Question Thread :: Milton Mailbag


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Would you consider introducing alcohol into the game? Maybe a mental health mechanic with alcohol being positive as well as negstive depending on volume?

I like having tea and coffee in the game and think alcohol would be an interesting addition. 

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Would you ever consider adding a mechanic to put clothes on the various corpses scattered around?  After a few hundred days or so, when the character is really starting to lose it, he/she could run dead body fashion shows.  Oooooh, and you could add makeup to the game for the corpse fashion shows!  I can see it now..."And here we have Steve wearing a fetching ensemble from Cabela's, though that left sock is looking a little torn.  Probably a post-apocalyptic derivative from Mugatu's abortive 'Derelicte' campaign, but Steve is so rocking it!"

Sooo....any plans in the works for something like this? :D

Edited by Sunwolf
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As a teenager, I have been thoroughly playing Ultima Underworld (and more recently, Ultima Underworld II) . I remember the box, with it's disks and of course the map of the first level of the Stygian Abyss. I have never really immersed in a first person game to that extent ever since, except for playing pinball fantasies, perhaps, growling at the machine :). Although, I must admit I am not a connaisseur on (survival) games, so perhaps it has his counterparts. To me, The Long Dark comes close to the  beauty and atmosphere (look through Ultima's pixels). My compliments to the chefs at Hinterland.

What I loved about this Ultima Underworld game, apart from the music, gloomy atmosphere and the suspense was the bartering system (trading items) and trying to figure out weird languages (anyone talking salamander?). The latter is of course more of the fantasy kind of thing, but the bartering is something that I would imagine one doing in a barren world (apart from shooting each other to survive, that is, apparently). Is Ultima Underworld a game that many in the studio are familiar with and am I right that it resembles in quite a few ways? (I could be talking about including a map of Bear Island in the box, as is going to happen)  I was wondering to what extent trading items could add up to players' story.

Edited by Luciën
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so question: in the beginning of episode 1 when you are trapped in the ravine your quest at a certain point is to prepare yourself a meal bu you have  no cooking pot so are forced to eat the deer meat that you get raw. Will that be changed? will there be a cooking pot drop there somewhere?

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2 hours ago, amorphea said:

so question: in the beginning of episode 1 when you are trapped in the ravine your quest at a certain point is to prepare yourself a meal bu you have  no cooking pot so are forced to eat the deer meat that you get raw. Will that be changed? will there be a cooking pot drop there somewhere?

You can cook the meat on the rock next to the campfire, no pot needed.


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Question, could episodes One and Two possibly be re-released before episode Three? By a week or two? Because, as much as I'd really like to play them over before No 3, I suspect the overwhelming desire to know what happens in No. 3 will mean I'll go straight to it.  You know what they say, "I can resist everything except temptation"


Edited by Rusty_Old_F250
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I think most Indie devs, whose game gets big, have that "OMG, I can't believe my game got so big, so fast!" thought. Probably pretty often, after it gets big and the small team tries to keep up with production demands. 

That said, I would be interesting in knowing how you first envisioned the game size-wise, when your decided on the basic concept, and decided to give it a go, making it real. Did you expect it to stay small, just the original region, much smaller episodes for the story mode, much shorter playtime for most owners? I know you did not originally develop the sandbox (now called Survival) mode to be a separate game mode, that it grew a fan following, and developed its own cult.  Did you ever think your studio's first game would grow as much as it has? TL;DR- did you think it would stay small, and generate just enough money to expand the studio a little, and buy new equipment, to make the next game?

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I've died and almost died from this mechanic so many times when I had plenty of perfectly edible food, Xbox one edition. When you go to place food on a cooking stone or stove you go to the quick menu and press y on the food item but often times I'll acctiddentaly press a and eat the raw meat. I think in the event your about to eat raw meat the game should ask are you sure so you don't accidentally kill yourself it would be very nice. Thank you

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Quick update with 2 items:

  • Please ensure you're asking questions. Don't debate other people's questions or make "Wish List" type suggestions. There are other forums and other threads for that.
  • Our next Mailbag will be in two weeks as the team focuses on the content announced in this week's Dev Diary

Please keep leaving questions as we think this has been valuable so far.

Once again thank you so much for your support and your excellent questions!

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Hi Team,

Will there be a updated overview map published by you officially including milton and all other new added areas so far?

I've added the old one as a reference. That would be really helpful! (Probably also again with Episode 3 and beyond marked areas for anticipation :-))


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Did someone on your staff have a bad experience with tinned sardines? Because I am certain that I have gotten food poisoning from sardines more often than everything else put together, by a very wide margin. :D I don't even eat them anymore at under eighty percent unless absolutely necessary.

Also, first post here, love this game so much and really looking forward to the new episode(s). I grew up in the midwest with a father who loves camping, foraging, hunting, fishing, and survival. As a kid back in the days of 8-bit consoles, riding my bike to school in the winter, hiking with my dad, playing at the local creek, or camping, I imagined a game almost exactly like The Long Dark, and playing it is like seeing that become real. Thanks for that. I hope someday to see a sequel with changing seasons. That would be epic. 

Edited by Chrysoprace
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Why have candles, binoculars and a rifle scope not found their way into the game?

These items have landed on the wishlist on these forums countless times since the first days, I think they would make sense both theme-wise and mechanics-wise, and I can't see any reason - apart from potential technical issues - why they never came. I imagine that the graphical zoom binoculars or a scope would allow might cause technical problems with the graphics (maybe performance loss, maybe the game is technically not set up to enable a zoom, maybe it would interfere with spawn distances of animals, whatever). With candles maybe it causes problems that... they would have to become smaller and smaller while burning? For candles I really can't come up with an explanation really.

For all the items named above it is not bugging me that they are not there. But it is somehow bugging me that I don't understand WHY they are not there. So a brief explanation would put my mind at rest, and maybe other minds as well...

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