TFTFT3 Bugs and Feedback Thread (Merged)

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1 hour ago, Renn said:

Had 6 Water Purification tablets at 25% condition in my inventory, picked up 4 more at 76% condition and they stacked with the current ones and became 25% too. Pretty sure that bug has been mentioned here before tho.

It's the same with arrows too. You can have unlimited arrows this way. I mentioned it on different topic. Items are not stacking how they supposed to.

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Has anyone noticed that the foot steps sound very weird and wrong after you climb up rose hips? As if the wrong sound is playing, but also sometimes out of sync with the footsteps. Maybe the sound when you sprained your ankle. It returns to normal when changing surfaces, like walking over ice.

Edited by Serenity
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I'm going to try my best to summarize issues I've personally had as well as some general thoughts:

  • Non-renewable cooking ingredients - I'm hoping this will be addressed in the future
  • No radial slot for bear-skin, insulated bedroll or skillet - HL has partially acknowledged this
  • Tip-ups seem to break game - The one time I used a tip-up was on an existing game.  I entered a building, rested and was unable to exit.
  • Ptarmigans don’t seem to appear on older saves
  • Fishing not working (fished for 12 hours, in 1-hour increments at level 5 fishing with and without a lure and caught zero fish)
  • J key brings up a garbled menu


  • If possible, make regular backups of your saves
  • Avoid fishing of any kind


I have to be honest and say I'm somewhat disappointed in the volume of issues.  As others, I was extremely excited to play the update, and took the day off work to do so, but as I played, I became disillusioned.  I have learned to work around/avoid/ignore the issues as much as possible so that I may continue playing.  In fact, as much as I prefer to play my older saves, I am starting a new game while these issues are resolved.

Hinterland, I look forward to your resolution of these issues  so that we can, unimpeded, enjoy this marvelous game.

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At the beginning people didn't like the idea of a trader, they still probably do.

But now that i think about it, he'll (or she) be probably the only option to make cooking ingredients (and probably other stuff like gunsmithing materials) renewable, which makes sense.

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Here's a new one: I'm unable to pick up my cooking pot full of water. Wasn't able to when it was boiling (wanted to Pass Time until Ready), nor when it was boiled. There's a Potato on the cooking spot next to it (open campfire) and I just harvested a Scrub Bush when I noticed it. I can right-click and move it, but left-clicking it didn't work until I moved it far away from the fire.


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@Boneviolin If you are looking for the revolver varient you won't find them in Milton itself. 

Each varient is specific to a region or specific place (hard to explain without giving away spoiler) 

3 varients 3 different regions (potentially) 

If you need to know more info let me know. I found them quite quickly 😊

Edited by TwoFatCatz
Needed to clarify information
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On 6/25/2023 at 5:24 AM, bysinda said:

I'm sure crampons will make all the difference 😆

Stamina for climbing seems to be directly connected to the sprint percentage left

It wasn't like that before, right?'s not gonna be like that from now on, it's a bug,  I hope? 😅

This makes perfect sense as to why it's doing this. Had no idea before, I wonder how this got messed up.

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My current Stalker save is bugged as some items that normally spawn in car visors are not spawning (others have noted this as well). I have now noticed that some of the recipes aren't spawning in either, though there's a mysterious discoloration where I know one of them is supposed to spawn in DP. 

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1. I had a fishing tip up disappear.

2. I shot a bear with 6 arrows over the course of 3 in game days when he finally bled out. I didn't get any arrows back. This was on interloper and I'm new to this difficulty. Not sure if the bleed out time is different or if you are supposed to get any or some arrows back. 

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8 hours ago, TwoFatCatz said:

@Boneviolin If you are looking for the revolver varient you won't find them in Milton itself. 

Each varient is specific to a region or specific place (hard to explain without giving away spoiler) 

3 varients 3 different regions (potentially) 

If you need to know more info let me know. I found them quite quickly 😊

Yea, ok. I get what they meant by the name giving clues to where to find them. thanks!

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4 hours ago, Willy Pete said:

My current Stalker save is bugged as some items that normally spawn in car visors are not spawning (others have noted this as well). I have now noticed that some of the recipes aren't spawning in either, though there's a mysterious discoloration where I know one of them is supposed to spawn in DP. 

Damn, only now I realized that I got zero visors spawns. Did they spawn in the original regions before the 3rd update as well or only Forsaken Airfield ones? In order for me to get them would I have to start a new run again?...

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4 hours ago, Stranzua said:

1. I had a fishing tip up disappear.

2. I shot a bear with 6 arrows over the course of 3 in game days when he finally bled out. I didn't get any arrows back. This was on interloper and I'm new to this difficulty. Not sure if the bleed out time is different or if you are supposed to get any or some arrows back. 

You are supposed to get every arrow you shoot back! Sometimes they are not directly in the bear but somewhere near. Are you sure you hit him every time? Bleed-out time depends on the skill, the higher the skill the shorter the bleed-out. I'm not sure whether the number of hits effects the time, though, I imagine it only deals instant damage. However, you do only need one hit to start the bleed-out that eventually will kill him. After he's done running he'll be back at his usual route and die somewhere on it (that is he has enough time to get back on it) Also, I've noticed if they keep running they die faster, but maybe I'm wrong 

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5 hours ago, Stranzua said:

1. I had a fishing tip up disappear.

2. I shot a bear with 6 arrows over the course of 3 in game days when he finally bled out. I didn't get any arrows back. This was on interloper and I'm new to this difficulty. Not sure if the bleed out time is different or if you are supposed to get any or some arrows back. 

oh! Maybe the arrows broke? In that case, they would lay where you shot the bear

I might be overexplaining but I don't know how familiar you are with a bow

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Thanks bysinda. I did miss a couple times but i did also pick some arrows up. Right before he died, I shot him twice, went into a cabin, slept for an hour, and then he was dead. I'm at archery level 1 so how long is the bleed out? I could be mistaken but I (think I)shot him twice, came back 1 day later and shot him again, and then it was another whole day before going back and shooting him again. That's when I slept for one hour after shooting him and then found him dead. Is the bleed out 24+ hours? 

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41 minutes ago, Stranzua said:

Thanks bysinda. I did miss a couple times but i did also pick some arrows up. Right before he died, I shot him twice, went into a cabin, slept for an hour, and then he was dead. I'm at archery level 1 so how long is the bleed out? I could be mistaken but I (think I)shot him twice, came back 1 day later and shot him again, and then it was another whole day before going back and shooting him again. That's when I slept for one hour after shooting him and then found him dead. Is the bleed out 24+ hours? 

Sometimes the arrows can just fall out when it runs away..  or you can't see the arrow when it's dead but clicking on the bear you'll get them back automatically..

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2 hours ago, Stranzua said:

Thanks bysinda. I did miss a couple times but i did also pick some arrows up. Right before he died, I shot him twice, went into a cabin, slept for an hour, and then he was dead. I'm at archery level 1 so how long is the bleed out? I could be mistaken but I (think I)shot him twice, came back 1 day later and shot him again, and then it was another whole day before going back and shooting him again. That's when I slept for one hour after shooting him and then found him dead. Is the bleed out 24+ hours? 

Damn, I don't know why it takes a whole day for a bear to bleed out in your run. In my experience,  even with level 1 archer skill, it would take a couple of hours for him to die. But not the whole day...Maybe it's a bug? Maybe I have a bug that works in my favor? Maybe I'm remembering wrong...All I know for sure is that on level 5 I hit him once and an hour later he's dead. 

BTW, before you shoot him (or right after) check your statistics for how many bear kills you haveimage.thumb.jpeg.9067b00e93dd5de268ed8be126c61b09.jpeg

That way you can track when he dies, there'll be +1 in your stats 

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Hi all, this is the first time posting however I've played the long dark since it was released in early access many moons ago. Since the latest update I've had sound issues with wind, like its stopping and then starting again, it seems like the sounds during a blizzard are a little broke. Also wolves are cycling  through the barking, howling and growling sounds while just sitting sitting still. This is new too. I've noticed other bugs. Pains me to say it but I've never Known the game be like this. It's my favourite game with over 1000 hours logged. I'm hoping we see a patch soon to fix the issues.


Climbing rope just hammers the stamina bar too.  I've also not seen the new wildlife on my run. I'm playing a custom game if this makes any difference.

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Interesting. After responding earlier, I went back to where I was hunting him and still didn't find any arrows. He did run up an extremely steep hill so I didn't search everywhere. After the new update the bears carcass glitches so it could just be this glitch. I really hate to lose those six arrowheads but it's not the end of the world. (I killed him by the fishing huts in Mystery Lake) 

I also mentioned having a fishing tip up disappear, but it didn't. After picking up the fish it was actually in my inventory 😅 lol. 

Plus, if I can mention a completely different topic, I learned that chopping the ice with an improvised hatchet costs 10% durability on interloper. That is absolutely now I will probably never fish on interloper again 😅. 

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Welcome to the forum😊.  

Yes sadly there's a few issues at the moment...   I've had no birds either and the lack of stamina is causing a few problems.. 

I've had the wolf howling while it shouldn't for a while. ,that I find funny but I can understand not everyone else does..   I'm weird😊

I'm sure that htl will get it fixed as soon as they can..   have you filed a report ?

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52 minutes ago, Leeanda said:

Welcome to the forum😊.  

Yes sadly there's a few issues at the moment...   I've had no birds either and the lack of stamina is causing a few problems.. 

I've had the wolf howling while it shouldn't for a while. ,that I find funny but I can understand not everyone else does..   I'm weird😊

I'm sure that htl will get it fixed as soon as they can..   have you filed a report ?

Thanks,  I've not filed a report yet but  I'm going to. Just seems to me the game is in a bit of a rough state currently. Hopefully they'll spend some time doing some quality of life work before releasing new content.

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