I like all of them. But this one is in an area that I felt lacking the most.

Thank you Hinterland. Now I will not need to come up with artificial reasons to force myself to travel, at least not as much as before. Hopefully in the future we will have other new features that also contribute to this goal too.

Oh and I'm looking forward to the cougar and base customization too. Especially base customization will allow us to hopefully have many more things to do after we secure our survival. Apart from exploration and looting, having other things to do will allow enjoying the game much longer for me.

And maybe it's out of context here, but I really wish Hinterland continues with another paid expansion after Tales ends. Thanks again.

Edited by Ludwig_II
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11 hours ago, Sherri said:


Lots of goodies in this one. Looks like there is something for everyone.

  • New convenience tools and equipment
  • New risks and afflictions
  • Immersion improvements with the hand coverings and harvest animations
  • New survival elements to balance (goodbye all-meat diet!)
  • A new map
  • One hell of a tough new environmental challenge.

Not gonna lie, the description of the toxic pools and gas caused some nervous goosebumps to break out!


I'm curious how the scurvy affliction will affect the long game. When all the plants have been harvested and eaten, and the only renewable source of food is meat... what then? That will be tough. Might have to ration those rosehips and can goods for later!

re: scurvy, raw or partially cooked fresh meat can have enough vitamin c to prevent/cure it- so either we may see a tweak to the cooking system, or a possible dilemma to eat raw meat and risk parasites!  I also dug this out on wikipedia:

Food fortification[edit]

In 2014, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency evaluated the effect of fortification of foods with ascorbate in the guidance document, Foods to Which Vitamins, Mineral Nutrients and Amino Acids May or Must be Added.[110] Voluntary and mandatory fortification was described for various classes of foods. Among foods classified for mandatory fortification with vitamin C were fruit-flavored drinks, mixes, and concentrates, foods for a low-energy diet, meal replacement products, and evaporated milk.[110]

Vitamin C - Wikipedia

add in spuds and carrots, and there's quite a few possible vitamin c sources already in the game.

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I think wolves being more aggressive from starvation is a good mechanic. I could do without them poisoning you, but it's certainly less silly than glowing aurora wolves where the fur stays green even after the aurora ends.

Overall I'd like some of these new mechanics to more integrated into the whole game. Rather than be a gimmick for one region. For example poison gas also exists in the Blackrock Mine. And Rockfalls could be a danger in other large mines too (not every transition cave, but maybe things like Cinder Hills and the gold mine).

Looks to be a nice update :)

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The scurvy thing is the one I'm actually most excited about this update (well other than the flask + the new region, even though those poison uber-wolves seem bit fantastical) as it finally brings some sort of emphasis on issues with long term survival using mainly meat based diet. It will be interesting to see how that stacks up in the end-game phase. Next up, I wish they'd also look at the "rabbit starvation" / protein poisoning issue (as Les explains here at 32:52)

As for the flask, it seems like a great tool for NOGOA/Deadman since it should help in reducing setting up new warming-up fires & new tea-buffs after every 3 minutes. I mean in a sense that makes NOGOA bit easier, which is something I usually don't want the game to do, but constantly making new fires was also bit unrealistic aspect of that game mode, so it's ok. Of course, we will actually still have to see how much liquid those flasks can actually hold, and how much more time they keep warm versus the old buffs.

Edited by Mistral
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