The Long Dark Hotfixed to V1.52 [48486]


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Hello community,

We hotfixed The Long Dark to v1.52 [48486].

If you still encounter issues while playing The Long Dark please visit our Support Portal.

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Note: Due to the Memorial Day holiday the Xbox release of Hotfix v1.52 may be slightly delayed. We are not sending this update to GOG as we anticipate releasing an additional Hotfix that will include these updates and more.


CHANGELIST v1.52 [48486]



*[Survival Mode] Arrows deflecting incorrectly off soft surfaces

*[Survival Mode] Arrows being pushed through ground in certain scenarios

*[Survival Mode] Arrows becoming stuck in the air after being fired



*General performance improvements across the game.

*Fixed issue where players could be pushed off ledges or through the world by an invisible “bubble”, including when traversing the exterior of Carter Dam.

*Fixed issue causing wildlife to become stuck and run in place in various areas.



*[Enviro] Numerous optimizations to improve performance.

*[Enviro] Fixed numerous issues causing players to become stuck in the environment.

*[Enviro] Fixed numerous issues allowing the player to get outside of the intended play area.

*[Enviro] Fixed numerous issues causing clipping and floating objects.

*[Enviro] Fixed issue causing an unintended low-res texture in Carter Dam.

*[Art] Fixed issue causing a stretched texture on large Water bottles.



*[UI] Fixed issues causing typos in some subtitles.

*[UI] Fixed issue where players were unable to use a controller button/keyboard key to access the "More Info" option when viewing the Journal.

*[UI] Updated Revolver description flavour text.

*[UI] Added flavour description text to Revolver Small Arms Handbook.

*[UI] Fixed issue causing missing “Duration Remaining” UI label on the Headache status.

*[UI] Fixed issue causing HUD status indicators to appear on Load Screens, if the status was triggered immediately before a scene transition.

*[UI] Updated HUD placement to avoid overlapping messages.

*[UI] Fixed issue causing the Improvised Head Wrap to appear incorrectly on the Clothing screen when combined with a second Hat layer.

*[UI] Fixed issue causing the player to become stuck in the New Game menu if they had more than the max saves allowed across all game modes.

*[UI] Fixed issue causing the UI to display more Fuel than was actually available, due to a rounding error.

*[UI] Updated Rabbit Carcass flavour text description to account for all harvest states.

*[UI] Fixed issue causing the End Credits to pause when finished and waiting for player input.



*[WINTERMUTE] Fixed a typo in the “Mystery Lake & Area” pamphlet Knowledge Item.

*[WINTERMUTE] Fixed issue that kept the Reishi Mushroom tooltip from appearing after collecting Reishi Mushrooms.

*[WINTERMUTE] Fixed issue causing the Journal shortcut to remain visible on-screen when Sleeping after the plane crash in Episode One.



*[Survival Mode] Fixed screen blurring after firing your last arrow.

*[Survival mode] Fixed issue where players were unable to climb up and dismount the rope outside an Ice Cave entrance in Hushed River Valley.

*[Survival Mode] Tuned damage dealt to Bears and Moose when using the Revolver.

*[Whiteout Challenge] Fixed issue causing new items to appear in the Quonset gas station at the start of the Challenge.

*[Custom Mode] Updated “Wildlife Respawn Frequency” tooltip description to match intended behaviour.



*[All] Fixed issue where players couldn’t interact with the world while reloading a weapon.

*[All] Fixed rare issue that would cause players to become stuck if grabbing a Rabbit while holding a gear item from their Backpack.

*[All] Fixed rare crash that would occur when taking High Resolution screenshots.



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2 hours ago, Admin said:

*[Custom Mode] Updated “Wildlife Respawn Frequency” tooltip description to match intended behaviour.

This is very important to me. Thanks!

I always played on "Low", because I thought that would mean less frequent respawns; then someone on the forum posted that it was the other way around, so I started a game on "High" respawn frequency. To be honest, I haven't really noticed much difference, but it will be good to know which one the is correct setting for what I want my game to be like.

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I also wish to express my thanks for the update.

I would, however, like to ask that you get rid of the "delay" when picking up items.  We used to be able to double-click to quickly pick up items on the ground.  There is now a delay after the first click - please set it back to the way it was.

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Just now, hozz1235 said:

I also wish to express my thanks for the update.

I would, however, like to ask that you get rid of the "delay" when picking up items.  We used to be able to double-click to quickly pick up items on the ground.  There is now a delay after the first click - please set it back to the way it was.

We are aware of this and looking into it.

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17 minutes ago, ShpongleBo said:

Hey guys,

I've noticed a sound glitch since the steadfast update which regular occurs during blizzards. There is no wind sound. It generally fixes if you rest.


Do you mean the thing where if you step outside during a blizzard, then back indoors, the blizzard sound stops? Then if you immediately step outside again, the blizzard is still going full force? Because, yes, the same thing is happening here.

Edited to add: I haven't encountered a blizzard since this hotfix dropped, so it might no longer be doing that.

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Thanks for the update, I’m glad to let @Admin and @Raphael van Lierop that the constant crashes on PS4 seem to be fixed. But I wonder, will you ever fix the problem that cause the items dropped on soft surfaces to assume random positions? Very annoying especially with meat pieces.

Also, the meat placed on a cooking slot makes a “cooking noise” even when there is no fire going. 

I love your game and your dedication.

Thank you!

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9 hours ago, hozz1235 said:

I would, however, like to ask that you get rid of the "delay" when picking up items.  We used to be able to double-click to quickly pick up items on the ground.  There is now a delay after the first click - please set it back to the way it was.


6 hours ago, Wade said:

Is there any way for me to roll this update back?  I can't play with this annoying delay on picking up items.

I'm getting this too. It's pretty dangerous when attempting to pick items up quickly to avoid falling through the ice while beachcombing.

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20 minutes ago, Hawk said:

I get the same thing during blizzards. For me it's when I hear a blizzard when I'm inside, then step outside and the sound is gone, even though the blizzard is still blowing.

Has anyone reported this through the support portal? I wasn't going to if I was the only one with the issue.

I'm still on 1.50.

I have the same issue and I reported it on the support portal a couple of days ago. But the more people report the same issue, the higher it will get on the priorities list, I guess. I expected it to be fixed with the new update, but nothing so far. At least, it is not listed in the change log, so I have to assume that it is not fixed.

And now this delay in pick up click. Personally, I don't care so much, but it is unfortunate that since a couple of update, each of them introduce undesired negative effect which take the attention away from the good stuff. That must be frustrating for the team. At the same time, this delay is noticeable for anyone that played the game for at least 5 minutes, so people can hardly be forgiving on this one.

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Thanks for the update!

Can confirm about the slight delay between clicks when picking items up off the ground. Doesn't bother me one bit. 😁

Also no complaints about interior lighting. I know this has been a bone of contention in the community, but I personally like it when interior locations are dark, when the time of day is appropriate. It justifies bringing out the storm lantern to see where I'm going. So please, keep interior locations dark at night, but visible during daylight.

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16 hours ago, ChillPlayer said:

Thanks for the update and the work you're constantly putting into the game!

However, one fix is missing: *[ALL] lowered chance 10-fold for getting a sprain :D


Easy fix for that. *Pay attention* to the slope indicator. Don't make a habit of traveling whilst encumbered. If you must traverse travel whilst encumbered and/or up or down a slope slow the heck way down. Also, try not to travel while exhausted. If you do, again, slow down.

Do those simple things and you should rarely get a sprain. 

Hinterland gave the slope indicator and the sprain risk warnings to help us know when sprains were a real possibility.

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