Bleak Inlet cannery workshop - find the fabled shortcut?


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15 hours ago, monsieur_cronky said:

the graffiti of a pipe spewing water with the word 'future' under it


That is very interesting.  

The other piece of graffiti I found of interest was this:



Maybe just lure an orca or two near the fishing trawler.



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6 hours ago, Ice Hole said:


That is very interesting.  

The other piece of graffiti I found of interest was this:



Maybe just lure an orca or two near the fishing trawler.



Could maybe relate to the orca gas station from mountain town?? Shot in the dark but that's what I thought of when seeing it

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Here I have captured the graffiti:










This appears in three locations.  It shares with KAYAK.




The blue part of the letters looks like water.




Is that really an "O"?



KOP Orca

This appears in two locations.




Easing is not a word I am familiar with or can find using google.   Maybe that is slang.





From different angles and still is difficult to read.





Sardine with key

The key is used to open the tin of sardines.  Found on the bottom part of the tin.



Various graffiti 



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On 12/27/2019 at 9:19 AM, flip665 said:

Also beware the timberwolves can get onto the pier if you enter the workshop while theyre aggroed.

You don't need to enter the workshop for this to happen. Just being on the pier is all it takes for a TW to sometimes teleport up onto the pier. And if one does, being in the room by the fire-barrel won't save you.. they can bite you through the wall.

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Also, MAR is the Spanish word for "sea."

The French word for sea is "Mer," which is close, since they are both Romance languages derived from Latin, but I don't know. 


I only know this because I used to go to a South American restaurant that had a seafood bisque called "Sopa del Mar." 

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9 hours ago, JAFO said:

I'm pretty sure that says FADING.

This seems correct.  Last week I dropped my fonts and today I noticed "F" was missing.

41 minutes ago, m0j0TX said:

I read that as "ODT", since there is a serif on the second letter. 

You might be on to something.

Now what does ODT have to to with anything?

After a quick search the acronym Or Die Trying might be a match.

39 minutes ago, m0j0TX said:

Also, MAR is the Spanish word for "sea."

The French word for sea is "Mer," which is close, since they are both Romance languages derived from Latin, but I don't know. 


I only know this because I used to go to a South American restaurant that had a seafood bisque called "Sopa del Mar." 

I noticed what looks like waves of water on the bottom part of the text.  This fits.


There are still some mysteries remaining.


ORPGGs is possible but makes little sense.


YOP ???



With both arts in frame interpret as the future is ocean.



The highlight effect on the valve threads could indicate tick marks.  Four and four.


This valve still bugs me. 



This one too.


Do these controls the pipe.



What could be in these tanks?  My thoughts are some sort of fuel.





Do these controls need to thaw out?  Maybe make a fire close to them.




Tried to fit the landscape from the concept art.


This boat has an upper deck unlike the Harbinger.


The future ocean is being foreshadowed. 

The sardine is the Keymaster.

The bear is the Gatekeeper.


Line the coast with tins of sardines, lure bear down to the cannery and bait the orcas.

If I don not return then I am having a conversation with Jonah.


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The more I think about this, the more I wonder if Raphael was just messing with us, and that we're grasping at straws, trying to find meaning where there is none. 

Why do I think this? 

Puzzles haven't really been a big part of The Long Dark game experience, at least not to this degree, and not in Survival mode. For example, the door code to the workshop gives you an obvious clue, in the form of a note on the floor, that you need to go to the radio tower to get the code. If there was no note, and you just had to explore the whole region in order to find the code, then it might be reasonable to expect that there's some sort of hidden way to get into the workshop. However, based on how the rest of the game works, I think that if there was a short-cut, it would be reasonably obvious, or else there would be more direct hints about what you need to do.  

I could be wrong, of course, but I think that there is no short-cut, at least not yet. I think that if Hinterlands had intended for us to do something extraordinary, like using fires to thaw stuff out, or using gunpowder to blow something up, they would have dropped some sort of hint about it. 

Errant Pilgrim has been out for three weeks now, and multiple people have scoured the cannery area looking for a short-cut into the workshop. Nobody has found one yet, and neither Raphael, nor anyone else from Hinterlands, has spoken up with additional clues or clarifications, which leads me to believe this was either him messing with us, or else it's something they intend to add, but haven't done so yet. Or...maybe it's supposed to be there, but it's broken, and it's not a significant enough bug to justify someone working on it over the holidays.  

Hopefully someone from Hinterlands is reading this. 🙂


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5 minutes ago, ProsPex said:

What are we hoping? That decoding the graffiti will tell us what we have to do to find the shortcut?

Yes, I think that's the idea. There is no note, so maybe the graffiti offers a clue?

However, there is also graffiti stating pretty clearly that the wolves don't like the flares. There was nothing subtle or hidden about that. That's why I think that if there was a short-cut you could use to avoid the parkour route into the workshop, it would be pretty obvious. 


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As many of us have been trying to solve this issue of the shortcut, and no-one has yet succeed I think that the problem is too difficult.  I have given up trying.

If there is a shortcut, and it seems silly for there not to be, then I think that HTL would have done better using their time to make TLD more attractive to potential customers, and increase sales, rather than investing in challenging us old hands.  I have enjoyed trying to find a shortcut, in spite of failing, but such a strategy, at best is for the old hands, who have no need to buy the game, therefore don't produce income for HTL.  At worst it can irritate players who give negative reports on the game.

Don't get me wrong.  I think that TLD is the best game I have ever played and I think that there are a great many very clever aspects of game psychology in TLD.   I think that HTL has produced a superb game and I hope it continues to develop and have many, many others as happy as me with the game.


I missed the contribution from  m0j0TX  before I wrote this.  I agree with many of the points that he/she is making.

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17 hours ago, Ice Hole said:





KOP Orca

This appears in two locations.




I suspect this is related to this:


Note that the Orca to the bottom of the graffiti is smaller... a baby. With teeth marks in it (a bite taken out). I am not sure if there is actually a word there "Yo" or otherwise. The hole in what you see as an "O" could be symbolic of a hole in the heart of the Mother Orca, who carried that dead calf for over 2 weeks. In a known, and named pod, that has been in decline for some time, and has not had any babies documented for a long time. Orcas are in decline globally. But this story happened close to where Hinterland is HQ'd, so it may have hit home for them, and this is their documentation of their sadness over it. The endangered Southern Resident pods would be local to them, and known about.

Much as the final scene from Wintermute Episode 3 shows dead Orcas may also be a message about how humans, and the things we do, are killing them off, at an ever increasing rate...

And the pipe with water coming out, may be a reference to the Trans Mountain Pipeline. and others in Canada, that native peoples have been fighting to stop, for decades. To open the rivers and other waterways they pipelines have stopped, blocked, and caused loss of access to fresh water in some communities. Just guessing here, but... the game is political, whether you like it or. Almost all entertainment is, even if you do not understand the messages the creators were trying to send.

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Just a silly idea but an icebridge would be a terrific shortcut. Perhaps we need cold enough outside temperature to get the option to turn the valve and have the water flow from the pipe and make an icebridge to the pier. Would perhaps (and it's a big perhaps) work in reality below -70 C or so. 

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Happy New Year!


Why is one sardine grinning broadly and the other has sad face?  Also gold fins on the smiley.






Today I watched a vid from LMG "The Return of Fluffy".  The wolf is inside and is similar to the Carter Fluffy. The saddest thing I saw was this wolf running around with poor path finding.  How is this wolf surviving inside this cannery?  No food or water.   The timber wolves should be at odds with theses black wolves.  How is this wolf surviving surrounded by timber wolves?  It will end up dead just as the other wolf near the entrance to FM if the timber wolves are aware.  Does this wolf have a secret way in?  This confirms that there is another entrance. 

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