What is the 1 thing you enjoy most about The Long Dark?

Ryan CM

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  • 4 weeks later...

Indeed Lone Survivor, I agree.

It's hard though to pin down what I love the most. The strange peace of being alone and relying only on what, from our chaotic modern world, has survived the geomagnetic disaster.

Some people unfairly call TLD a walking simulator. It definitely isn't in my view. Yes there is *a lot* of walking but it is entirely in keeping with the premise of the TLD universe.

Then there is the incredible, frequently changing weather and landscape. Although all plunged into ice and snow it is infinitely beautiful. Walking through the world with just the sound of your footsteps and nature is one of the most immersive gaming experiences I've ever had.

I could live without the terrifying interludes with the wolves and bears, they make me jump out of my skin! But they are also a part of the wonder of TLD.

There is very little I *dont* like about this game. It is, quite simply, magnificent.

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  • 4 weeks later...

How relaxing it is. Wandering, looting, chilling on a campfire in a Cave with blizzards outside. It gets thrilling when you struggle with wolves, get lost in a Blizzard, but even on Interloper its so relaxing to just hunt, gather and survive. Its like a perfect balance, struggling with everything on the first 30 days, once you got started its so relaxing until the occasional mistakes with too much confidence against Wolves or weather. That kind of selfmade mistakes keep the game interesting even if youre well settled.

Now matter how long and stressful a day was, playing TLD for a few hours is like therapy.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Emphasis on "Survival".

I like to think there are 3 types of survival games: casual, midcore, and hardcore

Casual: Survival is just a minor feature you have to manage, majority of the game is about exploration, crafting and building (ex: Minecraft, Terraria, & Starbound)

Midcore: Survival requires more attention to manage, but its mostly basic and other gameplay features overshadow them. (ex: Raft, The Forest, & Ark)

Hardcore: Survival is brutal and unforgiving, a true test to how long you can stay alive before something brings your demise. (ex: The Long Dark, Don't Starve, & Green Hell)

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

As someone who's played Fallout for a good portion of my adult life...this game fills that "explore, gather, return" gameplay mode void that most games leave behind. I think of is the same way I do with Fallout...I'll bring everything home and when I'm fully stocked and can no longer find anything useful to me...I'll wait out the apocalypse in the solitude of my little hut.

As I roam Great Bear Island...every new can of food or tool I stumble across means I can spend just a little longer out in the harsh environment. The desire to see what's left to bring home outweighs the need to survive.

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On 3/28/2023 at 12:05 AM, RossBondReturns said:

Forsaken Airfield is no joke at all.

Forsaken Airfield is absolutely a joke. The only locations that have anything of value are the Main Hangar, Final Approach, and the coal tower in the Transfer Pass. The rest is just dead space- nothing of note.

I hope this changes in Signal Void.

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3 hours ago, JackTrysGames said:

Forsaken Airfield is absolutely a joke. The only locations that have anything of value are the Main Hangar, Final Approach, and the coal tower in the Transfer Pass. The rest is just dead space- nothing of note.

I hope this changes in Signal Void.

I love the wide open nature of Forsaken Airfield...it's the first region that's felt really truly accurate to the area it inhabits.
I love how you can go in very well prepared and get damn near wiped out if a blizzard hits...or a blizzard followed by that Glimmer Fog.

I mean it's no joke in that it's an incredibly dangerous region that can tear you up and spit you out on a whim.

I have to ask...did you find the 8 or 9 lore notes that have been part of Forsaken Airfield since it's introduction?

They hint at strange goings on pointing toward a very very interesting Signal Void.

IMHO Forsaken Airfield is one of the best put together regions...with natural rolling and uneven deadly landscapes...and they haven't had to make many changes at all the to items and hidden locations that already exist which is amazing considering it's vast size.


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6 hours ago, RossBondReturns said:

love the wide open nature of Forsaken Airfield...it's the first region that's felt really truly accurate to the area it inhabits.

This, its like Pleasent Valley, theres space for things. Makes it easier to navigate during high visibility, and a death sentence at low visibility. 

One problem tho is its not balanced for how our meters are balanced and time acceleration. But it's part of the challenge! 

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  • 4 weeks later...

In survival mode its a bit of everything, the music, the joy and peacefulness of being alone in the game except for the animals, the art style graphics', the views on both sunny days and snowy days, I like the views on snowy days better, and at night I enjoying watching the Aurora.

I always take a moment now and then to enjoy the view depending where I happen to be on what map.



Edited by Lone Walker
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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 months later...

I started playing DayZ for the survival aspect but hated dealing with the zombies.   I just recently stumbled across this game and I absolutely happy with it and no zombies.  I like the survival aspect and the constantly changing conditions and challenges.   I have always liked the idea of being alone and trying to sort out issues and survive and this game absolutely allows me to take on those challenges.

It isn't perfect, but depending on whom you speak with you will get a different answer or need or comment regarding the game.   I like everything I have dealt with so far and the game play I think is ideal for this type of situation.   I believe the developers have done an amazing job and my hats off to them.

I look forward to more exploring and surviving.

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This game got me through trying to finish up a degree before I hit age/level 40 back in '18. I got the game in '16. I was just okayish with survival games, but they usually had zombies or aliens or something unrealistic. Granted, TLD is unrealistic as well, and I hate the cold...  but as I was at the time living in Texas, I could more easily a cold-based game.

Now I live just a few hundred km southish of Toronto (though, I love Vancouver!) and we have winters here. And I don't like those. But, this game became my survival game and made me realize I need more of these (only closest thing was FC3, though I really like that stupid helicopter option in FC4)...

Seriously also, I swapped to Linux over 3 years ago and every issue I've had they've addressed with curiosity and interest to help that swath of player types. For that, I have been super appreciative. And, I've also not had any issues based on the OS for just under those 3 years!

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

That the challenge is in playing along (or against) Mother Nature. The meaning of the journey itself makes the story and how you need to do basic things to live another day and that again links back to playing along or against Mother Nature. The Choices.

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  • 3 months later...

I love experiencing and exploring the islands regions. From the abandoned structures and ship in desolate, to the awe inspiring mountain regions, scaling them to reach there tops. Watching the weather shift and turn. The aurora bringing the old machinery back alive. Even just staring along the coastlines at the distant islands and land. 

the atmosphere in this game is magnificent.

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