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Everything posted by SpanishMoss

  1. New arrows is something that has been hinted at for a while, these would make some good ideas for the dev team to use.
  2. Wolf AI has gotten better at pathfinding to places that it used to not be able to, such as some porches, caves, and other outdoor buildings. While the wolves don't really come into the hut very often, they are more likely to grab you through the wall. This is even more common when it is a bear, as their hit box to be grabbed it much larger. Standing in the middle of the hut, or not agro-ing a wolf before going in can help avoid that issue
  3. Co-op mode has been suggested about 1000+ times on this forums, and the answer (from hinterland) is no, the game mechanics are just too deeply rooted in single player, that they would all have to be changed or modified to enable multiplayer. Hinterland is a smaller dev team, so it would take 2+ years to even come close to implementing co-op. It would be more efficient to make an entirely new game rather than to modify this one. Please... stop asking about co-op, its not happening.
  4. Reduce the wildlife sound in the settings menu. esc > options > audio > wildlife sounds > lower it . Or just lower your master sound
  5. Ignore the weird spoiler tags idk what they are doing, they are both for the hunted part 2.
  6. Once you complete a challenge, there isn't much motivation to do it again. I propose that once you complete a challenge, more challenges based off of the the original challenge, let me explain. For example, if you complete Hopeless Rescue for the first time, you will get the badge, but also unlock conditional challenges, such as complete Hopeless Rescue, but without using guns, or complete Hopeless Rescue, but the dam is locked, meaning you cant use it to get to Pleasant Valley, etc. This would apply to all challenges, and there would be 2-3 types modifications to the original challenge. Badges: The first badge will remain the same, completing the challenge for the first time. But there will be another badge called <challenge name> mastery badge, (Hopeless Rescue Mastery Badge, for example). This badge would be acquired by completing all of the different conditional challenges for that category. This means there will now be 2 badges for each challenge, one for first completion, and one for completing all of the sub-challenges in that category. As for what each of the conditions for the challenges are I will leave that up to you, comment below what conditions that could be added to each challenge to make it harder. (2-3 sub challenges for each challenge) Here are the ones I would like to see Hopeless Rescue Guns do not spawn, and the flare gun case only has one shell in it (which you have to use at the end) The door to the dam is locked, and the winding river cave (on both ends) is blocked, meaning you will have to go through Costal Highway. Nomad There are 3 more locations to visit, and they are in far off regions You must stay 4 days at each location, and only have 70 days to complete the challenge (4 days x 15 locations = 60 days, + 10 for moving in between) Whiteout You will only have 25 days to complete it, and loot spawns 5% less frequently Escape the Dark Walker Campfires do not have loot next to them (except for the page and glyph spray) they last half as long, and are half as warm. Fog appears 15% faster, the dark walker moves 10% faster, and glyphs have a 15% shorter duration Hunted Part One The flare gun does not spawn (yes it is possible) The Winding river entrance is blocked (meaning you have to go to coastal highway, then the ravine) The Hunted Part Two (spoilers) Archivist You have a time limit (idk how long) Guns do not spawn, and all loot it 15% less frequent As the Dead Sleep The stim does not spawn (Have fun with that)
  7. To clarify, you are looking for a custom game code that has settings that are as close to real life as possible? (Also I would recommend something between voyager and stalker for the most realistic.)
  8. Have you ever found a un-repairable item that has a random condition at 100%? Post pictures of the item's you found on this thread below.
  9. Check all around the area where you found this box, it should be with all other loot in the ground, or in the box
  10. The purpose of improvised clothing is to create a way to prevent frostbite when you don't have a hat or gloves. A cloak or underwear like you suggested would not be needed for that purpose, and improvised shoes are out of the question.
  11. I don't know if this will fix it, but it may refresh the counter, allowing you to add a new save game. C:\Users\<youraccountname>\AppData\Local\Hinterland, and rename the file called "LongDarkNoSync" to something like "LongDarkNoSyncBack". Open the game and check if it worked. If it didn't DO NOT CHANGE THE FILE NAME OF "LongDark" That may cause the game to lose all your other saves. (SIDE NOTE: Do not do this without checking first with others in the community, wait for someone to comment on my post before going through with it)
  12. Most actions that are cancelable can be stopped by pressing esc meaning you don't have click the cancel button every time you want to stop an action
  13. Sorry, I forgot to mention in my post that multiple shots to one area increase crit chance, even if that area does not have a starting crit chance, meaning shooting the foot repeatedly, (however unlikely) can result in a crit. As for "damage" in the skill progression, that reduces the time it takes to bleed out, for example 60min>55min.
  14. No, they do not have "hp". When they are hit, RNG is rolled, if the hit is a crit, then the animal dies. If it's not, then based on the location, a bleed-out timer is set, and once it runs out, the animal dies. If you shoot it again, then RNG is rolled again for a crit, if no crit, then nothing happens, as there is already a bleed out timer active. You can only crit an animal in the head or chest, otherwise it will only ever take bleed damage. Some spots (like the foot) will bleed, but will stop bleeding before the animal dies.
  15. I like the idea of more flora in the game, however for balancing purposes it has be be thought about very carefully. When you add something useful into the game, you have to make something else harder, or make the item hard to get (like with the crampons and technical pack, they are put in a hard to get to region as a way to balance their useful ability's) If new wild flora are added, they should be unique to a region. I would say either broken railroad or hushed river valley, as there isn't much motivation to go to those regions in a long term game, adding a unique aspect such as useful flora into those regions would incite people to go there. If something new (that is helpful) is added, something else needs to be harder (or the item has to be hard to get).
  16. I would like to preface this post by saying that all of the ideas below do not affect actual gameplay, they are simply for immersion purposes. I have two separate possible additions to held item animations, but I don't think both types should be used, rather one or the other, see option A or B below Option A This would apply to most of the held items, and that would be to do something with the time when it is "empty". For example with the rifle, when pulling out an empty rifle, the character would draw back the bolt halfway open, and tilt the gun to peer inside, seeing it empty, prompting the player to reload. For the revolver, the character would open the cylinder and spin it to find that it is empty before putting it back into place. I should note that when the player pulls out the item, there will be a short delay before the animation plays, allowing the player to reload. The animation can also be canceled at anytime by aiming, reloading or putting it away. For the Storm Lantern, if it is empty or completely full, the character will shake the lantern, and a sound of nothing or gas sloshing around will indicate if it is full or not. With the Flashlight, if the battery is dead, the character will turn the flashlight on its side as if inspecting it, and then uselessly click the button a few times. The torch, stone, flare and marine flare, bow and flare gun will not have animations. (the flare gun might be able to though). Option B These animations, instead of occurring when taking out an item, would occur randomly while holding that item. The same animations would be used for the items, but with a few more exceptions: The flashlight animations can only occur if the battery is dead. The storm lantern animation can occur at any fill level, but there would be 4 different sounds: full, partially full, very low, and empty. The rifle and revolver animations can occur with any amount of bullets, but to prevent issues when hunting or being chased by wildlife, the animations cannot occur when crouching, or when being tracked by hostile wildlife (the game CAN track this as music plays when a wolf spots you). There would also be a ~10 minute timer between these animations before the random occurrences can happen to prevent unrealistically checking your items too frequently. -SpanishMoss
  17. The snow shelter is one of those things that gets neglected very often, and I think it has even been forgotten by the devs. The UI for the snow shelter is unique, it features a list on the left side of the screen prompting the player to use, repair or dismantle it. However, I purpose the UI should be changed. Instead of having a unique and fairly bland UI, the UI should be updated to look like that of the start fire UI. This would be more inline with the current UI's of TLD, and not reflect the past UI's (as that is when the shelter was designed around). -SpanishMoss
  18. This seems like a problem that could be solved easily by just putting things into a container. If you drop 30 sticks on the ground, you should have thought ahead and put them in a box for easier access. Plus, items in a container take longer to degrade than items on the floor.
  19. I don't know for sure but I believe you have to discover a book to unlock the wild flora recipes.
  20. I agree, what I suggested is quite complex for a minor feature, but a nice one to have. I was mostly looking at the fact that you might not have a hat, but an expedition parka with a fluffy and warm hood, and it seems to be neglected. If the devs wanted a feature to add when they had no ideas, this one would be perfect.
  21. Lots of clothing items have hoods, and some of them look very warm, but you can't ever wear the hoods. When you first make a wolf skin coat, you always think you are going to look like (ep2 spoilers) . But you don't get to. Unfortunately, all hoods are non-functional, I propose that is changed. When you equip a clothing item that has a hood, not only does it count for that clothing slot, it will also can count for the head slot. The hood will mostly provide a factor of the main clothing items' Wind Resistance, while having an even lower factor of Warmth (like 25% of the wind resistance, and 10% of the warmth). To make this not OP, the hood cannot protect against frostbite risk, BUT it will reduce the speed at which you get frostbite, like ~15% slower. Also, only the outermost clothing item's hood can be used, and therefore only one clothing item may have its hood up at a time. The hood will also always be in the the outer most head slot, opposite an item like the balaclava. This limits its usability, to make it sometimes a helpful tool, but other times it may be worse than other options. If the clothing item has 0 wind/warmth, the hood does too. If the main item is wet/frozen, the hood will have the same % wet/frozen as the main item. How the other stats of the hood work: Weight: when wearing the hood, a factor of the main clothing items weight is subtracted from that item, the amount removed is then the weight of the hood. Say you have a 3kg jacket, and remove 10% of that jacket as the weight of the hood, the jacket will now weight 2.7kg, and the hood will be 0.3kg. Waterproofness: Will be the same as the main item. Protection: -10% of the main items' protection, and add that to the hoods protection. Sprint reduction: always 0. Condition: the same as the main item, degrades at the same time as the main item. Other: Taking off the main clothing item will also remove the respective hoods. if you put on a new clothing item overtop of an existing clothing item that has its' hood up, the hood of the under clothing item will be removed. The hood cannot be salvaged/repaired separately, when you open the action menu from the hood, you will get the main clothing item's menu. Suggestions? -SpanishMoss
  22. The short answer: No, wolf difficulty does not change with region (not counting Bleak Inlets' Timberwolves), difficulty DOES scale with the mode you are playing in. If you start a custom game, you have the option to control the wolf difficulty.
  23. I don't play on voyager, only on stalker, so I don't know the big differences between the two, but I will explain what I know here. Cabin Fever, is a thing, don't stay inside 24/7, try to go outside often. Intestinal Parasites', Eating wolf or bear meat will give you an afflictions called "Risk of Intestinal Parasites", the % of that bar that is filled is the % chance of getting intestinal parasites from wolf or bear meat. Not eating wolf or bear meat for about 24-48hr (idk the exact time) will get rid of the risk (making is 0% for your next meat) The Wolves, wolf AI is much less forgiving, wolves can now hear you moving, and will walk over to investigate the sound, even though they don't actually see you. And if they're close enough, they can even hear you while crouch walking before they see you. This action of hearing but not seeing you is similar to a wolf investigating a stone that has been thrown. The wolves also can see/hear/smell you from a mile a way making it hard to avoid them in confined areas. Food, There is less food in the world, and Will/Astrid will need a lot more calories to stay above starving. If you do try to go for Well Fed, it is almost impossible to maintain it with only food you find, you will need to hunt most of it. Loot availably, Loot is not nearly as common, but the loot you do find is sufficient to meet your needs (ie basic tools, some starting food, cloth ) But you will have the most difficulty finding the important tools, such as the hatchet and knife, and you may need to forge your own. Guns, they are about the same as voyager, ammo for the rifle is somewhat hard to come by, and revolver ammo is plentiful, I was able to find 50 revolver bullets in just 2 zones. Clothing, it is hard to find good clothing early on, stuff like the good coats, snow pants, or mukluks will be very rare to find. I recommend you look into getting animal fur clothing when you are able to hunt. Weather/temperature, blizzards and cold temperatures are much more likely in stalker, although it is quite manageable early game. late game stalker weather becomes much less bearable without good clothing, so if you do stay interested 'till late game, make sure you have fur clothing. Going to Interloper, if you plan on going to interloper, I myself don't play it, but found that the few times I did, I had a strong reliance on guns. The bow takes a while to get, so the only way to avoid wolf attacks early on (without shelter) is a campfire, which isn't always possible with the weather. If you do want to go up, try to avoid using guns in stalker as much as possible, and make a bow and get good with it. Good luck on your stalker adventures! -SpanishMoss
  24. There is one place I know that for sure there is a secret item. In Grey Mother's house in Milton (the biggest house in Milton), on the second floor there is a closet, in the closet there are two shelves. The shelf on the far wall is covered by some break-down-able cloth. Behind this cloth there can be some cool items, i've found a cured rabbit pelt, a bottle of water, and gun ammo behind there.